Textus Receptus Bibles
The Great Bible 1539
3:1 | These are the generacyons of Aaron and Moses, in the daye that the Lord spake wt Moses in mount Synai, |
3:2 | & these are the names of the sonnes of Aaron: Nadad the eldest sone, Abihu, Eleazar and Ithamar. |
3:3 | These are the names of the sonnes of Aaron which were Preastes anoynted, & whose hande was consecrated to minystre. |
3:4 | And Nadab and Abihu dyed before the Lorde whan they offred straunge fyre before the Lorde in the wyldernesse of Synai, and had no chyldren. And Eleazar and Ithamar mynistred in the syght of Aaron their father. |
3:5 | And the Lorde spake vnto Moses, sayinge: |
3:6 | brynge the trybe of Leui, and set them before Aaron the Preast that they maye serue hym and wayte vpon hy |
3:7 | and vpon all the multitude, before the tabernacle of witnesse, to do the seruyce of the habitacyon. |
3:8 | They shall kepe all the apparell of the tabernacle of wytnesse, and wayte vpon the chyldren of Israel, to do the seruyce of the habitacion. |
3:9 | And thou shalt geue the Leuites vnto Aaron and hys sonnes, for they are geuen and delyuered vnto him of the chyldren of Israel. |
3:10 | And thou shalt appoynte Aaron & hys sonnes to wayte on their Preastes offyce: and the straunger that commeth nye, shall be slayne. |
3:11 | And the Lord spake vnto Moses sayinge: |
3:12 | beholde I haue taken the Leuites from amonge the chyldren of Israell for all the fyrst borne that openeth the matrice amonge the chyldren of Israel, and the Leuites shalbe myne: |
3:13 | because all the fyrst borne are myne: for the same daye that I smote all the fyrst borne in the lande of Egypte, I halowed vnto me all the fyrstborne in Israel, both man & beast, and myne they shalbe: I am the Lorde. |
3:14 | And the Lorde spake vnto Moses in the wyldernesse of Synai sayinge: |
3:15 | Nombre the chyldren of Leui after the houses of their fathers in their kynredes. All that are males, from a moneth olde and aboue shalt thou nombre. |
3:16 | And Moses nombred them, accordynge to the commaundement of the Lord, and as he had commaunded. |
3:17 | And these were the chyldren of Leui in their names: Gerson, & Cahath and Merari. |
3:18 | And these are the names of the chyldren of Gerson in their kynredes: Libni and Semei. |
3:19 | The sonnes of Cahath in their kynredes: Amram, Iezehar, Hebron & Oziel. |
3:20 | And the sonnes of Merari in their kynredes Maheli and Musi. These are the kynredes of the Leuites, accordynge to the houses of their fathers. |
3:21 | Of Gerson came the kynred of the Libnites and the kynred of the Semeites. These are the kynredes of the Gersonites. |
3:22 | And the summe of them (after the nombre of all the males from a moneth olde and aboue) was .vii. thousande and fyue hundred. |
3:23 | And the kynredes of the Gersonytes shall pitche behynde the habitacyon west warde. |
3:24 | The captayne & most auncient of the house of the Gersonites, was Eliasaph the sonne of Lael. |
3:25 | And vnder the kepynge of the chyldren of Gerson in the tabernacle of witnesse was the habitacyon and the tente, the couerynge therof, and the hangynge of the dore of the tabernacle of wytnesse, |
3:26 | and the hangynges of the courte, and the curtayne of the dore of the courte: which is rounde about the Tabernacle, and the alter, and the cordes of it for all the seruyce therof. |
3:27 | And of Cahath came the kynred of the Amramites, and the kynred of the Iezeharites: the kynred of the Hebronites, and the kynred of the Ozielites: |
3:28 | These are the kynredes of the Cahathites. And the nombre of all the males from a moneth olde and aboue, was .viij. thousande and syxe hundred: and these shall kepe the thynges that are to be kepte in the holy place. |
3:29 | And the kynred of the chyldren of Cahath shall pytche on the southsyde of the Tabernacle. |
3:30 | The captayne and most auncient of the house of the kynred of the Cahathites, was Elisaphan the sonne of Oziel, |
3:31 | and vnder their kepynge was the arcke, the table, the candelstyck, and the alters, and all the vessels of the sanctuary that they mynistre in, and the vayle, and whatsoeuer belonged to the mynistracyon therof. |
3:32 | And Eleazar the sonne of Aaron the Preaste, was captayne ouer all the captaynes of the Leuites, and had the ouersyghte of them that wayted vpon the sanctuary. |
3:33 | And of Merari came the kynred of the Mahelites, and the kynred of the Musites: These are the kynredes of Merari. |
3:34 | And the summe of them accordynge to the nombre of all the males, from a moneth olde and aboue was .vj. thousande and .ij. hundred. |
3:35 | The captayne and the most auncient of their house that were of the kynred of Merari, was Zuriel the sonne of Abihael: and these shall pitche on the north syde of the tabernacle. |
3:36 | And vnder the custody of the sonnes of Merari shalbe the bordes of the dwellynge, and the barres, pyllers and sockettes therof, all the vessell therof, and all that serueth therto: |
3:37 | & the pyllers of the courte rounde aboute with their sockettes, their pynnes & their cordes. |
3:38 | But on the forefront of the habitacyon before the Tabernacle of wytnesse eastwarde, shall Moses & Aaron and his sonnes pytche, and wayte to kepe the sanctuary, and to kepe the chyldren of Israel. And the straunger that commeth nye, shall be slayne. |
3:39 | And the hole summe of the Leuites whych Moses and Aaron nombred, at the commaundement of the Lorde thorowe out their kynredes (euen all the males from a moneth olde and aboue) was .xxij. thousande. |
3:40 | And the Lorde sayde vnto Moses: Nombre all the fyrst borne that are males amonge tbe chyldren of Israel (from a moneth olde and aboue) and take the nombre of their names. |
3:41 | And thou shalt apoynte the Leuites to me (for I am the Lorde,) for all the fyrstborne of the chyldren of Israel, and the catell of the Leuites, for all the fyrst gendred of the catell of the chyldren of Israel. |
3:42 | And Moses nombred as the Lorde commaunded hym, all the fyrst borne of the chyldren of Israel. |
3:43 | And all the fyrst borne males rehearsed by their names, (from a moneth olde and aboue, accordynge to their nombre) were .xxij. thousande .ij. hundred and .lxxiij. |
3:44 | And the Lorde spake vnto Moses sayinge: |
3:45 | take the Leuites for all the fyrst borne of the chyldren of Israel, and the catell of the Leuites for their catell: and the Leuites shalbe myne. I am the Lorde. |
3:46 | And for the redemynge of the two hundred and .lxxiij. (whych are moo then the Leuites in the fyrst borne of the chyldren of Israel,) |
3:47 | take .v. sycles of euery heade, after the weyght of the Sanctuary the Sycle conteynynge twenty halfpens. |
3:48 | And geue the money wher with the odde nombre of them is redemed, vnto Aaron and his sonnes. |
3:49 | And Moses toke the redempcyon money, of the ouerplus that were moo then the Leuites: |
3:50 | of the fyrst borne of the chyldren of Israel toke he thys money: euen a thousande .iij. hundred and .lxv. sycles, after the sycle of the Sanctuary. |
3:51 | And Moses gaue the money of them that were redemed, vnto Aaron and his sonnes accordynge to the worde of the Lord, euen as the Lorde commaunded Moses. |

The Great Bible 1539
The Great Bible of 1539 was the first authorized edition of the Bible in English, authorized by King Henry VIII of England to be read aloud in the church services of the Church of England. The Great Bible was prepared by Myles Coverdale, working under commission of Thomas, Lord Cromwell, Secretary to Henry VIII and Vicar General. In 1538, Cromwell directed the clergy to provide "one book of the bible of the largest volume in English, and the same set up in some convenient place within the said church that ye have care of, whereas your parishioners may most commodiously resort to the same and read it."