
Textus Receptus Bibles

Wessex Gospels c.1175



26:1Witodlice þa se hælend hafde þas spræce eall ge-endod þa cwæð he to hys leorning-cnihten.
26:2Note: Scitis quia post biduum pascha fiet. R. Wytod (sic) ge þt æfter twam dagen beoð eastre. & mannes bearn byð ge-seald þt he sy on rode anhangon.
26:3Ða wæren ge-samnede þa ealdres þa sacerda. & hlafordes þas folkes to þare sacerdes ealdres botle. þe wæs genemned kayphas.
26:4& hyo hafdon mychel ge-mot. þæt hyo wolden þanne hælend mid facne be-swiken. & of-slean.
26:5Hyo cwæðen witodlice þt hyt ne myhte beon on þam freols-daige. þy-læs þe mycel steriung wurðe on þam folke.
26:6Ða se hælend wæs on bethanian on symones huse þas reofelen.
26:7þa neahlahte him to sum wif. syo hafde box mid derewurðere sealfe. & ageat upp-on hys heafod þær he sæt.
26:8þa ge-seagen hys leorningcnihtes þæt & wurðen ge-bolgen & cwæðen. To hwan ys þis for-spilled
26:9þis mihte beon ge-seald to mycele wurðe. & þearfen ge-dæled.
26:10Ða se hælend hit wiste þa cwæð he to heom. hwi synde ge grame þise wife. witodlice god werc hyo worhte on me.
26:11Simle ge hæbbeð Note: MS. hæbbed. þearfan mid eow. ac ge næbbeð Note: MS. næbbed. me symle.
26:12hyo dyde þas sealfe on minne lichaman þæt ic wære ge-smyred to beberienne.
26:13Soð ic segge eow. swa hwær swa þis godspel beoð geboded on eallen midden-earde beoð ge ræd (sic) on hire ge-mynd þt hyo þis dyde.
26:14þa ferde an of þam twelfen þe wæs ge-nemned Iudas se wiðersace to þare sacerdra ealdres.
26:15& cwæð to heom. hwæt wille ge me syllan. & ic hine be-leawige eow. Ða be-heton hyo hym þrittyg scyllinge Note: MS. slyllinge. .
26:16And seððan he smeagde geornlice Note: MS. geornile. þt he hine wolde be-leawan.
26:17Ða on þa forme gearcung-daige ge-nehlahton þa leorning-cnihtes to þam hælende. & þus cwæðen. Hwær wilt þu þt we garewian þe þine þëniunge to eastren.
26:18Ða cwæð se hælend. Fareð on þas cestre to sumen men & seggeð him. se lareow sægð. min time is ge-hende þt ic mid þe werce mine eastre. mid minen leorning-cnihton.
26:19& þa leorning-cnihtes dyden swa swa se halend heom be-bead. & hyo gegareweden Note: MS. gegarewedem. heom eastren-þegnunge.
26:20on þam efne sat se hælend mid his twelf leorning-cnihten æt ge-reorde.
26:21& þa hyo æten þa cwæð he to heom. Witodlice ic segge eow. þt an eower be-læweð Note: MS. belæwed. me.
26:22Ða wurðen hye swiðe ge-unrotsede & on-gan anra gehwylc cweðan. Drihten cweðst þu eom ic hit.
26:23& he andswerede & þus cwæð. Se ðe be-depð on disce mid me his hand se me be-læweð.
26:24Witodlice mannes sune ferð swa hyt awriten ys be hym. wa þam men þurh þane þe byð mannes sune be-læwed. Betere wære þam men þt he næfre nære akenned.
26:25Ða cwæð iudas þe hine be-læwde. Cwest þu lareow hwaðer ic hyt sy. Ða quoth. se hælend. þu hyt sægdest.
26:26Witodlice þa hye ætun se hælend nam hlaf & hine ge-bletsode & bræc & sealde hys leorning-cnihten & cwæð. On-foð & æteð. þis is min lichame.
26:27Ænd he genam þanne calic þanciende & sealde heom þus cweðende. Drinkað ealle of þisen.
26:28þis is witodlice mines blodes calic niwre læge. þt byoð for manegen agoten on synne forgyfenysse.
26:29Witodlice ic segge eow þt ic ne drinke heonen-forð of þisen eorðalice wine ær þam daige þe ic drinke þt neowe mid eow on mines fæder rice.
26:30Ða byo hafden heore lofsang ge-sungenne þa foren hyo upp-on oliuetes dune.
26:31Ða sægde se hælend heom. ealle ge wurðeð Note: MS. wurðed. ge-untreowsede on me on þisse nyhte. Hyt is awriten. ðurh þas heordes slege beoð Note: MS. beod. se heord to-dræfeð (sic).
26:32Witodlice æfter þam þe ic of deaðe arise ic cume to eow on galilëë.
26:33Þa answerede petrus him. & þus. quoth. Þeh þe hyo ealle untreowsien on þe. ic næfre ne untreowsige.
26:34Ða cwæð se hælend. Soð ic segge þe. þt on þisse nihte ær þam þe coc cræwe þreowe. þu wið-sæcst me.
26:35Ða sægde petrus him. Witodlice þeh þe ic scule swelten mid þe. ne wið-sake ic þin. Gelice þam cwæðen ealle þa oðre leorning-cnihtes.
26:36Ða com se hælend mid heom on þanne tun þe is genemned gethsemani & saigde his leorning-cnihten. Sitteð her oððæt ic ga hider-geond & me ge-bidde.
26:37& he genam petrum & zebedeus twege sunes. & ongan unrotsian & beon unrot.
26:38Ða säigde se hælend heom. unrot is min sawle oððe deað. Gebyddað Note: over an erasure. her. & wakieð mid me.
26:39& þa he lithwan þanen agan. he afell on his ansiene. & hine gebæd & þus cwæð. Fader min gyf hyt beon mæg. ge-wite þes calic fram me. þeah-hwæðere na swa swa ic wille. ac swa swa þu wylt.
26:40& he com to hys leorning-cnihten & funde hyo slæpende. & he sægde petre swa. ne myhte ge nu wakien ane tyde mid me.
26:41Wakieð & gebiddað eow. þt ge in ne gan on costnenge. Witodlice se gast ys ræd. & þt flæsc is untrum.
26:42Eft oðre siðe he ferde. & hine ge-bæd & cwæð. Min fader gyf þes calic ne mage witen buton ic hine drinke. gewurðe þin wille.
26:43& he com eft & gemette hyo slæpende. Soðlice heore eagen waren ge-heofegede.
26:44& he for-læt hyo æft. & ferde & hine ge-bæd þridde syðe cweðende þt ylce ge-bed.
26:45Ða com he to hys leorning-cnihten & saigde heom. slæpeð eallunge & resteð eow. nu geneohlacð syo tid. þt mannes sune beoð geseald on synfulra handa.
26:46Arisað uton faren. nu ge-nealaceð se ðe me be-læweð.
26:47Ða he þas þing spræc. þa com iudas an of þam twelfen & mycel folc mid him. mid sweordan & mid sahlen asende fram þare sacerda ealdra & þas folkes ealdren.
26:48Se þe hine be-læwde sealde heom tacne & cwæð. Swa hwinne (sic) swa ic kysse se hit ys. nymeð hine.
26:49& he neohlacte rædlice to þam hælende. & quoth. Hal beo þu lareow. & he kyste hine.
26:50Ða cwæð se hælend to hym. Eala freond to hwam be-come þu. Ða geneahlacten hyo & þanne hælend ge-namen.
26:51Witodlice an þara þe mid þam hælende wæs. abred hys sweord. & asloh of anes þas sacerda ealdres þeowa eare.
26:52Þa cwæð se hælend to hym. Do þin sweord on his scæðe. Witodlice ealle þa þe sweord nymað. mid sweorde hyo forwurðeð.
26:53Wenst þu þæt ic ne mihte byddan minne fæder þt he sende me nu ma þanne twelf eorde ængle.
26:54hu magen beon gefylde þa halgen gewrite. þe be me awritene synde. for-ðan þus hit byrað to beonne.
26:55On þare tide se hælend cwæð to þam folke. Eal-swa to þeofe ge synde cumene. mid sweorden ænd mid sahlum me to nymene. Daighwamlice ic sæt mid eow. on þam temple & lærde eow. & ge me ne namæn.
26:56Þæt eall is geworden þæt þare witegena halgane (sic) writ syen ge-fellede. Ða flugen ealle þa leorning-cnihtes & for-leten hine.
26:57& hyo namen þanne hælend. & lædden hine to caiphan þare sacerda ealdra þær. þa bokeres & þa ealdres ge-samneda wæren.
26:58Petrus hym fylgede ferrene. oð he com to þare sacerda ealdres botlen. & he in-eode & sæt mid þæm þeignen. þæt he geseage Note: orig. ge-seahge. þanne ænde.
26:59Witodlice þare sacerde ealdres. & eall þæt gemot sohten lease sage on-gean þanne hælend. þæt hyo hine to deaðe sealden.
26:60ænd hyo ne myhten nane fyndon. þa þa manega mid leasen on-sægen ge-neahlahton. Ða æt-nexten comon twegan þare leogere & cwæðen.
26:61Þes saide ic mæg towerpan godes temple. ænd æfter þrem dagen hyt eft ge-tymbrigen.
26:62Þa aras se ealdor þare sacerda & cwæð. Ne andswerest þu nan þing ongen þa. þe þas þing þe an-seggeð.
26:63Se hælend swigede. Þa. se ealdor þare sacerda cwæð. Ic hælsige þe þurh þanne lifiende god þæt þu segge us gyf þu ert crist godes sune.
26:64Ða cwæð se hælend him to. þæt þu sagdest. Soð ic eow segge. æfter þisen ge ge-seoð mannes barn sittende on þa swiðren healfe godes magen-þrymnysse. & cumendne on heofenes wolcnen.
26:65Þa þare sacerda ealdres slat hys agen reaf & cwæð. Ðys is bysmere-spaeche. To hwi wilnige we anigre oðre sage. nu ge ge-hyrdon of hym gyltlice spæce.
26:66hwæt ys eow nu ge-þuht. Hyo andweredon ealle & cwæðen. he ys deaðes scyldig.
26:67Ða spætton hyo on hys ansiene. & beoton hine mid here festum. Sume hine slogan on hys ansiene mid hera brada (sic) handen.
26:68& cwæðen. Sege us crist hwæt ys se þe þe smat.
26:69Petrus soðlice sæt uten on þam chæfertune. Ða com to hym an þara þeowa. & cwæð. & þu wære mid þam galileiscan hælende.
26:70& he wyð-soc be-foran eallen. & cwæð. Nat ich hwæt þu sægst.
26:71Ða he ut-eode of þare dure. þa geseah hine oðre wealne & sægde þam þe þær wæren. & þes wæs mid þam nazareiscan hælende.
26:72& he wið-soc eft mid aðe. þæt he his nan þing ne cuþe.
26:73Ða æfter litlen fyrste. ge-nehlahten þa þe þær stodan. & cwæðen to petre. Soðlice þu ert of hym. & þin sprace þe ge-swuteleð.
26:74Ða æt-soc he & þæt sweriende þæt he næfre þanne man ne cuðe. & rædlice þa creow se cocc.
26:75Ða munede petrus þas hælendes word þe he cwæð ær þam þe se cöcc creowe þreowa ðu me wið-secst. & he eode ut ænd weop byterlice.
Wessex Gospels c.1175

Wessex Gospels c.1175

The Wessex Gospels (also known as the West-Saxon Gospels) are a full translation of the four gospels of the Christian Bible into a West Saxon dialect of Old English. Designated Royal MS 1 A XIV, it is historically important.

  • The Wessex Gospels are the oldest translations into English without the Latin.
  • The gospels are written in the Old English West Anglo-Saxon dialect of Northumbria.
  • Royal MS 1 A XIV is written on parchment and is also known as the Codex Evangeliorum Anglice.
  • The title written at the top of the page, ‘Text[us] iv evangelior[um] anglice’, is reproduced in the 14th-century catalogue of the Benedictine Christ Church library, but at the Reformation this book was one of many acquired from religious houses by Thomas Cranmer, Archbishop of Canterbury from 1532 to 1534, whose name is written at the top of the page.
  • Seven extant copies exist today. The earliest version dates from 990AD.
  • Royal MS 1 A XIV was copied directly from MS 441 in the Bodleian library at Oxford. We know this as the same passages have been omitted from both. It has a transmission jump of 185 years.
  • MS 441 (990AD) is extant and still resides in the Bodleian Library at Oxford University, England. It was given to the library by Baron Hatton in 1671. Paleographical evidence suggests a Canterbury origin. The earliest extant evidence of ownership is through Archbishop Matthew Parker (1504-75).
  • MS Corp. Ch Coll Camb 140 (1000AD) is in Corpus Christi College Cambridge.
  • Royal MS 1 A XIV (1175AD) is in the British Library and was presented to the British Museum by King George II in 1757 from the Old Royal Library.
  • Royal MS 1 A XIV once belonged to the Prince of Wales: Henry Frederick, (1594-1612), eldest child of King James the First.

Why is this important?

  • Desiderius Erasmus had access to these MSS before starting his translation of the Textus Receptus. In the five years prior to starting his translation work Erasmus was Professor of Divinity at Cambridge at a time when the university's benefactors owned these manuscripts.
  • The King James Bible translators had access to these manuscripts. All the six KJV translation companies where housed at Oxford, Cambridge and Westminster and all had access to the Wessex Gospels.
  • The codex contains the long ending in Mark chapter 16.
  • The codex contains the Pericope Adulterae (John 7:53-8:11)