
Textus Receptus Bibles

The Great Bible 1539


1:1And Salomon the sonne of Dauid waxed stronge in hys kingdome & the Lorde his God was with him, & magnifyed him in the dignitye.
1:2And Salomon spake vnto all Israel, to the captaynes ouer thousandes, to the captaynes ouer hundredes, to the iudges and to euery offycer in all Israel, and to the awncient fathers.
1:3And so Salomon & all the congregacyon with him went to the hye place that was at Gibeon: for there was the tabernacle of the witnesse of God, which Moses the seruaunte of the Lorde made in the wildernesse.
1:4But the Arcke of God had Dauid brought from Kiriath Iearim, into the place which Dauid had prepared therfore. For he had pytched a tente for it at Ierusalem.
1:5Moreouer, the brasen aulter that Bezaleel the sonne of Uri, the sonne of Hur had made, was there, before the tabernacle of the Lorde. And Salomon and the congregacyon went to vyset it.
1:6And Salomon gat vp there before the Lorde to the brasen aulter that was before the tabernacle of wytnesse, & offred a thousande burntsacrifyces vpon it.
1:7And that same nyght dyd God appeare vnto Salomon, and sayde vnto hym: aske, what I shall geue the.
1:8And Salomon sayde vnto God: thou hast shewed great mercye vnto Dauid my father, and hast made me to raygne in his steade.
1:9Nowe therfore O Lorde God, let thy promyse which thou madest vnto Dauid my father, be true. For thou hast made me kynge ouer a people: which is lyke the dust of the earth in multitude.
1:10Wherfore, geue me nowe wysdome & knowledge, that I maye be able to go out and in before this people: for who els can iudge this people that is so great?
1:11And God sayde to Salomon, because this was in thyne hert, and because thou hast not asked treasure, and rychesse, & honoure, and the lyues of thyne enemyes, nether yet longe lyfe: but hast asked wysdome and knowledge for thy selfe, to iudge my people, ouer which I haue made the kyng
1:12wysdome and knowledge is graunted vnto the, and I will geue the treasure, and rychesse, and glorye: so that amonge the kynges that haue bene before the or after the, none was or shalbe lyke the.
1:13And so Salomon cam from the hylaulter (that was at Gibeon) to Ierusalem, from the tabernacle of witnesse, and raygned ouer Israel.
1:14And Salomon geathered charettes and horsemen: and he had a thousande, and foure hundred charettes, and .xij. thousande horsemen, whom he bestowed in the charet cyties, and with the kynge at Ierusalem.
1:15And the kynge made syluer and golde at Ierusalem, as plenteous as stones: and Cedar trees made he as plentie as the mulbery trees that growe in the valeyes
1:16And the horses which Salomon had, were brought him out of Egypt by the kynges marchauntes that were together, which beynge of one company, toke them out at a pryce.
1:17They came also and brought out of Egypte a charet for fyxe hundred peces of syluer: euen an horse for an hundred & fyftie. And so brought they horses for all the kynges of the Hethites, & for the kynges of Siria by their awne hande.
The Great Bible 1539

The Great Bible 1539

The Great Bible of 1539 was the first authorized edition of the Bible in English, authorized by King Henry VIII of England to be read aloud in the church services of the Church of England. The Great Bible was prepared by Myles Coverdale, working under commission of Thomas, Lord Cromwell, Secretary to Henry VIII and Vicar General. In 1538, Cromwell directed the clergy to provide "one book of the bible of the largest volume in English, and the same set up in some convenient place within the said church that ye have care of, whereas your parishioners may most commodiously resort to the same and read it."