Textus Receptus Bibles
The Great Bible 1539
26:1 | And it fortuned, that after the plage, the Lorde spake vnto Moses & vnto Eleazar the sonne of Aaron the preste, sayinge: |
26:2 | take the nomber of all the multytude of the chyldren of Israel from .xx. yeare and aboue thorowe out theyr fathers houses, all that are able to goo to warre in Israel. |
26:3 | And Moses and Eleazar the preast spake vnto them in the feldes of Moab, by Iordane ouer agaynst Iericho, |
26:4 | from .xx. yeare and aboue, as the Lorde commaunded Moses & the chyldren of Israel, whan they were come oute of Egypte. |
26:5 | Ruben the eldest sonne of Israel. The chyldren of Ruben: Hanoch, of whome commeth the kynred of the Hanochites: and Palu of whom commeth the kynred of the Paluites. |
26:6 | Of Hesron, commeth the kynred of the Hesronites: of Carmi, commeth the kynred of the Carmites. |
26:7 | These are the kynredes of the Rubenites, and they were in nombre .xliii. thousande seuen hundred & thyrtye. |
26:8 | And the sonnes of Palu: Eliab. |
26:9 | And the soonnes of Eliab Nemuel, Dathan and Abiram. Thys is that Dathan and Abiram, which were famous in the congregacyon, & stroue agaynst Moses and Aaron in the companye of Corah, when they stroue agaynst the Lorde. |
26:10 | And the erth opened her mouth, and swalowed them vp. Corah also was in the death of that multitude, what tyme the fyre consumed two hundred and fyfty men, and they became a sygne: |
26:11 | Notwithstonding, the chyldren of Corah dyed not. |
26:12 | And the chyldren of Symeon after theyr kynredes were: Nemuel, of whom commeth the kynred of the Nemuelites: Iamin, of whom commeth the kynred of the Iaminytes: Iachin, of whom commeth the kynred of the Iachinites: |
26:13 | of Zareh, commeth the kynred of the Zarehites. And of Saul, commeth the kynred of the Saulites. |
26:14 | These are the kynredes of Simeon: euen .xxii. thousande & .ii. hundred |
26:15 | The chyldren of Gad after theyr kynredes were: Zephon, of whom commeth the kynred of the Zephonites: Haggi, of whom commeth the kynred of the Haggites: Suni of whom commeth the kynred of the Sunites: |
26:16 | Of Aseni, commeth the kynred of the Asenites: and of Eri, commeth the kynred of the Erites: |
26:17 | Of Arod, commeth the kynred of the Arodites. Of Ariel, commeth kynred of the Arielites. |
26:18 | These are the kynredes of the chyldren of Gad according to their nombres .xl. thousande and fyue hundred. |
26:19 | The children of Iuda: Er and Onan & Er and Onan dyed in the lande of Canaan. |
26:20 | But the chyldren of Iuda after theyr kynredes, were: Sela, of whom commeth the kynred of the Selanites: Phares, of whom commeth the kynred of the Pharesites: Zareh, of whom commeth the kynred of the Zarehites. |
26:21 | And the chyldren of Phares were: Hesron, of whom commeth the kynred of the Hesronites: Hamul, of whom commeth the kynred of the Hamulites. |
26:22 | These are the kynredes of Iuda, after theyr nombres .lxxvi. thousand and fyue hundred. |
26:23 | The chyldren of Isachar after theyr kynredes, were: Thola, of whom commeth the kynred of the Tholaites: Phuua, of whom commeth the kynred of the Phuuaites: |
26:24 | of Iasub commeth the kynred of the Iasubytes, of Symron, commeth the kynred of the Simronites. |
26:25 | These are the kynredes of Isachar after theyr nombres .lxiiii. thousande, and thre hundred. |
26:26 | The chyldren of Zabulon after theyr kynredes were: Sered, of whom commeth the kynred of the Seredites: Elon, of whom commeth the kynred of the Elonites: Iaheliel, of whom commeth the kynred of the Iahelelites. |
26:27 | These are the kynredes of the Zabulonites after theyr nombres: threscore thousande, and fyue hundred. |
26:28 | The chyldren of Ioseph thorow out their kynredes were: Manasse & Ephraim. |
26:29 | The chyldren of Manasse: Machir, of whom commeth the kynred of the Machirites. And Machir begat Gilead, and of Gilead commeth the kynred of the Gileadites. |
26:30 | And these are the chyldren of Gilead: Hieser, of whom commeth the kynred of the Hieserites: Helech, of whom commeth the kynred of the Helechites: |
26:31 | and Asriel, of whom commeth the kynred of the Asrielites: and Sichem, of whom commeth the kynred of the Sichemites: |
26:32 | Simida, of whom commeth the kynred of the Simidites: and Hepher, of whom commeth the kynred of the Hepherites. |
26:33 | And Zelaphead the sonne of Hepher had no sonnes but daughters. And the names of the daughters of Zelaphead were: Mahela, Noa, Hagla, Milcha and Thirza. |
26:34 | These are the kynredes of Manasse, and the nombre of them .lii. thousande and seuen hundred. |
26:35 | These are the chyldren of Ephraim after theyr kynredes: Suthelah, of whom commeth the kynred of the Suthelahites: Becher, of whom commeth the kynred of the Becherites: Thahen, of whom commeth the kynred of the Thahenites. |
26:36 | And these are the chyldren of Suthelah: Eran, of whom commeth the kynred of the Eranites. |
26:37 | These are the kynredes of the chyldren of Ephraim after theyr nombres .xxxii. thousande and fyue hundred. And these are the chyldren of Ioseph after theyr kynredes. |
26:38 | These are the chyldren of BenIamin after their kynredes: Bela, of whom commeth the kynred of the Belaites: Asbel, of whom commeth the kynred of the Asbelites: Ahiram, of whom commeth the kynred of the Ahiramites: |
26:39 | Supham, of whom commeth the kynred of the Suphamites: Hupham, of whom commeth the kynred of the Huphamites. |
26:40 | And the chyldren of Bela were, Ard and Naaman, from whence commeth the kynred of the Ardites, and of Naaman the kynred of the Naamites. |
26:41 | These are the chyldren of BenIamin after theyr kynredes, and after theyr nombres .xlv. thousande and syxe hundred. |
26:42 | These are the chyldren of Dan after their kynredes: Suham, of whom commeth the kynred of the Suhamites. These are the housholdes of Dan after their kynredes. |
26:43 | And the kynredes of the Suhamites were after theyr nombres .lxiiii. thousande, & foure hundred. |
26:44 | The chyldren of Aser after theyr kynredes were: Iemna, of whom commeth the kynred of the Iemnites. Iesui, of whom commeth the kynred of the Iesuites: Bria, of whom commeth the kynred of the Brites. |
26:45 | The chyldren of Bria were: Heber, of whom commeth the kynred of the Heberites: Malchiel, of whom came the kynred of the Malchielites. |
26:46 | And the daughter of Aser was called Sarah. |
26:47 | These are the kynredes of Aser after their nombres .liii. thousande and foure hundred. |
26:48 | The chyldren of Nephthali, after theyr kynredes were: Iaheziel, of whom came the kynred of the Iahezielites: Guni, of whom came the kynred of the Gunites: |
26:49 | Iezer, of whom came the kynred of the Iezerites: Selem, of whom came the kynred of the Selemites. |
26:50 | These are the kynredes of Nephthali according to theyr housholdes, whose nombre is .xlv. thousande and foure hundred |
26:51 | These are the nombres of the chyldren of Israel: syxe hundred thousande, and a thousand, seuen hundred and thyrtye. |
26:52 | And the Lorde spake vnto Moses, saying: |
26:53 | vnto these the lande shalbe deuyded to enheret, accordyng to the nombre of names. |
26:54 | To many thou shalt geue the moare enheritaunce, and to fewe the lesse: to euery trybe shall the enheritaunce be geuen accordynge to the nombre therof |
26:55 | Notwithstandynge, the lande shalbe deuyded by lot, and according to the names of the trybes of their fathers, they shall inheret, |
26:56 | accordynge to the lott shall the possession therof be deuyded betwene many and feawe. |
26:57 | These are the nombres of the Leuites, after their kinredes: Gerson, of whom came the kynred of the Gersonites: Cahath, of whom came the kynred of the Cahathytes: Merrari, of whom came the kynred of the Merrarites. |
26:58 | These are the kynredes of the Leuites: the kynred of the Libnites, the kinred of the Hebronites: the kinred of the Mahelites: the kynred of the Musites: the kinred of the Karahites Cahath begat Amram, |
26:59 | & Amrams wyfe was called Iochebed a daughter of Leui, which was borne vnto Leui in Egipte. And she bare vnto Amram Aaron, Moses, and MirIam their syster. |
26:60 | And vnto Aaron were borne Nadab and Abihu, Eleazar and Ithamar. |
26:61 | And Nadab and Abihu dyed, when they offered straunge fier before the Lorde. |
26:62 | And after theyr nombres, they were foure and twentye thousande, all males from a moneth olde and aboue. For they were not nombred amonge the chyldren of Israel, because there was no enheritaunce geuen them amonge the children of Israel. |
26:63 | These are the nombres, when Moses and Eleazar the preast nombred the children of Israel in the playne of Moab, fast by Iordan, ouer against Iericho. |
26:64 | And among these there was not a man of them, whom Moses and Aaron nombred, when they tolde the chyldren of Israel in the wyldernesse of Sinai. |
26:65 | For the Lorde sayde of them: they shall dye in the wildernes: and ther was not left a man of them, saue Caleb the sonne of Iephune, and Iosua the sonne of Nun. |

The Great Bible 1539
The Great Bible of 1539 was the first authorized edition of the Bible in English, authorized by King Henry VIII of England to be read aloud in the church services of the Church of England. The Great Bible was prepared by Myles Coverdale, working under commission of Thomas, Lord Cromwell, Secretary to Henry VIII and Vicar General. In 1538, Cromwell directed the clergy to provide "one book of the bible of the largest volume in English, and the same set up in some convenient place within the said church that ye have care of, whereas your parishioners may most commodiously resort to the same and read it."