
Textus Receptus Bibles

Matthew's Bible 1537


19:1When Kynge Hezekiah hearde that he rent his clothes, and put on sacke, and wente to the house of the Lorde.
19:2Forthermore he sent Eliakim stuard of houshold and Sobnah the scribe, and the elders of the priestes clothed in sack, to Isaiah the Prophet the sonne of Amos.
19:3And they sayde to hym: thus sayth Hezekiah: thys daye is a daye of trybulacyon, rebukinge and raylynge. Euen as when the chyldren are readye to be borne and the mothers haue no power to be delyuered.
19:4Oh that the Lorde thy God would heare al the wordes of Rabsakeh whom the kynge of Assiria hys mayster hathe sent to rayle on the lyuynge God, and to rebuke hym wyth wordes which the Lord thy God hath heard. Wherfore lyfte vp thy prayer for the remnaunt that are lefte.
19:5When the seruauntes of kynge Hezekiah were come to Isaiah,
19:6Isaiah sayde to them. So shall ye saye to youre mayster. Thus sayth the Lorde: be not afrayde of the wordes thou heardest, with whyche the young men of the kyng of Assiria haue railed on me.
19:7For I wil sende him a blast that he shal heare tydynges, and so returne to hys owne lande. And I will ouerthrow him with the swerde, euen in hys owne lande.
19:8And Rabsakeh went backe agayne and founde the kynge of Assiria fightyng agaynst Lobnah: for he had hearde, how thac he was departed from Lachis.
19:9And he hearde tydynges of Therhakah king of the blacke Mores, how that he was come out to fyght agaynst him.
19:10And thervpon he departed and sent messengers vnto Hezekiah saying: Thus saye to Hezekiah king of Iuda: let not thy God carie the out of the waye, in whom thou so trustest sayinge: Ierusalem shal not be delyuered into the hand of the kinge of Assiria.
19:11Beholde, thou hast hearde, what the Kynges of Assiria haue done to all landes, how they haue vtterly destroyed them. And how then shouldest thou escape?
19:12hathe the Goddes of the Heathen delyuered them whiche myne aunsetries haue destroyed: as Gosan, Haran, Rezeph, and the chyldren of Eden, whiche were in Telazar?
19:13where is the kinge of Hemath, the kynge of Arphath, the Kynge of the cytye of Sepharuaim, and the kynge of Ana and the kynge of Auah.
19:14When Hezekiah had receyued the letter of the hand of the messengers & had read it, he went into the house of the Lord and layd it abroade before the Lorde.
19:15And Hezekiah prayed before the Lorde and sayde: Lorde God of Israell, whych dwellest betwene the Cherubes, thou art God alone ouer all the kyngedomes of the earthe, and thou hast made bothe heauen and earthe.
19:16Lord bowe thine eares and heare: Open Lorde thyne eyes and se: and heare the wordes of Sennaherib, which had sent to raile on the lyuynge God.
19:17But of a truthe Lorde, the kynges of Assiria haue destroyed nacyons and their landes,
19:18and haue set fyre on their Goddes. For they were no Goddes, but the worke of the handes of man, euen wood and stone. And therfore they destroyed them.
19:19Nowe therfore Lorde our God, saue thou vs oute of his hande, that all the kingdomes of the earth may knowe, that thou Lorde art God alone.
19:20And Isaiah the sonne of Amoz sent to Hezekiah sayinge: thus sayth the Lorde God of Israel: that thou hast prayed to me concernynge Sennaherib kinge of Assiria, I haue hearde it.
19:21This is the kinge that the lorde sayth of him: he hath despysed the, O virgine doughter of Sihon: he hath shaked his head at the, thou doughter of Ierusalem:
19:22whom hast thou rayled on? and whom hast thou reuyled? Agaynste whome hast thou exalted thy voyce? and hast lyfte vp thyne eyes so hye?
19:23Euen against the holy of Israel. By the hand of thy messengers thou hast rayled on the Lorde, & sayde: with the multitude of my charettes I am come vp to the heyght of the mountaynes euen along by the sides of Libanon, and haue cut of the hye Cedar trees and the lustye fyre trees therof euen to the wood of Carmel that belongeth therto.
19:24I haue dygged and droncke straunge waters, and haue dryed vp with the soles of my fete poles enclosed.
19:25But hast thou not hearde howe I haue ordeyned suche a thynge a great whyle a go, & haue prepared it from the begynnynge? And now I bryng it forthe and it shalbe to destroy and to brynge stronge cities into rude heapes of stones.
19:26And the enhabiters of them shalbe of lytle power, and faynt herted and confounded. They shalbe lyke the grasse of the felde & grene erbes, and as the hey on the toppes of the houses whych whetherth or it come to any heyght.
19:27I wote where thou dwellest, and thy cominge out and goyinge in know I to, and howe thou settest vp thy brystelles agaynste me.
19:28And because thou settest vp thy bristelles against me, and that thy raginge is come vp to myne eares: therfore I wil put a rynge in thy nose and a byt in thy lyppes, and wyll brynge the backe agayne the same way thou camest.
19:29And this shalbe a signe vnto the: eate this yeare of the frutes of the seade that fell out, & the next yeare, that waxeth of it selfe. And the thirde yeare sowe ye and reape, plant vineyardes, and eate the frutes therof.
19:30For the doughter of Iuda that is escaped and lefte, shall yet againe take rotinge dounewarde & beare frute vpwarde.
19:31For out of Ierusalem shall go a remnaunt, and a nombre that shall escape out of mount Sion: the zeale of the lord of Hostes shall brynge this thinge to passe.
19:32Wherfore thus saith the Lorde, of the kinge of Assiria: he shall not come to this citie, nor shote arow into it, nor come before with shild nor cast any bancke agaynst it:
19:33but shall go backe agayne the waye he came, and shall not come at his cytye sayth the Lorde.
19:34For I wyll defende this cytye and saue it, for myne owne sake, and for Dauid my seruauntes sake.
19:35And the selfe same nyght the Aungel of the Lorde went out & smote in the hoste of the Assirians an hundred four skore & fiue thousand. And when they were vp erly in the morning beholde, they were al dead corses.
19:36And so Sennaherib kynge of Assiria auoyded & departed & went againe, and dwelt at Niniueh.
19:37And as he was in his deuocyon knelynge in the house of Nisroch hys God, Adramelech and Sarasar smote him with the swerde. And they escaped into the lande of Ararat, and Asarhadon hys sonne raygned in his steade.
Matthew's Bible 1537

Matthew's Bible 1537

The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.