
Textus Receptus Bibles

Matthew's Bible 1537


9:1Do not thou tryumphe, O Israel, make no boastinge more then the Heathen, for thou hast committed aduoutrye againste thy God: straung rewardes hast thou loued more then al the corneflores.
9:2Therfore shal they no more enioy the corneflores & winepresses, & their swete wine shall fayle them.
9:3They will not dwell in the Lordes lande, but Ephraim turneth agayne into Egypte, and eateth vncleane thinges amonge the Assirians.
9:4They poure oute no wyne for a drinckofferinge vnto the Lord, neyther geue they him their flain offeringes: but they be vnto them as mourners meates, wherin all they that eate them, are defyled. For the breade that they haue suche luste vnto, shall not come into the house of the Lorde.
9:5What wyl ye do then in the solempne daies, and in the feaste of the Lorde?
9:6Lo, they shall get them awaye for the destruccyon: Egipte shal receyue them, & Noph shall bury them. The netles shal ouergrowe their pleasaunt goodes, and burres shalbe in their tabernacles.
9:7Be ye sure (O Israel) the tyme of visitacyon is come, the dayes of recompensynge are at hande. As for the Prophete, ye holde hym for a foole: and him that is ryche in the spyrite for a mad man: so great is youre wickednes and malice.
9:8Ephraim hath made him selfe a watchman of my God, a prophet that is become a snare to do hurte in euery strete and abhomynacyon in the house of his God.
9:9They be gone to farre, & haue destroyed themselues, like as they dyd afore tyme at Gabaa. Therfore their wyckednes shalbe remembred, and their synnes punyshed.
9:10I founde Israel lyke the grapes in the wildernes, & saw their fathers as the fyrst figges in the top of the fygge tre. But they are gone to Baal Peor, & runne away from me to that shamefull Idoll, and are become as abhominable as their louers.
9:11Ephraim flyeth lyke a byrde, so shall their glory also. In so muche, that they shall neyther beget, conceyue nor beare children.
9:12And though they bring vp any yet wyll I make them chyldelesse among men. Yea, wo shall come to them, when I departe from them.
9:13Ephraim (as me thyncke) is planted in welthynesse, lyke as Tirus, but nowe must she bring her owne children forth to the manslayer.
9:14O Lorde thou shalt geue them: what shalte thou geue them? geue them an vnfrutefull wombe and drye brestes.
9:15All their wyckednesse is done at Galgal, there do I abhorre them. For the vngracyousnes of their owne inuencyons. I will driue them oute of my house. I will loue them no more, for all their princes are vnfaythfull.
9:16Ephraim is hewen doune, their rote is dryed vp, so that they shal brynge no more frute: yea and thoughe they brynge forth any, yet will I slaye euen the best beloued frute of their body.
9:17My god shal cast them awaye, for they haue not bene obedient vnto hym, therefore shal they go astray amonge the Heathen.
Matthew's Bible 1537

Matthew's Bible 1537

The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.