
Textus Receptus Bibles

Matthew's Bible 1537


10:1Ahab had .lxx. sonnes in Samaria. And Iehu wrote letters, and sente to Samaria vnto the elders that were Lordes of Iesrahel, & to them that noursed vp Ahabs chyldren sayinge:
10:2nowe at the coming of these letters to you, ye haue with you youre maysters sonnes, and ye haue wyth you charettes & horses, & a strong citye & harnesse.
10:3Therfore chose the beste, & him that most pleaseth you of youre maysters sonnes, & put him on hys fathers seate, & fyght for youre lordes house.
10:4And they were excedinglye afrayde, & sayde: se, two kynges were not able to stande before hym, how shall we then stande?
10:5And the gouerner of the kynges house & of the cytie and of the elders, and the nourses sente to Iehu, sayinge: we are thy seruauntes & wyll do all that thou shalte byd vs: we wyll make no man king, but do thou what semeth good in thyne eyes.
10:6Then he wrote another letter to them sayinge: If ye be myne, & wil obey my voyce, then take the heades of youre maysters sonnes and come to me to Iezrahell, by to morowe thys tyme. And the kynges sonnes were .lxx. personnes wyth the great men of the cytye whiche nouryshed them.
10:7And when the letter came to them, they toke the kynges chyldren and slue them in nombre .lxx. persones, & put theyr heades in cophines, and sente them to hym to Iezrahell.
10:8And there came a messenger, & tolde hym, sayinge: they haue broughte the heades of the kynges sonnes. And he said: let them put them on two heapes in the entring of the gate, tyll it be daye.
10:9And in the mornyng he wente oute & stode & sayd to all the folke, ye be rightuous: for se, I conspyred agaynst my mayster & slue him: But who slue these?
10:10consydre now how there is nothynge of the Lordes worde fallen to the earthe, whiche he spake agaynste the house of Ahab: for the Lorde hath done that he spake to hys seruaunt Eliah.
10:11And so Iehu slue all that remayned of the house of Ahab, in Iezrahel, & all that were greate wyth hym, & hys companyons & hys priestes, vntyll he had left hym naught remayne.
10:12And he arose, and departed & went to Samaria. And as Iehu was come euen to the house where the shepeherdes bind theyr shepe by the hye waye syde,
10:13he met wyth the brethren of Ohoziah kinge of Iuda, and sayde: what are ye? & they sayde: the brethren of Ohoziah are we, and go to salute the chyldren of the kynge, and of the quene.
10:14And he sayde: take them alyue. And they toke them alyue, & slue them at the well besyde the house where the shepardes bynde theyr shepe, in nombre .xlij. personnes, that he lefte none of them:
10:15And when he was departed thence, he met with Iehonadab the sonne of Rechab coming agaynst hym. And Iehu saluted him & sayde to hym: is thyne herte ryghte, as myne hert is with thyne. And Iehonadab sayd: yea that it is. If it be, then geue me thyne hande. And he gaue hys hande, & the other toke hym vp to hym into the charet
10:16& said: go with me & se the zeale I haue to the Lorde, & made hym ryde with him in his charet.
10:17And when he came to Samaria, he slue all that remayned vnto Ahab in Samaria, tyll he had wypte him oute, accordyng to the sayinge of the Lorde whiche he spake to Eliah.
10:18After that Iehu gathered all the people together, & sayde to them: Ahab seued Baal a lytle: But Iehu shall serue hym a good.
10:19Now therfore call vnto me all the Prophetes of Baal and all his seruauntes & al his priestes, that none be lackynge. For I haue a great sacrifice to do to Baal: & yf any be myssed, he shall not lyue. But Iehu dyd it for a suttelty, to destroy the seruauntes of Baal.
10:20Wherfore Iehu said: Appoynte a solempne feaste for Baal, & they proclamed it.
10:21Then Iehu sent thorowe out all Israell. And all the seruauntes of Baal came, that there was not a man left behynde that came not. And when they were come in to the temple of Baal, the temple was ful from one end to another.
10:22Then he sayde to the keper of the vestrye, brynge forth garmentes for the seruauntes of Baal. And he brought them oute garmentes.
10:23And Iehu went wt Iehonadab sonne of Rechab into the house of Baal, and sayd to the seruauntes of Baal: searche, & loke that there be none here with you of the seruauntes of the Lorde, but the seruauntes of Baal onelye.
10:24And they went in, to offer sacrifyce and burnteofferynges. But Iehu appoynted him foure skore men wythoute, and sayd: Yf anye of the men whiche I shall brynge vnto youre handes escape, he that letteth hym go, shall dye for hym.
10:25And as sone as he had made an ende of offeryng of burntsacrifyce, he sayde to them of the garde & to the Lordes, go in and sley them, let none come oute. And they smote them with the edge of the swerde. And the garde and the Lordes caste them oute, and went vnto the cytye of the house of Baal,
10:26and fet oute the Image oute of the house of Baal, and burnte it.
10:27And they brake the Image of Baal, & brake the house of Baal, and made a sege of it euer after.
10:28And so Iehu destroyed Baal out of Israel.
10:29But from the synnes of Ieroboam the sonne of Nabat whiche made Israel synne with the goulden calues in Bethel and Dan, Iehu departed not.
10:30Then the Lorde sayde to Iehu, because thou hast lustely done that pleaseth me, and haste done to the house of Ahab all that was in myne herte, therfore shall thy chyldren in the fourthe generacyon sit on the seate of Israel.
10:31But Iehu cared not to walcke in the lawe of the Lorde God of Israel wyth all hys hert for he departed not from the synnes of Ieroboam whiche made Israel synne.
10:32In those dayes the Lorde beganne to cut Israel shorte, for Hazael slue them in all the coastes of Israell,
10:33from Iordan Eastwarde: euen al the lande of Galaad, the Gadites, the Rubenites and the Manassites, from Aroer vpon the ryuer of Arnon, with Galaad and Basan.
10:34The rest of the actes of Iehu, and all he dyd, and all hys poure are wrytten in the chronicles of the kynges of Israel.
10:35And when Iehu was layd to rest wyth hys fathers, they buryed hym in Samaria, and Iehoahaz hys sonne raygned in hys steade.
10:36And that tyme that Iehu raygned vpon Israel in Samaria, was .xxviij. yeare.
Matthew's Bible 1537

Matthew's Bible 1537

The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.