
Textus Receptus Bibles

The Great Bible 1539


33:1Wherfore, heare my wordes (O Iob) and herken vnto me all that I will saye:
33:2Beholde, I haue now opened my mouth, my tonge hath spoken in my throte.
33:3My hert doth ordre my wordes a ryght, and my lyppes talke of pure wysdome.
33:4The spryte of God hath made me, and the breth of the Almyghtye hath geuen me my lyfe.
33:5If thou canst, then geue me answere: prepare thy selfe to stande before me face to face,
33:6Beholde, before God am I euen as thou, for I am fashyoned and made euen of the same mould.
33:7Therfore, thou nedest not to be afrayed of me, nether nedest thou to feare, that my auctoryte shalbe to heuy for the.
33:8Now hast thou spoken in myne eares, and I haue herde the voyce of thy wordes:
33:9I am cleane wythout any faute, I am innocent, and there is no wyckednes in me.
33:10But lo, he hath picked a quarell agaynst me, and taketh me for hys enemy:
33:11he hath put my fote in the stockes, and loketh narowly vnto all my pathes.
33:12Beholde, in thys hast thou not done ryght. I wyll make answere vnto the, that God is more then man.
33:13And why doest thou then stryue agaynst him: for he shall not geue the accomptes of all hys wordes.
33:14For when God doth once commaunde a thynge, there shulde no man be curyous, to searche whether it be ryght.
33:15In dreames and visyons of the nyght (when slombring commeth vpon men, that they fall a slepe in their beddes)
33:16he roundeth them in the eares, he infourmeth them, and sheweth them playnely,
33:17that it is he, whych withdraweth man from euyll, delyuereth hym from pryde,
33:18kepeth hym from the graue, and hys lyfe from the swearde.
33:19He chasteneth hym wyth sycknesse, and bryngeth hym to his bed: he layeth sore punyshement vpon hys bones,
33:20so that hys lyfe maye awaye wyth no bred, and his soule abhorreth to eat any dayntie meat:
33:21In so moch that hys body is cleane consumed awaye, and his bones appeare no more.
33:22Hys lyfe draweth on to the graue, and hys lyfe to death.
33:23Now, yf there be a messenger (one amonge a thousande) sent for to speake vnto man, and to shewe him the ryght waye:
33:24then the Lorde is mercyfull vnto hym, and sayeth: He shalbe delyuered, that he fall not downe to the graue, for I am sufficiently reconcyled.
33:25Than shall hys flesh be as well lykyng as it was afore, and shalbe as it was in hys youth.
33:26For yf he submytte hym selfe vnto God, he shalbe gracious vnto him, and shewe him his countenaunce ioyfully, & rewardeth man for his ryghteousnes.
33:27Soch a respecte hath he vnto men. Therfore, let a man confesse (and saye) I haue offended: I dyd vnryghteously, and it hath done me no good.
33:28Yee, he hath delyuered my soule from destruccyon, and my lyfe shall se the lyght.
33:29Lo, thus worcketh God allwaye with man,
33:30that he kepeth hys soule from perishing, and letteth hym enioye the lyght of the lyuynge.
33:31Marcke well (O Iob) and heare me: holde the styll, and I will speake.
33:32But yf thou hast any thynge to saye, then answere me, and speake, for thy answere pleaseth me.
33:33If thou hast nothinge, then heare me, and holde thy tonge, so shall I teach the wisdome.
The Great Bible 1539

The Great Bible 1539

The Great Bible of 1539 was the first authorized edition of the Bible in English, authorized by King Henry VIII of England to be read aloud in the church services of the Church of England. The Great Bible was prepared by Myles Coverdale, working under commission of Thomas, Lord Cromwell, Secretary to Henry VIII and Vicar General. In 1538, Cromwell directed the clergy to provide "one book of the bible of the largest volume in English, and the same set up in some convenient place within the said church that ye have care of, whereas your parishioners may most commodiously resort to the same and read it."