
Textus Receptus Bibles

The Great Bible 1539


20:1Then answered Sophar the Naamathite, and sayde.
20:2For the same cause do my thoughtes compell me to answere. And why? my mynde is ready within me.
20:3I haue sufficiently herde thy checking and reprofe, therfore am I purposed to make answere after myne vnderstandynge.
20:4Knowest thou not this, namely: that from the begynnyng (euer sence the creacion of man vpon earth)
20:5the gladnes of the vngodly hath bene shorte, and that the ioye of ypocrites continued but the twyncklynge of an eye?
20:6Though he be magnified vp to the heauen, so that his head reacheth vnto the cloudes:
20:7yet at a turne he perisheth for euer. Insomoch that they which haue sene hym, shall saye. Where is he?
20:8He shall vanysh as a dreame, so that he can no more be founde, and shall passe awaye as a vision in the nyght.
20:9So that the eye which sawe hym before, shall haue nomore syght of hym, and hys place shall knowe hym nomore.
20:10Hys chyldren shall be fayne to agree with the poore, and his handes shall restore them their goodes.
20:11From his youth his bones are full of pleasures, but now shall it lye downe within him in the earth.
20:12When wyckednesse, was swete in his mouth, he hid it vnder hys tonge.
20:13That he fauoured, that wolde he not forsake, but kepte it close in his throte.
20:14The breade that he dyd eate, is turned to the poyson of serpentes, within his body.
20:15The ryches that he deuoured, shall he perbrake agayne, for God shall drawe them out of his bely,
20:16he shal sucke the gall of serpentes, and the adders tonge shall slaye hym:
20:17so that he shall nomore se the ryuers and brokes of hony and butter.
20:18The thing that other men haue laboured for, shall he restore agayne, and shall not eate it vp. Greate trauayle shall he make for ryches, but he shall not enioye them.
20:19And why? he hath oppressed the poore, & not helped them: houses hath he spoyled, & not buylded them.
20:20His bely coulde neuer be fylled, therfore shall he perishe in hys coueteousnesse.
20:21There shall none of hys meats be left behinde, therfore shall no man loke for hys prosperite.
20:22Whan he had plenteousnesse of euery thynge, yet was he poore, though he was helped on euery syde.
20:23For though the wycked haue neuer somoch to fyll his bely, yet God shall sende his wrath vpon him, and cause his indignacyon to raygne ouer him:
20:24so that yf he fle the yron weapens, he shall be shott wt the stele bowe.
20:25The arowe is taken forth, and gone out of the quyuer, & a glystering sweard thorowe the gall of him, feare shall come vpon hym.
20:26There shall no darcknes be able to hyde him An vnkyndled fyre shall consume him, and loke what remayneth in hys house, it shall be destroyed.
20:27The heauen shall declare hys wyckednesse, and the earth shall take parte agaynst him.
20:28The substaunce that he hath in hys house, shalbe taken awaye and peryshe in the daye of the Lordes wrath.
20:29This is the porcyon that the wycked man shall haue of God, and the herytage that he maye loke for of God. because of his wordes.
The Great Bible 1539

The Great Bible 1539

The Great Bible of 1539 was the first authorized edition of the Bible in English, authorized by King Henry VIII of England to be read aloud in the church services of the Church of England. The Great Bible was prepared by Myles Coverdale, working under commission of Thomas, Lord Cromwell, Secretary to Henry VIII and Vicar General. In 1538, Cromwell directed the clergy to provide "one book of the bible of the largest volume in English, and the same set up in some convenient place within the said church that ye have care of, whereas your parishioners may most commodiously resort to the same and read it."