Textus Receptus Bibles
John Wycliffe Bible 1382
26:1 | And it was doon, whanne Jhesus hadde endid alle these wordis, he seide to hise disciplis, |
26:2 | Ye witen, that aftir twei daies pask schal be maad, and mannus sone schal be bitakun to be crucified. |
26:3 | Than the princes of prestis and the elder men of the puple were gaderid in to the halle of the prince of prestis, that was seid Cayfas, |
26:4 | and maden a counsel to holde Jhesu with gile, and sle him; |
26:5 | but thei seiden, Not in the haliday, lest perauenture noyse were maad in the puple. |
26:6 | And whanne Jhesus was in Betanye, in the hous of Symount leprous, |
26:7 | a womman that hadde a box of alabastre of precious oynement, cam to hym, and schedde out on the heed of hym restynge. |
26:8 | And disciplis seynge hadden dedeyn, and seiden, Wherto this loss? for it myyte be seld for myche, |
26:9 | and be youun to pore men. |
26:10 | But Jhesus knewe, and seide to hem, What ben ye heuy to this womman? for sche hath wrouyt in me a good werk. |
26:11 | For ye schulen euere haue pore men with you, but ye schulen not algatis haue me. |
26:12 | This womman sendynge this oynement in to my bodi, dide to birie me. |
26:13 | Treuli Y seie to you, where euer this gospel schal be prechid in al the world, it schal be seid, that sche dide this, in mynde of hym. |
26:14 | Thanne oon of the twelue, that was clepid Judas Scarioth, wente forth to the princis of prestis, |
26:15 | and seide to hem, What wolen ye yyue to me, and Y schal bitake hym to you? And thei ordeyneden to hym thretti pans of siluer. |
26:16 | And fro that tyme he souyte oportunyte, to bitraye hym. |
26:17 | And in the firste dai of therf looues the disciplis camen to Jhesu, and seiden, Where wolt thou we make redi to thee, to ete paske? |
26:18 | Jhesus seide, Go ye into the citee to `sum man, and seie to hym, The maistir seith, My tyme is nyy; at thee Y make paske with my disciplis. |
26:19 | And the disciplis diden, as Jhesus comaundide to hem; and thei maden the paske redi. |
26:20 | And whanne euentid was come, he sat to mete with hise twelue disciplis. |
26:21 | And he seide to hem, as thei eten, Treuli Y seie to you, that oon of you schal bitraye me. |
26:22 | And thei ful sori bigunnen ech bi hym silf to seie, Lord, whether `Y am? |
26:23 | And he answeride, and seide, He that puttith with me his hoond in the plater, schal bitraye me. |
26:24 | Forsothe mannus sone goith, as it is writun of hym; but wo to that man, bi whom mannus sone schal be bitrayed; it were good to hym, if that man hadde not be borun. |
26:25 | But Judas that bitraiede hym, answeride, seiynge, Maister, whether `Y am? Jhesus seide to hym, Thou hast seid. |
26:26 | And while thei soupeden, Jhesus took breed, and blesside, and brak, and yaf to hise disciplis, and seide, Take ye, and ete; this is my body. |
26:27 | And he took the cuppe, and dide thankyngis, and yaf to hem, |
26:28 | and seide, Drynke ye alle herof; this is my blood of the newe testament, which schal be sched for many, in to remissioun of synnes. |
26:29 | And Y seie to you, Y schal not drynke fro this tyme, of this fruyt of the vyne, in to that dai whanne Y schal drynke it newe with you, in the kyngdom of my fadir. |
26:30 | And whanne the ympne was seid, thei wenten out in to the mount of Olyuete. |
26:31 | Thanne Jhesus seide to hem, Alle ye schulen suffre sclaundre in me, in this niyt; for it is writun, Y schal smyte the scheeperde, and the scheep of the flok schulen be scaterid. |
26:32 | But aftir that Y schal rise ayen, Y schal go bifore you in to Galilee. |
26:33 | Petre answeride, and seide to hym, Thouy alle schulen be sclaundrid in thee, Y schal neuer be sclaundrid. |
26:34 | Jhesus seide to him, Treuli Y seie to thee, for in this nyyt bifor the cok crowe, thries thou schalt denye me. |
26:35 | Peter seide to him, Yhe, thouy it bihoue that Y die with thee, Y schal not denye thee. Also alle the disciplis seiden. |
26:36 | Thanne Jhesus cam with hem in to a toun, that is seid Jessamanye. And he seide to his disciplis, Sitte ye here, the while Y go thider, and preye. |
26:37 | And whanne he hadde take Peter, and twei sones of Zebedee, he bigan to be heuy and sori. |
26:38 | Thanne he seide to hem, My soule is soreuful to the deeth; abide ye here, and wake ye with me. |
26:39 | And he yede forth a litil, and felde doun on his face, preiynge, and seiynge, My fader, if it is possible, passe this cuppe fro me; netheles not as Y wole, but as thou wolt. |
26:40 | And he cam to his disciplis, and foond hem slepynge. And he seide to Petir, So, whethir ye myyten not oon our wake with me? |
26:41 | Wake ye, and preye ye, that ye entre not in to temptacioun; for the spirit is redi, but the fleisch is sijk. |
26:42 | Eft the secounde tyme he wente, and preyede, seiynge, My fadir, if this cuppe may not passe, but Y drynke hym, thi wille be doon. |
26:43 | And eftsoone he cam, and foond hem slepynge; for her iyen weren heuyed. |
26:44 | And he lefte hem, and wente eftsoone, and preiede the thridde tyme, and seide the same word. |
26:45 | Thanne he cam to his disciplis, and seide to hem, Slepe ye now, and reste ye; loo! the our hath neiyed, and mannus sone schal be takun in to the hondis of synneris; |
26:46 | rise ye, go we; loo! he that schal take me, is nyy. |
26:47 | Yit the while he spak, lo! Judas, oon of the twelue, cam, and with hym a greet cumpeny, with swerdis and battis, sent fro the princis of prestis, and fro the eldre men of the puple. |
26:48 | And he that bitraiede hym, yaf to hem a tokene, and seide, Whom euer Y schal kisse, he it is; holde ye hym. |
26:49 | And anoon he cam to Jhesu, and seid, Haile, maister; |
26:50 | and he kisside hym. And Jhesus seide to hym, Freend, wherto art thou comun? Thanne thei camen niy, and leiden hoondis on Jhesu, and helden hym. |
26:51 | And lo! oon of hem that weren with Jhesu, streiyte out his hoond, and drouy out his swerd; and he smoot the seruaunt of the prince of prestis, and kitte of his ere. |
26:52 | Thanne Jhesus seide to hym, Turne thi swerd in to his place; for alle that taken swerd, schulen perische bi swerd. |
26:53 | Whether gessist thou, that Y may not preie my fadir, and he schal yyue to me now mo than twelue legiouns of aungels? |
26:54 | Hou thanne schulen the scriptures be fulfilled? for so it bihoueth to be doon. |
26:55 | In that our Jhesus seide to the puple, As to a theef ye han gon out, with swerdis and battis, to take me; dai bi dai Y sat among you, and tauyt in the temple, and ye helden me not. |
26:56 | But al this thing was don, that the scripturis of profetis schulden be fulfillid. Thanne alle the disciplis fledden, and leften hym. |
26:57 | And thei helden Jhesu, and ledden hym to Cayfas, the prince of prestis, where the scribis and the Farisees, and the eldre men of the puple weren comun togidere. |
26:58 | But Petir swede him afer, in to the halle of the prince of prestis; and he wente in, and sat with the seruauntis, to se the ende. |
26:59 | And the prince of prestis, and al the counsel souyten fals witnessing ayens Jhesu, that thei schulden take hym to deeth; |
26:60 | and thei founden not, whanne manye false witnessis weren comun. But at the laste, twei false witnessis camen, |
26:61 | and seiden, `This seide, Y may distruye the temple of God, and after the thridde dai bilde it ayen. |
26:62 | And the prince of prestis roos, and seide to hym, Answerist thou no thing to tho thingis, that these witnessen ayens thee? |
26:63 | But Jhesus was stille. And the prince of prestis seide to hym, Y coniure thee bi lyuynge God, that thou seie to vs, if thou art Crist, the sone of God. |
26:64 | Jhesus seide to him, Thou hast seid; netheles Y seie to you, `fro hennus forth ye schulen se mannus sone sittinge at the riythalf of the vertu of God, and comynge in the cloudis of heuene. |
26:65 | Thanne the prince of prestis to-rente his clothis, and seide, He hath blasfemed; what yit han we nede to witnessis? lo! now ye han herd blasfemye; what semeth to you? |
26:66 | And thei answeriden, and seiden, He is gilti of deeth. |
26:67 | Thanne thei speten `in to his face, and smyten hym with buffatis; and othere yauen strokis with the pawme of her hondis in his face, |
26:68 | and seide, Thou Crist, arede to vs, who is he that smoot thee? |
26:69 | And Petir sat with outen in the halle; and a damysel cam to hym, and seide, Thou were with Jhesu of Galilee. |
26:70 | And he denyede bifor alle men, and seide, Y woot not what thou seist. |
26:71 | And whanne he yede out at the yate, another damysel say hym, and seide to hem that weren there, And this was with Jhesu of Nazareth. |
26:72 | And eftsoone he denyede with an ooth, For I knewe not the man. |
26:73 | And a litil aftir, thei that stooden camen, and seiden to Petir, Treuli thou art of hem; for thi speche makith thee knowun. |
26:74 | Thanne he bigan to warie and to swere, that he knewe not the man. And anoon the cok crewe. |
26:75 | And Petir bithouyte on the word of Jhesu, that he hadde seid, Bifore the cok crowe, thries thou schalt denye me. And he yede out, and wepte bitterli. |

John Wycliffe Bible 1382
The Wycliffe Bible is the only Bible here that was not translated from the Textus Receptus. Its inclusion here is for the Bible's historic value and for comparison in the English language.
John Wycliffe, an Oxford professor produced the first hand-written English language Bible manuscripts in the 1380's. While it is doubtful Wycliffe himself translated the versions that bear his name, he certainly can be considered the driving force behind the project. He strongly believed in having the scriptures available to the people.
Wycliffe, was well-known throughout Europe for his opposition to the teaching of the organized Church, which he believed to be contrary to the Bible. With the help of his followers (called Lollards), Wycliffe produced dozens of English language manuscript copies of the scriptures. They were translated out of the Latin Vulgate, which was the only source text available to Wycliffe. The Pope was so infuriated by his teachings and his translation of the Bible into English, that 44 years after Wycliffe died, he ordered the bones to be dug-up, crushed, and scattered in the river.