
Textus Receptus Bibles

The Great Bible 1539


18:1At the same tyme came the disciples vnto Iesus, sayinge: who is the greatest in the kyngdom of heauen?
18:2Iesus called a chylde vnto hym, & set him in the myddes of them,
18:3& sayd: Uerely I saye vnto you except ye turne, & become as chyldren, ye shall not enter into the kyngdom of heauen.
18:4Whosoeuer therfore humbleth him selfe, as this childe, the same is the greatest in the kyngdom of heauen.
18:5And whoso receaueth such a chyld in my name, receaueth me.
18:6But whoso doth offende one of these lytleons whych beleue in me: it were better for hym, that a mylstone were hanged aboute hys necke, & that he were drowned in the depth of the see.
18:7Wo vnto the worlde because of offences. Necessary it is that offences come: But wo vnto the man, by whom the offence commeth.
18:8Wherfore yf thy hande or thy fote hinder the, cut him of & cast it from the. It is better for the to enter into lyfe halt or maymed, rather then thou shuldest (hauinge two handes or two fete) be cast into euerlastyng fyre.
18:9And yf thyne eye offende the, plucke it oute, and caste it from the. It is better for the to enter into lyfe wt one eye, rather then (hauyng two eyes) to be cast into hell fyre.
18:10Take hede: that ye despyse not one of these lytelones. For I saye vnto you, that in heauen their angels do alwayes beholde the face of my father, whych is in heauen.
18:11For the sonne of man is come to saue that whych was lost.
18:12How thynke ye If a man haue an hundred shepe, & one of them be gone astray, doth he not leaue nynty & nyne in the mountains, & goeth & seketh that was gone astraye?
18:13And If it happen that he fynd it, verely I saye vnto you: he reioyseth more of that shepe then of the nynti & nyne which went not astray.
18:14Euen so it is not the wyll of youre father in heauen, that one of these lytelons shulde perysshe.
18:15Moreouer yf thy brother treaspace agaynst the, go & tell hym hys faute betwene him & the alone. If he heare the, thou hast wonne thy brother:
18:16But yf he heare the not, then take yet wyth the one or two, that in the mouth of two or .iij. witnesses, euery mater may be stablysshed.
18:17If he heare not them, tell it vnto the congregacyon. If he heare not the congregacion let him be vnto the as anhethen man & as a publican.
18:18Uerely I saye vnto you: whatsoeuer ye bynde on erth, shalbe bounde in heauen. And whatsoeuer ye lose on erth, shalbe lowsed in heauen.
18:19Agayne I saye vnto you that yf two of you agree in erthe vpon eny maner a thynge, whatsoeuer they desyre: they shall haue it of my father which is in heauen.
18:20For where two or thre are gathered to gether in my name, there am I in the myddes of them
18:21Then came Peter to hym, & sayde: Lorde howe oft shall I forgeue my brother, yf he synne agaynst me: Tyll seuen tymes?
18:22Iesus sayeth vnto hym: I saye not vnto the vntill seuen tymes: but seuenty tymes seuen tymes.
18:23Therfore is the kyngdom of heauen lykened vnto a certaine man that was a king, which wolde take acountes of hys seruauntes.
18:24And when he had begone to recken, one was brought vnto him, whych ought him ten thousand talentes,
18:25but forasmoch as he was not able to paye, his Lord commaunded him to be solde, & hys wyfe & chyldren, & all that he had, and payment to be made.
18:26The seruaunt fell doune, & & be sought him, saying: Syr, haue pacience wt me, and I wyll paye the all.
18:27Then had the Lorde pytie on that seruaunt, & lowsed hym and forgaue hym the det.
18:28So the same seruaunt, went out, & founde out of hys felowes which ought him an hundred pence: & he layed handes on hym, & toke him by the throte, saying: paye that thou owest.
18:29And his felowe fell downe, & besought hym saying: haue pacyence wt me, & I wyll paye the all.
18:30And he wolde not, but went, & cast hym into preson, tyll he shulde paye the det.
18:31So, when his felowes sawe what was done, they were very sory, and came, & tolde vnto their Lord all that had happened.
18:32Then his Lord called hym & sayd vnto hym: O thou vngracyous seruaunt, I forgaue the all that det, whan thou desyredst me:
18:33shuldest not thou also haue had compassion on thy felow, euen as I had pytie on the?
18:34And hys Lorde was wrooth, & delyuered him to the iaylers, tyll he shuld paye all that was due vnto hym.
18:35So lyke wyse shall my heauenly father do also vnto you yf ye from youre hertes, forgeue not (euery one his brother) theyr trespases.
The Great Bible 1539

The Great Bible 1539

The Great Bible of 1539 was the first authorized edition of the Bible in English, authorized by King Henry VIII of England to be read aloud in the church services of the Church of England. The Great Bible was prepared by Myles Coverdale, working under commission of Thomas, Lord Cromwell, Secretary to Henry VIII and Vicar General. In 1538, Cromwell directed the clergy to provide "one book of the bible of the largest volume in English, and the same set up in some convenient place within the said church that ye have care of, whereas your parishioners may most commodiously resort to the same and read it."