
Interlinear Textus Receptus Bibles shown verse by verse.

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Textus Receptus Bibles

Matthew's Bible 1537



10:1Israel was a goodly vyne, but he hath brought forth vnprofytable frute: yea, the more frute he had, the mo aulters he made: the more good I dyd to their lande, the more frendshyppe shewed they to their Images.
10:2Their herte is deuyded, therfore wyll they be destroyed. The Lorde shall breake doune their Images, he shall destroye their aulters.
10:3Then shall they saye: we haue no kinge, for why? we haue not feared the Lorde. And what shall then the kinge do to vs?
10:4They comen together, and sweare vayn othes: they be confederate together, therefore groweth their punyshement, as the wedes in the forowes of the lande.
10:5They that dwell in Samaria haue worshipped the calfe of Bethauen: therfore shall the people mourne ouer them: yea, and the priestes also, that in their welthynesse reioysed wyth them: and why? it shall passe awaye from them.
10:6It shalbe brougthe to the Assyryans, for a present vnto kinge Iareb. Ephraim shal receyue full punishement: Israel shalbe confounded for his owne ymaginacyons.
10:7Samaria with his kynge shall vanyshe awaye as the scomme in the water.
10:8The hye places of Auen where Israel do synne, shalbe caste doune: thystles and thornes shall growe vpon their aulters. Then shall they saye to the mountaynes: couer vs, and to the hylles, fall vpon vs.
10:9O Israel, thou hast synned as Gabaa did afore tyme, where they remayneth, shoulde not the battel then come vpon the wicked children, as wel as vpon the Gabaonites?
10:10I wyl chasten them, euen after myne owne desyre, the people shalbe gathered together ouer them, when I punishe them for their greate wyckednesse.
10:11Ephraim was vnto me, as a cowe that is vsed to go to plowe, therfore I loued him, & fel vpon his fayre neck, I droue Ephraim, Iuda plowed, and Iacob played the husbande man,
10:12that they myght sowe vnto righteousnes, and reape the frutes of weldoynge that they might plowe vp their fresh lande, & seke the Lorde, tyll he came, and learned them ryghteousnes.
10:13But nowe they haue plowed them wyckednesse, therfore shall they reape synne, & eat the frute of lyes. Seynge thou puttest thy confydence in thyne owne wayes, and leanest to the multitude of thy worthyes:
10:14there shall growe a sedicion amonge thy people. All thy stronge cities shalbe layd waste, euen as Salmana was destroyed with his familiers, thorow him that was auenged of Arbell, in the day of batell, where the mother peryshed wt her children.
10:15Euen so shall it go with you (O Bethel) because of youre malicious wickednes. Lyke as the morninge goeth awaye, so shall the kinge of Israel passe.
Matthew's Bible 1537

Matthew's Bible 1537

The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.