
Textus Receptus Bibles

King James Bible 1611


28:1Surely there is a veine for the siluer, and a place for golde where they fine it.
28:2Iron is taken out of the earth, and brasse is molten out of the stone.
28:3Hee setteth an ende to darkenesse, and searcheth out all perfection: the stones of darkenesse and the shadow of death.
28:4The floud breaketh out from the inhabitant; euen the waters forgotten of the foote: they are dried vp, they are gone away from men.
28:5As for the earth, out of it commeth bread: and vnder it, is turned vp as it were fire.
28:6The stones of it are the place of Saphires: and it hath dust of golde.
28:7There is a path which no foule knoweth, and which the vulturs eye hath not seene.
28:8The lyons whelps haue not troden it, nor the fierce lyon passed by it.
28:9Hee putteth foorth his hand vpon the rocke; hee ouerturneth the mountaines by the rootes.
28:10Hee cutteth out riuers among the rockes, and his eye seeth euery precious thing.
28:11He bindeth the flouds from ouerflowing, and the thing that is hid, bringeth he foorth to light.
28:12But where shall wisedome bee found? And where is the place of vnderstanding?
28:13Man knoweth not the price thereof neither is it found in the land of the liuing.
28:14The depth saith, It is not in me: and the sea saith, It is not with me.
28:15It cannot be gotten for golde, neither shall siluer be weighed for the price thereof.
28:16It cannot be valued with the golde of Ophir, with the precious Onix, or the Saphire.
28:17The golde and the chrystall cannot equall it: and the exchange of it shall not be for iewels of fine golde.
28:18No mention shalbe made of Corall, or of Pearles: for the price of wisedome is aboue Rubies.
28:19The Topaze of Ethiopia shall not equall it, neither shall it be valued with pure golde.
28:20Whence then commeth wisedome? and where is the place of vnderstanding?
28:21Seeing it is hid from the eyes of all liuing, and kept close from the foules of the ayre.
28:22Destruction and death say, Wee haue heard the fame thereof with our eares.
28:23God vnderstandeth the way thereof, and he knoweth the place thereof.
28:24For hee looketh to the endes of the earth, and seeth vnder the whole heauen:
28:25To make the weight for the windes, and he weigheth the waters by measure.
28:26When hee made a decree for the raine, and a way for the lightning of the thunder:
28:27Then did he see it, and declare it, he prepared it, yea and searched it out.
28:28And vnto man he said, Behold, the feare of the Lord, that is wisedome, and to depart from euill, is vnderstanding.
King James Bible 1611

King James Bible 1611

The commissioning of the King James Bible took place at a conference at the Hampton Court Palace in London England in 1604. When King James came to the throne he wanted unity and stability in the church and state, but was well aware that the diversity of his constituents had to be considered. There were the Papists who longed for the English church to return to the Roman Catholic fold and the Latin Vulgate. There were Puritans, loyal to the crown but wanting even more distance from Rome. The Puritans used the Geneva Bible which contained footnotes that the king regarded as seditious. The Traditionalists made up of Bishops of the Anglican Church wanted to retain the Bishops Bible.

The king commissioned a new English translation to be made by over fifty scholars representing the Puritans and Traditionalists. They took into consideration: the Tyndale New Testament, the Matthews Bible, the Great Bible and the Geneva Bible. The great revision of the Bible had begun. From 1605 to 1606 the scholars engaged in private research. From 1607 to 1609 the work was assembled. In 1610 the work went to press, and in 1611 the first of the huge (16 inch tall) pulpit folios known today as "The 1611 King James Bible" came off the printing press.