Textus Receptus Bibles
Wessex Gospels c.1175
27:1 | Witodlice þa hyt morgen wæs. þa worhten ealle þare sacerda ealdres ge-mot. & þas folkes ealdres on-gean þanne hælend þæt hyo hine to deaðe be-læwdon. |
27:2 | & hyo lædden hyne ge-bundenne & sealden hyne þam pontiscan pilaten þam demen. |
27:3 | Ða ge-seah iudas þe hyne be-leawde. þæt he for-demed wæs. þa ongan he reowsian Note: MS. reorsian. . & brohte þa þrittig scyllinga. to þare sacerde ealdren. & cwæð. |
27:4 | Ic synogede þa ic sealde þæt rihtwise blod. Ða cwæðen hyo. Hwæt cwæðst þu þæt to us; |
27:5 | & he awarp þa scyllingas in-on þæt tempel. & ferde. & mid grine hine selfne äheng. |
27:6 | Ða soðlice þare sacerde ealdras on-fengen þas seolfres & cwæðen. Nis hyt na alyfed þæt we asenden hyt on ure maðmcheste Note: MS. madm-. . for-þam þe hyt ys blodes wurð. |
27:7 | Hyo worhten þa ge-mot. & smægdon. hu hyo scolden þas hælendes wurð Note: MS. wurd. ateon. þa ge-bohten hyo ænne aker mid þam feo agyl-wyrhton . Note: Sic; see v. on to bebyrigenne ealðeodisce men. |
27:8 | for-þam ys se aker ge-haten acheldemach. þæt ys on ure þeode blodes aker. & swa he ys ge-haten oðð þisne dayg. |
27:9 | Ða wæs ge-felld þæt gecweðen ys. þurh ieremiam þanne witege þus cweðende. Ænd hyo on-fengen þrittig scyllinga þas ge-bohten wurð. þane þe wæs ær ge-wurðed fram israele bearnen. |
27:10 | & hyo sealdon þæt on ageltiwyrhton (sic) aker swa swa drihten me gesette. |
27:11 | Þa stod se hælend beforan þam demen. & se deme hyne axode þus cwæðende. Ert þu iudea kyning; Ða cwæð se hælend. þæt þu sægst. |
27:12 | & mid þy þe hyne wreidon þare sacerda ealdres. & þa hlafordes. nan þing he ne andswerede. |
27:13 | Ða cwæð pilatus to hym. ne ge-herst þu hu fela sagen hyo on-gean þe seggað. |
27:14 | & he ne andswerede mid nanen worde. swa þæt se deme wunðrede swyðelice. |
27:15 | Hyo hæfdon heom to ge-wunen to hyre simbel-dayge. þæt se deme scolde forgyfen þam folce ænne for-worhtne mann swylcne hyo hæbben wolden. |
27:16 | Hyo hafden þa soðlice ænne strangne þeof-man gehæftne þe wæs ge-haten barrabas. |
27:17 | Ða þæt folc ge-samnod wæs. þa cwæð pilatus. Hwaðer wille ge þæt ich eow agyfe þe barraban þe þanne hælend; þe ys crist ge-haten. |
27:18 | He wyste soðlice þæt hyo hyne for anden hym sealden. |
27:19 | He sæt þa pilatus on hys dom-settle. Ða sente hys wif to hym & cwæð. Ne beo þe nan þing ge-mæne on-gean þisen rithwisen. Soðlice fela ic hæbbe ge-þoled to-dayg þurh ge-sihðe; for hym. |
27:20 | Ða lærde þa sacerde ealdres & þa hlafordes þæt folc þæt hyo bædon barraban. & þanne hælend for-dydon. |
27:21 | Ða andswerede se deme & saigde heom. Hwæðer wille ge þæt ic for-geofe eow of þisan twam. Ða cwæðen hyo. Barraban. |
27:22 | Ða quoth pilatus to heom. Witodlice hwæt do ich be þam hælende þe is crist ge-nemned Note: MS. genemneð. . Ða cwæðen hyo ealle. syo he on rode ahangen. |
27:23 | Þa cwæð se dema to heom. Witodlice hwæt yfeles dyde þes; Hyo þa swiðere clypedon; þus cweðende. syo he ahangen. |
27:24 | Ða ge-seah pilatus þæt hyt naht ne fremede ac ge-wurðe mare ge-hlud. þa ge-nam he water & weosc hys hande be-foran þam folke. & cwæð. Un-scyldig ich eom fram þisen rihtwisan blode. ge ge-seoð. |
27:25 | Ða andswerede eall þæt folc ænd cwæð. Syo his blod ofer us. & ofer ure bearn. |
27:26 | Ða for-geaf he heom barrabann. Ænd þanne hælend he lëtt swingen. & sealde heom to ähonne. |
27:27 | Ða under-fengen þas deman cæmpen þanne hælend on þam domerne. & ge-gaderede ealne þanne þread to heom |
27:28 | & un-scyrden hine hys agene reafe. & scrydden hine mid selekene reade sicchele (sic). |
27:29 | & wunden kynehelm of þornen. & asetten ofer hys heafod. & reod on hys swiðran. & beigdon heore cneow beforan hym. and bysmeredon hine þus cweðende. |
27:30 | Hall weosse þu iudea kyning. & spætton on hine. ænd namen reod ænd beoton hys heafod. |
27:31 | ænd æfter þan þe hy hine þus bysemeredon. hyo unscridden hine þam sicchele. & scyrden hine mid hys agene reafe. ænd lædden hyne to ahonne. |
27:32 | Soðlice þa hyo ut-ferden. þa gemetton hyo ænne cyrenyssce man cumende heom to-genes þas namen wæs symon. Ðane hyo nædden þæt he bære hys rode. |
27:33 | Ða comen hyo on þa stowe. þe ys ge-nemned golgotha þt is heafed-pannan stowe; |
27:34 | & hyo sealden hym win drincen wið gallen gemenged. & þa he hys on-byrede þa nolde he hit drinken. |
27:35 | Soðlice æfter þam þe hyo hine on rode on-hengen. hyo to-dældon hys reaf. & wurpon hlot þær-ofer. þt wære ge-fylled þt ge-cweðen wæs þurh þonne witegen & þus cwæð. hyo to-dælden heom mine reaf. & ofer mine reaf hyo wurpen hlot. |
27:36 | & hyo beheolden hine sittende. |
27:37 | & hyo asetten ofer hys heafod hys gylt þus awritenne. Ðys is se hælend iudea kyng. |
27:38 | Ða wæren ahangen mid hym twegen scaðan. än on þa swiðren healfe. & oðer on þam winstran. |
27:39 | Witodlice þa weiferende hyne bysmereden. & cwæhton heore heafod. |
27:40 | & cwæðen. Wa þæt þes to-werpð godes temple & on þridden daige hyt eft ge-tymbred. ge-hæl nu þe sylfne. gyf þu syo godes sune ga niðer of þare rode. |
27:41 | Eac þare sacerde ealdres. hyme (sic) bysmeredon mid þam bokeran & mid þam ealdran. & cwæðen. |
27:42 | Oðre he ge-helde. & hyne sylfne ge-hælen ne mæg. Gyf he israele kyng sy. ga nu niðer of þare rode. & we ge-lefeð hym. |
27:43 | He ge-lyfd on god. alyse he hyne nü gyf he wille. Witodlice he saigde godes sunu ich em Note: MS. eom, alt. to em. . |
27:44 | Gelice þa scaðan þe mid hym ahengene wæren hine hospodon. |
27:45 | Witodlice fram þare sixten tyde wæren ge-worðon þeostre ofer ealle eorðen. oððe nygeðon tyde. |
27:46 | & embe þa nygeþen tid. clypede se hælend mycelre stefne. & þus cwæð. Hely. hely. lama zabathani. þt is on englisc. min god min god to hwi for-lete þu me. |
27:47 | Soðlice sume þe þær stoden & þis ge-herden cwæðen. Nu he clypað heliam. |
27:48 | Ða rædlice arn an heora. & genam ænne spongen. & fylde hyo mid echede. & ä-sette an reod þær-on. & sealde hym drinken. |
27:49 | Witodlice þa oðre cwæðen læt uten ge-seon hwæðer helias cume & wylle hyne alysan. |
27:50 | Ða clypede se hælend æft mychelere stefne. & asende his gast. |
27:51 | Ænd þær-rihte þas temples wah-riht warð to-stliton (sic) on twegen dæles. fram ufewearden oððe niþewearden. & syo eorðe befode. & stanes to-burston; |
27:52 | & byrigenne wurden ge-openede. & manega halga lichamen þe ær slepen arisan. |
27:53 | & þa hyo ut-eoden of þam byrigenne; æfter hys ariste; hyo comen on þa halgen cheastre. & ætteowoden hyo manegen. |
27:54 | Witodlice þas hundredes ealdor. & þa þe mid hym wæron healdende þanne hælend. þa hyo ge-seagen þare eorðe-befienge. & þa þing þe þær ge-wurðen. hyo ondrædden heom þærle. & cwæðon. Soð godes sune wæs þes. |
27:55 | Witodlice þær wæren manega wif feorran. þa þe fylgdon þam hælende. fram galilea. hym þegnende. |
27:56 | Be-tweox þam wæs syo magdalenisca Marie. & Maria Iacobes & iosepes moder & zebedeis sune moder. |
27:57 | Soðlice þa hyt æfen wæs com sum weli man of arimathia þas name wæs ioseph. se sylfe wæs þas hælendes leorning-cniht. |
27:58 | he geneahlacte to pilate. & bæd þas hælendes lichamen. Ða het pilatus agyfen hym þanne lichamen. |
27:59 | & Ioseph genam þanne lichaman. & be-wand hine mid clænre scetan. |
27:60 | & legde hine on hys nywe berienne. þe he äheow of stane. & he to-awelte mycele stan to hlyde þare byrigenne. & ferde syððan. |
27:61 | Ðær wæs soðlice syo magdalenissce Marie & syo oðer Marie sittende æt þam byrigenne. |
27:62 | Witodlice oðeran daige þe wæs gearcung-dæg. comen to-gædere þare sacerda ealdras & þa sunder-halgen to pilate. |
27:63 | & cwæðen. Hlaford we ge-munen þæt se swica sæigde þa he on lyfe wæs. þæt æfter þreom dagen ic arise. |
27:64 | hat nu healden þa byrigenne. oðð þanne þridden day. þy-læs hys leorning-cnihtes cumen & for-stylen hyne. & seggen þam folke þæt he arise of deaðe. Ðanne beoð þæt æfter ge-dwel wyrse þanne þæt ærre. |
27:65 | Ða cwæð pilatus. Ge hæbbeð heord-radene fared & healded swa swa ge witen. |
27:66 | Soðlice hyo ferdon. & ymb-tremedon þa byrigenne. & inseggledon þanne stann mid þam wearden. |

Wessex Gospels c.1175
The Wessex Gospels (also known as the West-Saxon Gospels) are a full translation of the four gospels of the Christian Bible into a West Saxon dialect of Old English. Designated Royal MS 1 A XIV, it is historically important.
- The Wessex Gospels are the oldest translations into English without the Latin.
- The gospels are written in the Old English West Anglo-Saxon dialect of Northumbria.
- Royal MS 1 A XIV is written on parchment and is also known as the Codex Evangeliorum Anglice.
- The title written at the top of the page, ‘Text[us] iv evangelior[um] anglice’, is reproduced in the 14th-century catalogue of the Benedictine Christ Church library, but at the Reformation this book was one of many acquired from religious houses by Thomas Cranmer, Archbishop of Canterbury from 1532 to 1534, whose name is written at the top of the page.
- Seven extant copies exist today. The earliest version dates from 990AD.
- Royal MS 1 A XIV was copied directly from MS 441 in the Bodleian library at Oxford. We know this as the same passages have been omitted from both. It has a transmission jump of 185 years.
- MS 441 (990AD) is extant and still resides in the Bodleian Library at Oxford University, England. It was given to the library by Baron Hatton in 1671. Paleographical evidence suggests a Canterbury origin. The earliest extant evidence of ownership is through Archbishop Matthew Parker (1504-75).
- MS Corp. Ch Coll Camb 140 (1000AD) is in Corpus Christi College Cambridge.
- Royal MS 1 A XIV (1175AD) is in the British Library and was presented to the British Museum by King George II in 1757 from the Old Royal Library.
- Royal MS 1 A XIV once belonged to the Prince of Wales: Henry Frederick, (1594-1612), eldest child of King James the First.
Why is this important?
- Desiderius Erasmus had access to these MSS before starting his translation of the Textus Receptus. In the five years prior to starting his translation work Erasmus was Professor of Divinity at Cambridge at a time when the university's benefactors owned these manuscripts.
- The King James Bible translators had access to these manuscripts. All the six KJV translation companies where housed at Oxford, Cambridge and Westminster and all had access to the Wessex Gospels.
- The codex contains the long ending in Mark chapter 16.
- The codex contains the Pericope Adulterae (John 7:53-8:11)