Textus Receptus Bibles
Matthew's Bible 1537
10:1 | These sealers were: Nehemiah (that is) Hathirsatha the sonne of Hachaliah & Zedekiah, |
10:2 | Saraiah, Asariah, Ieremye, |
10:3 | Phashur, Amariah, Malchiah, |
10:4 | Hatus, Sebaniah, Malluch, |
10:5 | Harim, Merimoth, Obadiah, |
10:6 | Daniel Ienthon, Baruch, |
10:7 | Mosolam, Abiah, Miamin, |
10:8 | Maasiah, Belgai and Semeiah: these were priestes. |
10:9 | The Leuites were: Iesua the sonne of Azariah, Benui amonge the chyldren of Henadad & Cadmiel. |
10:10 | And theyr brethren: Sechaniah, Hodiah, Celita, Phalaiah, Hanan, |
10:11 | Micha, Rohob, Hasabiah, |
10:12 | Sachur, Serebiah, Sabaniah, |
10:13 | Hodiah Bani and Baninu. |
10:14 | The heades of the people were Phares, Pahath Moab, Elam, Zathua, Bani, |
10:15 | Boni, Asgad, Bebai, |
10:16 | Adoniah, Begoai, Adin, |
10:17 | Ater, Hezekiah, Asur, |
10:18 | Hodiah, Hasum, Bezai, |
10:19 | Hariph, Anathoth, Nebai, |
10:20 | Magphias, Mosolam, Hesir, |
10:21 | Mesesabel, Zadoc, Iaddua, |
10:22 | Phalatia, Hanan, Anaiah, |
10:23 | Hosea, Hananiah, Hasub; |
10:24 | Halohes, Phaleha, Sobek, |
10:25 | Rehum, Hasebnah, Maasiah, |
10:26 | Ahiah, Hanan, Anan, |
10:27 | Malluch, Harim and Baanah. |
10:28 | And the other people, the priestes, Leuytes, Porters, syngers, Nethinims, and al they that had separated them selues from the people in the landes vnto the lawe of God, with theyr wyues sonnes and doughters, as many as coulde vnderstande it, |
10:29 | and theyr Lordes that had rule of them, receyued it for theyr brethren. And they came to sweare, and to bynde them selues wyth an othe to walke in Gods lawe, whiche was geuen by Moses the seruaunte of God, that they wolde obserue and do accordynge vnto all the commaundementes, iudgementes, and statutes of the Lorde oure GOD: |
10:30 | and that we wolde not geue oure doughters vnto the people in the lande, nether to take theyr doughters for oure sonnes. |
10:31 | And yf the people of the lande broughte ware on the Saboth, and all maner of vytayles to sell, that we wolde not take it of them on the Saboth and on the holye dayes. And that we wolde let the seuenth yeare be fre concernynge all maner of charge. |
10:32 | And we decreed a statute vpon our selues, to geue yearlye the thyrde parte of a sycle to the mynystracyon in the house of oure God, |
10:33 | namelye to the shewebreade, to the daylye meateofferynge, to the daylye burntoffering of the Sabothes, of the newe mones & feaste dayes, and to the thynges that were sanctyfyed, and to the synofferynges, to reconcyle Israel wythall, and to all the busynes in the house of oure God. |
10:34 | And we caste the lot amonge the pryestes, Leuytes and the people, for offerynge of the woode to be broughte vnto the house of oure God from yeare to yeare, after the houses of oure fathers, that it myghte be brente at tymes appoynted, vpon the aultare of the Lord oure God, as it is wrytten in the lawe: |
10:35 | and yearelye to brynge the fyrstlinges of oure land and the fyrstlynges of oure frutes of al trees yeare by yeare, vnto the house of the Lorde, |
10:36 | & the fyrstlynges of oure sonnes, and of our catell, as it is wrytten in the lawe and the fyrstlynges of oure oxen and of our shepe, that we shulde brynge all thys to the house of oure God vnto the pryestes that mynyster in the house of oure God: |
10:37 | and that we shulde bryng the fyrstlynges of oure dowghe, and of oure heaueofferynges, and the frutes of all maner trees, of wyne also and of oyle, vnto the priestes to the chestes of the house of oure God. And the tythes of oure lande vnto the Leuytes, that the Leuytes myghte haue the tithes in all the cytyes of oure mynystracyon. |
10:38 | And the prieste the sonne of Aaron shall wt the Leuytes haue also of the tythes of the Leuytes, so that the Leuytes shall brynge vp the tythes of theyr tythes vnto the house of oure God to the cheste in the treasure house. |
10:39 | For the children of Israel & the chyldren of Leui shall brynge vp the heaueofferynges of the corne, wine and oyle vnto the chestes. And ther shal be the vessels of the sanctuarye, & the priestes that minyster, and the porters and syngers, that we forsake not the house of oure God. |

Matthew's Bible 1537
The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.