Textus Receptus Bibles
Matthew's Bible 1537
6:1 | And when Sanabalat, Tobiah and Gesem the Arabian, and the other of oure enemyes hearde that I had buylded the wall, and that there were no mo gappes therein (howbeit at the same time had I not hanged the dores vpon the gates) |
6:2 | Sanabalat & Gesem sent vnto me, sayinge: come, and let vs mete together in the vyllages vpon the playne of the cytye Ono. Neuerthelesse they thoughte to do me euyll. |
6:3 | Notwythstandynge I sente messengers vnto them, sayinge: I haue a greate busynes to do, I can not come doune. The worcke shuld stand styll, yf I were negligent, and came doune to you. |
6:4 | How be it they sente vnto me as good as .iiij. times after the same maner. And I gaue the same aunswere. |
6:5 | Then sent Sanabalat hys seruaunt vnto me the fyfth tyme, wyth an open letter in hys hande, |
6:6 | wherein was wrytten: It is tolde the Heythen, and Gesem hath sayd it, that thou and the Iewes thinke to rebell: for the whiche cause thou buyldest the wall, & wylte be theyr kynge in these matters, |
6:7 | and haste ordeyned the Prophetes to preache of the at Ierusalem, and to saye: He is kynge of Iuda. Now shall this come to the kinges eares: come now therfore, & let vs take oure councell together. |
6:8 | Neuertheles I sente vnto him sayinge: there is no such thyng done as thou sayest: thou haste fayned it oute of thyne owne herte. |
6:9 | For they were all mynded to make vs afrayed and thoughte: they shall wythdrawe theyr handes from the worke, that they shall not laboure. Howbeit I strengthed my hande the more. |
6:10 | And I came vnto the house of Semaiah the sonne of Delaiah the sonne of Mehetabeel, and he had shut hym selfe within, & sayde: let vs come together into the house of God, euen vnto the myddes of the temple, & shut the dores of the temple: for they wyll come to slaye the, yea euen in the nyght wil they come to put the to death. |
6:11 | But I sayde: shulde any suche man as I flye? Who is that, beyng as I am, that wyll go into the temple, to saue hys lyfe? I wyll not go in. |
6:12 | For I perceyued, that God had not sente hym: Yet spake he prophecye vpon me, neuerthelesse Tobiah & Sanabalat had hyred hym for money. |
6:13 | Therfore toke he the moneye, that throughe feare I shulde so do, and synne: that they myght haue an euil reporte of me, to blaspheme me. |
6:14 | My God thinke thou vpon Tobiah and Senabalat accordyng vnto these their workes, and of the Prophet Noadiah and of the other Prophetes, that wolde haue put me in feare. |
6:15 | And the wall was fynyshed on the fyue & twentye daye of the moneth Elul, in two & fyftye dayes. |
6:16 | And when all oure enemyes hearde thereof, all the Heythen that were about vs, were afrayed, and theyr courage fayled them: for they perceyued, that thys worke came of God. |
6:17 | And at the same time were ther many of the chefe of Iuda, whose letters went vnto Tobiah, and from Tobiah vnto them |
6:18 | (for there were manye in Iuda that were sworne vnto hym: for he was the sonne in lawe of Sechaniah the sonne of Arah, and hys sonne Iehohanan had the doughter of Mosolam the sonne of Barachia |
6:19 | and they spake good of hym before me, and tolde hym my wordes, & Tobiah sente letters, to put me in feare. |

Matthew's Bible 1537
The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.