Textus Receptus Bibles
Julia E. Smith Translation 1876
18:1 | In that hour came the disciples to Jesus, saying, Who is the greater in the kingdom of the heavens? |
18:2 | And Jesus, having called a young child, set it in the midst of them, |
18:3 | And said, Truly I say to you, Except ye be turned, and become as young children, ye should not come into the kingdom of the heavens. |
18:4 | Whoever, therefore, should be humbled as this young child, the same is the greater in the kingdom of the heavens. |
18:5 | And whoever shall receive such a young child in my name, receives me. |
18:6 | And whoever should offend one of these little ones believing in me, it is profitable for him that the millstone of an ass be hung upon his neck, and he be sunk in the midst of the sea. |
18:7 | Woe to the world for offences I for there is necessity for offences to come; but woe to that man by whom the offence comes! |
18:8 | And if thy hand or thy foot give thee cause of offence, cut them off, and cast from thee: it is good for thee to come into life lame or maimed, than having two hands or two feet to be cast into eternal fire. |
18:9 | And if thine eye give thee cause of offence, take it out, and east from thee: it is good for thee, one-eyed, to enter into life, than having two eyes to be cast into a hell of fire. |
18:10 | See that ye despise not one of these little ones; for I say to you, That their messengers in the heavens always behold the face of my Father which is in the heavens. |
18:11 | For the Son of man has come to save the lost. |
18:12 | What does it seem to you? if there be to any man a hundred sheep, and one of them have been led astray, does he not, having left the ninety-nine upon the mountains, having gone, seek the one led astray? |
18:13 | And if it be found, truly I say to you, he rejoices more over it, than over the ninety-nine not led astray. |
18:14 | So is not the will of your Father, he in the heavens, that one of these little ones be lost. |
18:15 | And if thy brother sin against thee, retire, and refute him between thee and him alone; if he hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother. |
18:16 | But if he hear thee not, take with thee yet one or two, that at the mouth of two or three witnesses every word might stand. |
18:17 | And if he refuse hearing them, speak to the church: and if he refuse hearing the church, let him be to thee as of the nations and a publican. |
18:18 | Truly I say to you, Whatever things ye should bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatever things ye should loose upon earth shall be loosed in heaven. |
18:19 | Again, I say to you, That if two of you agree in opinion for everything which they ask, it shall be to them of my Father, he in the heavens. |
18:20 | For where two or three are assembled in my name, there am I in the midst of them. |
18:21 | Then Peter, having come to him, said, Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me, and I let him go? Till seven times? |
18:22 | And Jesus says to him, I say not to thee, till seven times; but till seventy times seven. |
18:23 | Therefore the kingdom of the heavens was likened to a man, the king, who wished to lift up the word together with his servants. |
18:24 | And he having begun to settle accounts, one was brought him, a debtor of ten thousand talents. |
18:25 | And he not having to give back, his lord ordered him to be sold, and his wife and his children, and all which he had also to be given back. |
18:26 | Then the servant, having fallen, worshipped him, saying, Lord, be slow to anger towards me, and I will give back all to thee. |
18:27 | And the lord of that servant, having felt compassion, loosed him, and let go to him the money lent. |
18:28 | But that servant having come, found one of his fellow-servants who owed him one hundred drachmas, and having seized, he choked him, saying, Give back to me what thou owest. |
18:29 | Then his fellow-servant having fallen at his feet besought him, saying, Be slow to anger towards me, and I will give back all to thee. |
18:30 | . And he would not; but having departed he cast him into prison till he should give back that being owed. |
18:31 | And his fellow-servants having seen the thing done, were greatly grieved, and having come, made known to their lord all things done. |
18:32 | Then his lord, having called him, said unto him, O thou evil servant, I let go to you all that debt since thou besoughtest me: |
18:33 | Oughtest thou not also to pity thy fellow-servant, as I also pitied thee |
18:34 | And his lord having become angry, delivered him to the torturers even till he should give back all being owed to him. |
18:35 | So also will my heavenly Father do to you, if ye let not go each to his brother from your hearts their falls. |

Julia E. Smith Translation 1876
The Julia Evelina Smith Parker Translation is considered the first complete translation of the Bible into English by a woman. The Bible was titled The Holy Bible: Containing the Old and New Testaments; Translated Literally from the Original Tongues, and was published in 1876.
Julia Smith, of Glastonbury, Connecticut had a working knowledge of Latin, Greek and Hebrew. Her father had been a Congregationalist minister before he became a lawyer. Having read the Bible in its original languages, she set about creating her own translation, which she completed in 1855, after a number of drafts. The work is a strictly literal rendering, always translating a Greek or Hebrew word with the same word wherever possible. Smith accomplished this work on her own in the span of eight years (1847 to 1855). She had sought out no help in the venture, even writing, "I do not see that anybody can know more about it than I do." Smith's insistence on complete literalness, plus an effort to translate each original word with the same English word, combined with an odd notion of Hebrew tenses (often translating the Hebrew imperfect tense with the English future) results in a translation that is mechanical and often nonsensical. However, such a translation if overly literal might be valuable to consult in checking the meaning of some individual verse. One notable feature of this translation was the prominent use of the Divine Name, Jehovah, throughout the Old Testament of this Bible version.
In 1876, at 84 years of age some 21 years after completing her work, she finally sought publication. The publication costs ($4,000) were personally funded by Julia and her sister Abby Smith. The 1,000 copies printed were offered for $2.50 each, but her household auction in 1884 sold about 50 remaining copies.
The translation fell into obscurity as it was for the most part too literal and lacked any flow. For example, Jer. 22:23 was given as follows: "Thou dwelling in Lebanon, building as nest in the cedars, how being compassionated in pangs coming to thee the pain as in her bringing forth." However, the translation was the only Contemporary English translation out of the original languages available to English readers until the publication of The British Revised Version in 1881-1894.(The New testament was published in 1881, the Old in 1884, and the Apocrypha in 1894.) This makes it an invaluable Bible for its period.