
Textus Receptus Bibles

The Great Bible 1539


34:1Elihu proceadynge forth in hys answere, sayd:
34:2Heare my wordes (O ye wyse men) herken vnto me, ye that haue vnderstandynge.
34:3For the eare proueth and discerneth the wordes, and the mouth tasteth the meates:
34:4As for iudgement, let vs seke it out amonge oure selues, that we may knowe what is good.
34:5And why? Iob hath sayde: I am ryghteous, but God doth me wronge.
34:6I must neades be a lyer, though my cause me ryght, and violently I am plaged where as I made no faut:
34:7where is there soch a one as Iob, that drincketh vp scornefulnes lyke water?
34:8whych goeth in the company of wycked doers, and walketh wyth vngodly men?
34:9For he hath sayed: Though a man be good, yet is he naught before God.
34:10Therfore herken vnto me, ye that haue vnderstandynge. Farre be it from God, that he shuld medle wyth wickednesse: and farre be it from the Almyghtye, that he shulde medle wyth vnryghteous dealynge:
34:11For he shall reward the worckes of man, and cause euery man to fynde accordynge to his wayes.
34:12For sure it is, that God condemneth no man wrongefully, and the iudgement of the Almyghtye is not vnryghteous.
34:13Who ruleth the earth in his steade? Or, whom hath he sett to gouerne the whole worlde?
34:14To whom hath he geuen hys herte, for to drawe hys sprete and breth vnto hym?
34:15All flesh shall come together vnto naught, and all men shall turne agayne vnto dust.
34:16If thou now haue vnderstandyng, heare what I saye, and herken to the voyce of my wordes?
34:17Maye he be a ruler, that loueth no ryght? Or maye he that is a very innocent man, do vngodly?
34:18Is it reason, that thou shuldest saye to the kynge: Thou art wicked, or, thou art vngodly, and that before the prynces?
34:19He hath no respecte vnto the personnes, of the lordly, and regardeth not the rych more then the poore. For they be all the worcke of hys handes.
34:20In the twyncklinge of an eye shall they dye: and at mydnight, when the people and the tyrauntes rage, then shall they perish, and be taken awaye without handes.
34:21And why? his eyes loke vpon the wayes of man, and he seyth all hys goynges.
34:22There is no darcknes nor shadowe of death, that can hyde the wycked doers from hym.
34:23For no man shalbe suffred to go into iudgement wt God.
34:24Many one: yee innumerable doth he punyshe, & setteth other in their steades.
34:25Therfore shall he declare their worckes, he shall turne the nyght, and they shall be destroyed.
34:26They that were in the steade of Sears, dealt lyke vngodly men:
34:27and therfore he punyshed them, because they turned back from hym, and wolde not consyder all hys wayes.
34:28In so moch that they haue caused the voyce of the poore to come vnto hym, and now he heareth the complaynte of soche as are in trouble.
34:29If he graunte pardon, who wyll condemne? And yf he hyde awaye hys countenaunce, who shalbe able to se it? whether it be to the people or to any man, thus wyll he do.
34:30For the vngodlynesse of the people, doth God make an ypocrite to reygne, ouer them.
34:31For so moch then as I haue begonne to talke of God, I will not hyndre the.
34:32If I haue gone a mysse, enfourme thou me: yf I haue done wronge, I will leaue of.
34:33Can he do nothinge without the? For thou hast reproued hys iudgement. Thou also hast thyne awne mynde and not I.
34:34But speake on what thou knowest. Let men of vnderstonding tell me, and let a wyse man herken vnto me.
34:35As for Iob, he hath nether spoken to the purpose nor wisely.
34:36O father, let Iob be well tryed, because he hath answered for wycked men:
34:37yee, aboue his synne he doth wyckedly: triumpheth amonge vs, and multiplieth hys wordes agaynst God.
The Great Bible 1539

The Great Bible 1539

The Great Bible of 1539 was the first authorized edition of the Bible in English, authorized by King Henry VIII of England to be read aloud in the church services of the Church of England. The Great Bible was prepared by Myles Coverdale, working under commission of Thomas, Lord Cromwell, Secretary to Henry VIII and Vicar General. In 1538, Cromwell directed the clergy to provide "one book of the bible of the largest volume in English, and the same set up in some convenient place within the said church that ye have care of, whereas your parishioners may most commodiously resort to the same and read it."