
Textus Receptus Bibles

Matthew's Bible 1537


8:1Then spake Elizeus vnto the woman whose sonne he had restored to lyfe agayne, sayinge: vp & go both thou and thyne house & soiourne where thou thinkeste best, for the Lorde wyll call a darthe whiche shall come on the lande seuen yeare.
8:2And the woman arose and dyd after the saying of the man of God, & went both she & her houshold & soiourned in the lande of the Philistines seuen yeare.
8:3And at the seuen yeares end, when the woman was come agayne oute of the land of the Philistines she wente oute to speake to the kynge for her house, and for her land.
8:4And the kynge was talkynge with Gihezi the seruaunte of the man of God, sayinge, tell me I praye the, all the greate dedes which Elizeus dyd.
8:5And it chaunsed as he was tellynge the kynge howe he restored a dead bodye to lyfe agayne that the woman whose sonne he reuiued, cryed to the kynge for her house & lande. Then sayde Gihezi: My Lorde kynge, this is the woman and thys is her sonne whiche Elizeus broughte to lyfe agayne.
8:6And the kynge asked the woman, and she tolde him. And so the kynge sente with her one of his chamberlaynes sayinge: restore all that pertayneth to her, wyth all the frutes of the felde, sence the daye she lefte the lande, vnto thys tyme.
8:7After that Elizeus went to Damasco, Benhadad the kinge of Syrya beynge sycke. And one tolde the kynge, sayinge: The man of God is come hyther.
8:8Then sayde the kynge to Hazael: take a present wyth the and go againste the man of God, and aske the Lorde by hym whether I shal recouer of thys my dysease or no.
8:9And Hazael went to mete hym, & toke presentes wyth hym, euen of al the good thinges of Damasco, as muche as fourtye Cameles coulde beare, and came and presented himselfe before hym and sayde: thy sonne Benhadad Kynge of Syrya hath sent me to the, sayinge: shall I recouer of thys my dysease.
8:10And Elizeus sayde to hym: go, and saye to hym: thou shalte recouer, howe be it the Lord hath shewed me that he shall surelye dye.
8:11And the man of God beganne to loke earnestlye, in so muche that he was ashamed: and the man of God wept.
8:12And Hazael sayd: why wepeth my Lorde: And he aunswered: for I knowe that thou shalte do euyll vnto the chyldren of Israel: theyr stronge cytyes thou shalte set on fyre & theyr younge men thou shalte sleye with the swerde, and shalte dashe oute the braynes of theyr suckynge chyldren, and all to teare their wemen wyth chylde.
8:13And Hazael sayde: what is thy seruaunte which am but a dogge, that I shulde do thys great thyng? And Elizeus sayde: for the Lord hath shewed me, that thou shalte be kynge of Syrya.
8:14And so he departed from Elizeus and came to hys mayster, whiche sayde to hym. What sayde Elizeus to the? And he sayd: he tolde me that thou shuldest recouer.
8:15And on the morowe he toke a rough clothe and dypte it in the water and sprede it on hys face, & he dyed, and Hazael raygned in hys steade.
8:16The fyfte yeare of Iehoram sonne of Ahab kynge of Israel, Iehosaphat beynge yet king of Iuda, Iehoram the sonne of Iehosaphat, kynge of Iuda,
8:17beganne to raygne .xxxij. yere olde was he when he beganne to raygne, and he raygned .viij. yeare in Ierusalem.
8:18And he walked in the waye of the kynges of Israell, as dyd the house of Ahab for the doughter of Ahab was hys wyfe, and he dyd that dyspleased the Lorde.
8:19Neuerthelather the Lorde wold not destroye Iuda because of Dauid his seruaunt, as he promysed hym to geue hym a lyght in hys chyldren alwaye.
8:20And in hys dayes Edom fell awaye from vnder the hande of Iuda, & made them a king of theyr owne.
8:21And Iehoram wente to Seyr, & all hys charettes wyth hym. And he rose by nyght, & layde on the Edomytes, which compased hym in, & the captaynes of hys charet & the people fleed into theyr tentes.
8:22And so the Edomites slipte awaye from vnder the hand of Iuda vnto thys daye. And then Lobnah slipte awaye to, euen that same tyme.
8:23The rest of the dedes of Iehoram and al he dyd, are written in the chronicles of the kinges of Iuda.
8:24And Iehoram rested with hys fathers & was buryed wyth hys fathers in the citie of Dauid. And Ohoziah hys sonne raygned in his steade.
8:25The .xij. yeare of Iehoram sonne of Ahab, king of Israel, dyd Ohoziah the sonne of Iehoram kyng of Iuda begynne to raigne.
8:26Two and twentye yeare old was Ohoziah when he beganne to raygne, and raigned one yeare in Ierusalem, hys mothers name was Athaliah doughter of Amri kynge of Israel.
8:27And he walked in the waye of the house of Ahab:
8:28for he was a sonne in lawe to the house of Ahab. And Iehoram the sonne of Ahab wente to warre wyth Hazael kynge of Syrya, at Ramoth in Galaad, and the Syryans wounded hym.
8:29Wherfore kynge Iehoram wente backe agayne, to be healed in Iesrahel of the woundes whiche the Syryans had geven hym at Ramoth, when he foughte wyth Hazael king of Syrya. And Ohoziah the sonne of Iehoram kynge of Iuda wente doune to se Iehoram sonne of Ahab in Iezrahell because he was sycke.
Matthew's Bible 1537

Matthew's Bible 1537

The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.