
Textus Receptus Bibles

The Great Bible 1539


4:1Heare, O ye chyldren, the fatherly exhortacyon, and take good heade, that ye maye lerne wysdome.
4:2For I haue geuen you a good doctryne, forsake nott ye my lawe.
4:3For when I my selfe was my fathers deare sonne, and tenderly beloued of my mother:
4:4he taught me also, and sayde vnto me: Lett thyne herte receaue my wordes, kepe my commaundementes, and thou shalt lyue.
4:5Get the wysdome: and get the vnderstanding: forget not the wordes of my mouth, and shrynke not from them.
4:6Forsake her not and she shall preserue the: loue her, and she shall kepe the.
4:7The chefe poynte of wysdome is, that thou be wyllynge to optayne wysedome: and before all thy goodes to gett the vnderstandynge.
4:8Make moche of her and she shall promote the: Yee, yf thou embrace her, she shall brynge the vnto honoure.
4:9She shall make the a gracyous heed, and garnysshe the with a crowne of glory.
4:10Heare my sonne, and receaue my wordes and the yeares of thy lyfe shall be many.
4:11I haue shewed the, the waye of wysdome, and ledd the into the ryght pathes.
4:12So that yf thou goest therin, there shall no straytenes hynder the: and when thou runnest, thou shalte not fall.
4:13Take fast holde of doctryne, and let her nott go: kepe her, for she is thy lyfe.
4:14Come nott in the pathe of the vngodly: and walke nott in the waye of the wycked.
4:15Abhorre it, and go not therin: departe asyde, and passe ouer by it.
4:16For they cannot slepe, excepte they haue fyrst done some myschefe: nether take they anye reste, excepte they haue fyrst done some harme.
4:17For they eate the breade of wyckednesse, and dryncke the wyne of robberye.
4:18The pathe of the ryghtewes shyneth as the lyght, that is euer brighter and brighter vnto the perfect daye.
4:19But the waye of the vngodly is as the darcknesse: they knowe nott where they fall.
4:20My sonne, marcke my wordes, and enclyne thyne eare vnto my sayinges.
4:21Let them not departe from thyne eyes: but kepe them euen in the myddest of thyne herte.
4:22For they are lyfe vnto all those that fynde them, and health vnto all theyr bodyes.
4:23Kepe thyne herte with all diligence, for there vpon hangeth lyfe.
4:24Put awaye from the a frowarde mouth, & let the lyppes of sclaunder be farre from the.
4:25Let thyne eyes beholde the thyng that is ryght, and let thyne eye lyddes loke strayght before the.
4:26Pondre the path of thy fete, and let all thy wayes be ordred a ryght.
4:27Turne not asyde, nether to the ryght hande net to the lefte, but witholde thy fote from euell.
The Great Bible 1539

The Great Bible 1539

The Great Bible of 1539 was the first authorized edition of the Bible in English, authorized by King Henry VIII of England to be read aloud in the church services of the Church of England. The Great Bible was prepared by Myles Coverdale, working under commission of Thomas, Lord Cromwell, Secretary to Henry VIII and Vicar General. In 1538, Cromwell directed the clergy to provide "one book of the bible of the largest volume in English, and the same set up in some convenient place within the said church that ye have care of, whereas your parishioners may most commodiously resort to the same and read it."