
Textus Receptus Bibles

The Great Bible 1539


24:1Consyderinge then that there is no tyme hid from the Almyghtie, how happeneth it, that they which knowe hym, do not regarde his dayes?
24:2For some men there be, that remoue other mens landemarkes: that robbe them of their catell, and kepe the same for theyr awne:
24:3that dryue awaye the asse of the fatherlesse: that take the wyddowes oxe for a pledge:
24:4that thrust the poore out of the waye, and oppresse the simple of the worlde together.
24:5Beholde, euen as the wylde asses in the deserte goo they forth to their worke, and ryse by tymes to spoyle: Yee the very wyldernesse ministreth foode for their chyldren.
24:6They reape the corne felde that is not their awne: and let the vyneyarde of the vngodly alone.
24:7They are the cause that so many men are naked and bare, hauinge no clothes to couer them and to kepe them from colde:
24:8So that when the showers in the mountaynes haue rayned vpon them, & they be all wett, they haue none other succoure, but to kepe them amonge the rockes.
24:9They spoyle the suckinge fatherlesse childe, and take the pledge from the poore.
24:10In somoch that they let him go naked without clothing, and haue taken awaye the sheafe of the hungrie.
24:11The poore are fayne to laboure in their oyle milles, yee, and to treade in theyr wyne presses, and yet to suffre thyrst.
24:12The men of the cytie crieth vnto the Lorde with sything, the soules of the slayue also make theyr complainte: But God destroyeth them not for all this,
24:13where as they (not withstandinge) are conuersaunt amonge them that abhorre the lyght: they knowe not hys waye, ner contynue in his pathes.
24:14Tymely in the mornynge do they aryse, to murthur the symple and poore, and in the nyght they go a stealynge.
24:15The eye of the aduolterer wayteth for the darcknesse, and sayeth thus in him selfe: Tush, there shall no eye se me, and so he disgiseth his face.
24:16In the night ceason they search the houses, and hyde them selues in the daye tyme, but will not knowe the light.
24:17For as soone as the daye breaketh, the shadowe of death commeth vpon them, and they go in horrible darcknesse.
24:18The vngodly is swyfter then the water: their porcion shalbe cursed in the earth, and he shall not beholde the waye of the vineyardes.
24:19O that they (for the wickednesse which they haue done) were drawen to the hell, soner then snowe melteth at the drouth and heate.
24:20O that all compassion vpon them were forgotten: that their daynties were wormes, that they were cleane put out of remembraunce, and vngodlynesse vtterly hewen downe lyke as a tre.
24:21He hath oppressed the baren, that he cannot beare, and vnto the wyddowe hath he done no good.
24:22He drue the mightie after hym with his power, and when he was gotten vp, no man was without feare, as longe as he lyueth.
24:23And though they might be safe, yet they wyll not receaue it, for their eyes loke vpon their awne wayes.
24:24They are exalted for a lytle, but shortly are they gone, brought to extreme pouerte, and taken out of the waye: ye and vtterly pluckte of, as the eares of corne.
24:25Is it not so? Who wyll then reproue me as a lyar, and saye that my wordes are nothynge worth?
The Great Bible 1539

The Great Bible 1539

The Great Bible of 1539 was the first authorized edition of the Bible in English, authorized by King Henry VIII of England to be read aloud in the church services of the Church of England. The Great Bible was prepared by Myles Coverdale, working under commission of Thomas, Lord Cromwell, Secretary to Henry VIII and Vicar General. In 1538, Cromwell directed the clergy to provide "one book of the bible of the largest volume in English, and the same set up in some convenient place within the said church that ye have care of, whereas your parishioners may most commodiously resort to the same and read it."