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Textus Receptus Bibles

The Great Bible 1539



19:1So it came to passe, that when kynge Hezekia hearde it, he rent hys clothes, and put on sacke, and came into the house of the Lorde,
19:2and sent Eliakim which was the stuard of housholde, and Sobna the Scribe, & the elders of the preastes clothed in sacke, to Isay the prophete the sonne of Amoz.
19:3And they sayde vnto him, thus sayth Hezekia this daye is a daye of tribulacyon and of rebuke and blasphemy. For the chyldren are come to the byrth, and there is no strength to be delyuered.
19:4Paraduenture the Lorde thy God wyll heare all the wordes of Rabsake, whom the kynge of Assyria his master hath sent, to rayle on the lyuynge God, and to rebuke him with wordes, which the Lorde thy God hath hearde: And lyfte thou vp thy prayer for the remnaunt that are lefte.
19:5So the seruauntes of kynge Hezekia came to Isay:
19:6And Isaie sayd vnto them: So shall ye saye to youre master: Thus sayth the Lorde: be not afrayde of the wordes which thou hast heard, with which the younge men of the kynge of Assyria haue rayled on me.
19:7Beholde, I will put him in another mynde, and he shall heare tydinges, and so returne to hys awne lande: And I will bringe to passe, that he shall fall vpon the swerde euen in his awne lande.
19:8And Rabsakeh went backe agayne, and founde the kynge of Assyria fyghting agaynst Libna: for he had hearde, howe that he was departed from Lachis.
19:9And when he hearde men saye of Thirhaka kynge of the blacke Mores: Beholde, he is come out to fyght agaynst the,
19:10he departed, & sent messengers vnto Hezekia sayinge. Thus speake to Hezekia kynge of Iuda, sayinge: let not thy God disceaue the, in whom thou trustest, sayinge: Ierusalem shalt not be delyuered into the hande of the kynge of Assyria.
19:11Beholde, thou hast heard, what the kynges of Assyria haue done to all landes, howe they haue vtterly destroyed them. And shalt thou escape?
19:12Haue the Gods of the hethen delyuered them, which myne aunsetries haue destroyed? As Gozan, & Haran, Rezeph, & the chyldren of Eden which were in Bithlasar?
19:13where is the kynge of Hamath, and the kyng of Arphad, the kynge of the cytie of Sepharnaim, & of Hena & Iua?
19:14So Hezekia receaued the letter of the hande of the messengers, and redd it: And Hezekia went vp into the house of the Lorde, & layde it abroade before the Lorde.
19:15And Hezekia prayed before the Lorde, and sayde: O Lord God of Israel, which dwellest betwene the Cherubs, thou art God alone ouer all the kyngdomes of the erth, thou hast made heauen & earth Lord,
19:16bowe downe thine eare, & heare: Open Lorde thyne eyes (I beseche the) & se: and heare the wordes of Sennacherib which hath sent thys man to rayle on the lyuynge God.
19:17Of a truthe Lorde, the kinges of Assyria haue destroyed nacyons and their landes,
19:18and haue sett fyre on their Gods. For they were no Gods, but the worcke of the handes of man: euen of wood & stone. And they destroyed them.
19:19Nowe therfore, O Lorde oure God, I beseche the, saue thou vs out of hys hande, that all the kyngdomes of the earth maye knowe, that thou onely art the Lorde God.
19:20And Isay the sonne of Amoz sent to Hezekia, sayinge: thus sayth the Lord God of Israel: that which thou hast prayed me, concernynge Sennacherib kynge of Assyria, I haue hearde it.
19:21This is therfore the worde that the Lord hath sayde of him: The virgin euen the daughter of Sion hath despysed the, and laughed the to scorne (o thou kynge of Assyria) the daughter of Ierusalem hath shaken her head at the.
19:22Whom hast thou rayled on, & whom hast thou blasphemed? Agaynst whom hast thou exalted thy voyce, and lyfted vp thyne eyes so hye. Euen agaynst the holy of Israel.
19:23By the hande of thy messengers thou hast rayled on the Lorde and sayde: wt the multitude of my charettes I am come vp to the toppes of the mountaynes, euen alonge by the sydes of Libanon, and I wyll cut downe the hye Cedar trees and the lustie fyrre trees therof: and I will go into the lodging of his nest, & into the wood of his playne.
19:24I haue digged & droncke straunge waters, and wt the steppe of my goynge will I drye all the water poles that are beseaged.
19:25Hast thou not hearde, howe I haue ordeyned soch a thinge a great whyle a goo, & haue prepared it from the begynninge? And shall I not nowe bringe it forth, that it maye destroye, and to brynge stronge cyties into wast heapes of stones?
19:26And the enhabiters of them shalbe of lytle power, & faynt herted, and confounded, and shalbe lyke the grasse of the felde, or grene herbe, or as the heye on the toppes of the houses: or as the corne that is vnripe, & smytten wt blastinge.
19:27I knowe thy dwellinge, thy commynge out, and thy goynge in, & thy furye agaynst me.
19:28And because thou ragest agaynst me, and thynckest thy selfe so blessed: this is come vp vnto myne earis, & I will put my hoke in thy nastrels, and my bytt in thy lyppes, and will bringe the backe agayne, the same waye thou camest.
19:29And this shalbe a sygne vnto the (O Hezekia) Ye shall eate this yere of soch thynges as growe of them selues, and the next yeare soch as come vp of those that dyd growe of their awne accorde. And the thirde yere sowe ye and reape, plant vyneyardes and eate the frutes therof.
19:30And it that is escaped & lefte, of the daughter of Iuda, shall yet agayne take rotinge downe warde and beare frute vpwarde.
19:31For out of Ierusalem shall go a remnaunt, and a nombre that shall escape out of mount Sion: the Zele of the Lorde of Hostes shall brynge thys thynge to passe.
19:32Wherfore, thus sayth the Lorde, concerninge the kinge of Assyria: he shall not come to this cytie, nor shote an arowe into it, nor come before it with shilde, nor cast bancke agaynst it:
19:33but shall go backe agayne the waye he came, & shall not come into this cytie sayeth the Lorde.
19:34For I will defende this cytie, to saue it, for myne awne sake, and for Dauid my seruauntes sake.
19:35And so it came to passe that the selfe same nyght the angell of the Lorde went out & smote in the Hoste of the Assyrians an hundred foure skore and fyue thousande. And when the remnaunt were vp erlye in the mornynge: they sawe, they were all deed coarsses.
19:36And so Sennacherib kynge of Assyria auoyded and departed, and went agayne, & dwelt at Niniue.
19:37And it fortuned, that as he was in a temple worshyppynge Nisroch hys God, Adramelech & Sacesar his awne sonnes smote hym with the swerde. And they escaped into the lande of Armenia, and Asarhaddon his sonne raygned in his steade.
The Great Bible 1539

The Great Bible 1539

The Great Bible of 1539 was the first authorized edition of the Bible in English, authorized by King Henry VIII of England to be read aloud in the church services of the Church of England. The Great Bible was prepared by Myles Coverdale, working under commission of Thomas, Lord Cromwell, Secretary to Henry VIII and Vicar General. In 1538, Cromwell directed the clergy to provide "one book of the bible of the largest volume in English, and the same set up in some convenient place within the said church that ye have care of, whereas your parishioners may most commodiously resort to the same and read it."