
Textus Receptus Bibles

The Great Bible 1539


12:1Who so loueth wysdome, wyll be content to be refourmed: but he the hateth to be reproued, is a foole.
12:2A good man is acceptable vnto the Lorde, but the wycked ymaginer will he condempne.
12:3A man cannot endure in vngodlynesse, but the rote of the ryghteous shall not be moued.
12:4A huswifly woman is a crowne vnto her husbande: but she that behaueth her selfe vnhonestly, is a corrupcion in hys bones.
12:5The thoughtes of the ryghteous are ryght, but the ymaginacion of the vngodly are disceatfull.
12:6The talkynge of the vngodly is howe they maye laye wayte for bloud, but the mouth of the ryghteous wyll deliuer them.
12:7God ouer turneth the estate of the wycked & they stande not: but the house of the ryghteous shall stande steadfaste.
12:8A man shalbe commended for hys wysdome, but a fole shalbe despysed.
12:9A symple man which laboureth and worketh, is better then one that is gorgyous and lacketh bread.
12:10A ryghteous man regardeth the lyfe of hys catell, but the vngodly haue cruel hertes.
12:11He that tylleth his lande, shall haue plenteousnesse of bread: but he that foloweth ydylnes: is a very foole.
12:12The desyre of the vngodly hunteth after myschefe, but the rote of the ryghteous bringeth forth fruyte.
12:13The wycked falleth into the snare thorow the malyce of hys awne mouth, but the iust shall eschape out of parell.
12:14Euery man shall enioye good accordynge to the frute of hys mouth, and after the workes of hys handes shall he be rewarded.
12:15Loke what a foole taketh in hande, he thynketh it well done: but he that is wyse, wyll be counceled.
12:16A foole vttereth hys wrath in all the haste, but a discrete man couerith wronge.
12:17A iust man wyll tell the trueth, and shewe the thynge that is ryght: but a false witnesse disceaueth.
12:18A sclaunderous person prycketh lyke a swerde but a wyse mans tonge is wholsome.
12:19A trewe mouth is euer constant, but a dissemblynge tonge is soone chaunged.
12:20They that ymagyn euell in theyr mynde, wyll disceaue: but the councelers of peace, shall haue ioye folowynge them.
12:21There shall no mysfortune happen vnto the iust, but the vngodly shalbe fylled with misery.
12:22The Lorde abhorreth lyinge lyppes, but they that laboure for trueth please hym.
12:23He that hath vnderstandynge, doth hyde wysdome: but an vndiscrete herte telleth out hys folyshnesse.
12:24A diligent hande shall beare rule, but the ydle shalbe vnder tribute.
12:25Heuynesse discorageth the herte of man, but a good worde maketh it glad agayne.
12:26The ryghteous excelleth hys neygboure, but the waye of the vngodly wyll disceaue them selues.
12:27The disceytfull man shall not roste, that he toke in huntynge, but the riches of the iuste man is of great valewe.
12:28In the waye of ryghteousnesse there is lyfe, and in the same waye there is no death.
The Great Bible 1539

The Great Bible 1539

The Great Bible of 1539 was the first authorized edition of the Bible in English, authorized by King Henry VIII of England to be read aloud in the church services of the Church of England. The Great Bible was prepared by Myles Coverdale, working under commission of Thomas, Lord Cromwell, Secretary to Henry VIII and Vicar General. In 1538, Cromwell directed the clergy to provide "one book of the bible of the largest volume in English, and the same set up in some convenient place within the said church that ye have care of, whereas your parishioners may most commodiously resort to the same and read it."