
Textus Receptus Bibles

The Great Bible 1539


27:1And Iob proceaded & went forth in hys communicacyon, sayeng:
27:2As truly as God lyueth (which hath taken awaye my iudgement) and the Almightie, that hath vexed my mynde:
27:3My lyppes shal talke of no vanyte, and my tonge shall speake no dysceate,
27:4whyle my breth is in me, and as longe as the wynde (that God hath geuen me) is in my nostrels.
27:5God forbid, that I shulde graunte youre cause to be ryght. As for me, vntyil myne ende come wyll I neuer goo fro myne innocency.
27:6My ryghtwes dealynge kepe I fast, which I wyll not forsake: my hert shall not reproue me of my dayes.
27:7Therfore, myne enemy shalbe founde as the vngodly, and he that taketh parte agaynst me, as the vnryghteous.
27:8For what hope hath the ypocryte though he haue greate good, and though God geue him riches after his hertes desyre?
27:9Doth God heare him the soner, when he crieth vnto him in hys necessite?
27:10Hath he soch pleasure and delyte in the Almightye, that he darre alwaye call vpon God?
27:11I wyll teach you in the name of God, and the thinge that I haue of the Almyghtie, will I not kepe from you,
27:12Beholde, ye stande in youre awne conceate, as though ye knewe all thynges. Wherfore then do ye go aboute with soch vayne wordes,
27:13sayenge. This is the porcion that the wycked shall haue of God, and the heretage that Tyrauntes shall receaue of the Almyghtie.
27:14If he get many children, they shall perish with the swerde, and his posterite shall haue scarcenesse of bred.
27:15Loke whom he leaueth behinde him, they shall dye and be buried, and no man shall haue pitye of hys wyddowes.
27:16Though he haue as moch money as the dust of the earth, and rayment as ready as the claye,
27:17he maye well prepare it: but the godly shall put it vpon hym, and the innocent shall deale out the money.
27:18His house shall endure as the moth, and as a boothe that the watch man maketh.
27:19When the ryche man dyeth, he carieth nothynge with him: he is gone in the twyncklinge of an eye and hath nothynge.
27:20Destruccion taketh holde vpon him as a water floude, & the tempest stealeth him awaye in the nyght season.
27:21A vehement east winde caryeth hym hence, and departeth, a storme plucketh hym oute of his place.
27:22It russheth in vpon him, and spareth hym not, he maye not escape from the power therof.
27:23Then clappe men their handes at him, yee, & ieast of hym when they loke vpon his place.
The Great Bible 1539

The Great Bible 1539

The Great Bible of 1539 was the first authorized edition of the Bible in English, authorized by King Henry VIII of England to be read aloud in the church services of the Church of England. The Great Bible was prepared by Myles Coverdale, working under commission of Thomas, Lord Cromwell, Secretary to Henry VIII and Vicar General. In 1538, Cromwell directed the clergy to provide "one book of the bible of the largest volume in English, and the same set up in some convenient place within the said church that ye have care of, whereas your parishioners may most commodiously resort to the same and read it."