
Textus Receptus Bibles

Wessex Gospels c.1175



5:1Note: Videns iesus turbas ascendit in montem. R. Soðlice þa se hælend geseah þa manige. he astah on þanne munt. & þa he sæt þa geneahlahten his leorning-cnihtes to hym.
5:2& he untynde hys muð. & lærde hyo. & cwæð.
5:3Eadige synde þa gastlice þearfan. forþan hyora is heofena riche.
5:4and are transposed in all the MSS. Note: Ch. v. ver. Eadige syndde þa lyðan. forðan þe hyo eorðan agunnen (over an erasure).
5:5and are transposed in all the MSS. Note: Ch. v. ver. Eadige sind þa þe nu wepeð Note: MS. weped. . for-þan þe hyo beoð gefrefrede.
5:6Eadiga synd þa þe rihtwysnissa hingreð Note: MS. hingred. & þirsteð. for-þan þe hyo beoð gefellede.
5:7Eadige synd þa mild-heortan. for-þan þe hyo mildheortnyssa begytað.
5:8Eadige synd þa clæn-heortan. for-þan þe hyo god geseoð.
5:9Eadige synd þa sibsume. for-þan þe hyo beoð godes bearn genemnde.
5:10Eadige synd þa þe hehtnysse þoliað. for rihtwisnysse. for-þam þe heora is heofena riche.
5:11Eadige synde ge. þanne hyo weregieð Note: MS. weregied (over erasure). eow. & ehtað eow. & seggeð yfell ongean eow leogende for me.
5:12Geblissiað Note: MS. Geblissiad. & gefageniað. for-þan þe eower mede is mychel on heofenum. Swa hyo ehtan ða witegan þe beforen eow wæren.
5:13Geo sendden eorðan salt. gyf þæt salt awyrð on þam þe hyt gesylt bið. hit ne mæg syððen to nahte. buton þæt hyt sye ut-aworpen. & syo fram mannen fortredon.
5:14Ge synd midden-eardes leoht. ne maig syo ceastre beon behyd. þe beoð up on munt äset.
5:15Ne hyo ne aleð heora leoht-fæt. & hit under cype setteð. ac ofer candel-stæf þæt hit onlihte eallen. þan þe on þam huse synde.
5:16Swa onleohteð eower leoht beforan mannen. þæt hy ge-sye eower gode werc. & wuldrian eowre fæder þe on heofene ys.
5:17Nelle ge wenen þæt ich come towerpan þa læge. oððe þa witegan. ne com ich na towerpan. ac to gefyllan.
5:18Soðes on eornest ich segge eow. ær þan þe gewitan heofone & eorðe an .i. oððe an prike. ne gewit fram þare lage. ær þan ealle þing gewurðan.
5:19Eornestlice se þe towirpð an of þisen læsten beboden. & þa men swa lærð. se beoð læst genemned on heofene riche. Soðlice se þe hit deð & lærð. se beoð mychel genemned on heofene rice.
5:20Note: Amen dico uobis quia nisi habundauerit iusticia uestra plusquam scribarum & phariseorum non intrabitis in regnum celorum. R. Soðlice ic segge eow buton eowre rihtwisnesse mara syo. þanne þare writere & sinder-halgane. ne ga ge on heofena riche.
5:21Ge gehyrden hwæt gecweðen wæs on ealden tyden. Ne ofsleah þu. se þe ofsleahð. se beoð domes scyldig.
5:22Ic segge eow soðlice. þt ælch þe yrseð his breðer byeð domes scyldig. Soðlice se ðe saigð his breðer þu aworðene. he beoð geþeahte scyldig. Se þe saigð þu stunta. he byoð sceldig helle feres.
5:23Eornestlice gyf þu brincst þine lac to weofede. & þu þær geþencst. þæt þin broðer hæfð ani þing agen þe.
5:24læt þær þine läc beforan þam weofede. & gang ær & sibbesuma wið þinne broðer. & þanne cum þu siððen & bring þine läc.
5:25Beo þu onbugende þine wiðer-winnen hwora (sic) þa hwile þe þu eart. on weiga mid him. þi læs þe þi wiðer-winne þe selle þam deman. & se deme þe sylle þam þeine. & þu syo on cwarterne gesend.
5:26Soðes ic segge þe ne gæst þu þanen ær þu agylde þanne ytemeste ferþyng.
5:27Ge gehyrden þæt on ealden cwiden gecweþen wæs. Ne unriht-heme þu
5:28soðlice ic segge eow. þæt ælc þare þe wif geseohð ænd hire gewilneð. eallunge þæt se gesinegað on his heorte.
5:29Gyf þin swiðre eage þe aswikie. aholeke hit ut. & äwerp hit fram þe. Soðlice þe is betere þæt an þinre lime forwurðe. þonne eall þin lichame. syo on helle gesent.
5:30And gyf þin swiðre hand þe aswike. äcerf hyo of. & awerp hyo fram þe. Witodlice þe is betere þæt an þinre lima forwurðe. þanne all þin lichama fare to helle.
5:31Soðlice hit is gecweðen. swa-hlich swa his wif forlæt. sylle he hire. hyra hiwgeðales boc.
5:32Ic segge eow to soðe. þæt ælc þe hys wif forlæt buton forleirnisse þingen. he deð þt hy unriht-hemeð. & se unriht-hameð þe for-lætene efter hym genimeð.
5:33Eft ge gehyrden þæt gecwæðen wæs on ealden cwiden. Ne forswere þu. Soðlice drihten þu agelst þine aþas.
5:34Ich segge eow soðlice. þæt ge eallunge ne swerigan. Ne þurh heofene. for-þam þe hye ys godes þrim-setel.
5:35Ne þurh eorþan. for-þam þe hyo ys hys fot-scamel. Ne þurh ierusalem. for-þan þe hyo ys mæres kyninges chestre.
5:36Ne þu ne swere þurh þin heafod. for-þan þe þu ne miht don ænne loc hwitne Note: MS. hwit. ne. oðerne blacne.
5:37Soðlice sye eowre spræce. hyt is. hit is. hyt nis. hyt nys. Soðlice gyf þær mare beoð. þæt beoð of yfele.
5:38Ge gehyrden þæt gecweðen wæs. Eage for eage. & toð for toð.
5:39Soðlice ic segge eow. ne winne ge on-gean þa þe eow yfel doð. Ac gyf hwa þe smite on þin swiðre wænge. gegerewe hym þæt oþer.
5:40& þan þe wile on dome wið þe flitan & nime þine tunican. læt him to þinne wæfeles.
5:41& swa hwa swa þe net þusend stapa Note: MS. stawa. . ga mid him oðre twa þusend.
5:42Syle þam þe þe bidde. & þan þe æt þe wile borgian ne wern þu hym.
5:43Ne gehered ge þt gecweðen wæs. lufe þine nextan. & hate þine feond.
5:44Soðlice ic segge eow. lufieð owre feond. & doð wel þan þe eow yfel doð. & gebiddað for eowre ehteras. & tælende eow.
5:45þæt ge seon eowres fader bærn. þe on heofene ys. se þe deð þæt his sunne äspringð ofer þa godan & ofer þa yfelen. & he læt rinan ofer þa rihtwisan. & ofer þa unrihtwisan.
5:46Gyf ge soðlice þa lufiað þe eow lufiað. hwilche mede hæbbe ge. hwu ne doð manfulla swa.
5:47& gyf ge þæt an doð þæt ge eowre gebroðre welcumieð. hwæt do ge mare. hu ne doð hæþene swa.
5:48Eornestlice beoð fulfremede. swa eowre heofenlice fæder is fulfremed.
Wessex Gospels c.1175

Wessex Gospels c.1175

The Wessex Gospels (also known as the West-Saxon Gospels) are a full translation of the four gospels of the Christian Bible into a West Saxon dialect of Old English. Designated Royal MS 1 A XIV, it is historically important.

  • The Wessex Gospels are the oldest translations into English without the Latin.
  • The gospels are written in the Old English West Anglo-Saxon dialect of Northumbria.
  • Royal MS 1 A XIV is written on parchment and is also known as the Codex Evangeliorum Anglice.
  • The title written at the top of the page, ‘Text[us] iv evangelior[um] anglice’, is reproduced in the 14th-century catalogue of the Benedictine Christ Church library, but at the Reformation this book was one of many acquired from religious houses by Thomas Cranmer, Archbishop of Canterbury from 1532 to 1534, whose name is written at the top of the page.
  • Seven extant copies exist today. The earliest version dates from 990AD.
  • Royal MS 1 A XIV was copied directly from MS 441 in the Bodleian library at Oxford. We know this as the same passages have been omitted from both. It has a transmission jump of 185 years.
  • MS 441 (990AD) is extant and still resides in the Bodleian Library at Oxford University, England. It was given to the library by Baron Hatton in 1671. Paleographical evidence suggests a Canterbury origin. The earliest extant evidence of ownership is through Archbishop Matthew Parker (1504-75).
  • MS Corp. Ch Coll Camb 140 (1000AD) is in Corpus Christi College Cambridge.
  • Royal MS 1 A XIV (1175AD) is in the British Library and was presented to the British Museum by King George II in 1757 from the Old Royal Library.
  • Royal MS 1 A XIV once belonged to the Prince of Wales: Henry Frederick, (1594-1612), eldest child of King James the First.

Why is this important?

  • Desiderius Erasmus had access to these MSS before starting his translation of the Textus Receptus. In the five years prior to starting his translation work Erasmus was Professor of Divinity at Cambridge at a time when the university's benefactors owned these manuscripts.
  • The King James Bible translators had access to these manuscripts. All the six KJV translation companies where housed at Oxford, Cambridge and Westminster and all had access to the Wessex Gospels.
  • The codex contains the long ending in Mark chapter 16.
  • The codex contains the Pericope Adulterae (John 7:53-8:11)