Textus Receptus Bibles
The Great Bible 1539
9:1 | And whan the quene of Saba hearde of the fame of Salomon, she came to proue hym in harde questions at Ierusalem, with a very great company, with camelles that bare spices & plentye of golde and precyouse stones. And when she was come to Salomon, she commoned with hym of all that she had in her herte. |
9:2 | And Salomon foyled her, all her questions, and there was not one worde hyd from Salomon, whych he tolde her not. |
9:3 | And when the quene of Saba had sene the wysdome of Salomon and the house that he had buylte, |
9:4 | and the meate of hys table, the syttynge of his seruauntes, and the standing of his wayters, theyr apparell, hys buttelars, theyr apparell, hys goynge vp, by the whych he went into the house of the Lorde, ther was nomore sprete in her. |
9:5 | And she sayde to the kynge: the sayenge which I heard in myne awne lande, of thyne actes, and of thy wysdome, is true. |
9:6 | I beleued not the wordes of them, vntyll I came, & myne eyes had sene it. And beholde, the one halfe of thy wysdome was not tolde me: for thou exceadest the fame that I hearde. |
9:7 | Happye are thy men, and happy are these thy seruauntes which stande before the alwaye, & heare thy wysedome. |
9:8 | Blessed be the Lorde thy God, which had lust to the, to set the kynge on his seat, that thou myghtest be kyng, ordeyned by the Lorde thy God. Because thy God loueth Israell, and hath delyte to make them contynue euer, therfore made he the kynge ouer them to do ryght and equyte. |
9:9 | And she gaue the kyng an hundred & .xx. talentes of golde, and of spyces exceadynge great abundaunce and preciouse stones, nether was there any more soche spyce, as the quene of Saba gaue kyng Salomon. |
9:10 | And the seruauntes of Hiram and the seruauntes of Salomon which brought golde from Ophir, brought also Algume wood and preciouse stones. |
9:11 | And the kyng made of the Algume wood, steyres in the house of the Lorde and in the kynges palace, and harpes and psalteries for syngers. And there was no soch wood sene before in the lande of Iuda. |
9:12 | And kynge Salomon gaue to the quene of Saba euery pleasaunt thing that she asked but not so moche as she brought vnto the kyng. And so she turned and went awaye to her awne lande with her seruauntes. |
9:13 | The weyght of golde that came to Salomon in one yere, was syxe hundred .lxvi. talentes of golde, |
9:14 | besydes that which chapmen and marchauntes brought: and all the kynges of Arabia and rulers of that countrey, brought gold and syluer to Salomon. |
9:15 | And kynge Salomon made two hundred bucklers of beaten golde, and .vi. hundred sycles of beaten gold were spent vpon one bucklar: |
9:16 | and thre hundred shyldes made he of beaten gold, and one shylde cost thre hundred peces of golde, and the king put them in the house that was in the forest of Libanon. |
9:17 | And the kynge made a great seat of Iuorie, & ouerlayde it with pure golde. |
9:18 | Another were syxe steppes to the seate wyth a fote stole of golde fastened to the seate: and pomelles on eche syde of the syttynge place, |
9:19 | and two lyons standynge by the pomelles. And .xii. lyons stode on the one syde and on the other: vpon the syxe steppes, so that there was no soche worke made in any kyngdome. |
9:20 | And all the drynckinge vesselles of kyng Salomon were of golde, and all the vessels of the house that was in the forest of Libanon, were of precious golde: for syluer was counted nothynge worthe in the dayes of Salomon. |
9:21 | For the kynges shyppes wente to Tharsis wyth the seruauntes of Hiram: euery thre yeare once came the shyppes to Tharsis, and brought golde, syluer, Iuorie and apes and pecockes. |
9:22 | And kyng Salomon passed all the kynges of the earth in rychesse and wysedome. |
9:23 | And all the kynges of the earth sought the presence of Salomon, to heare his wysdome that God had put in hys herte: |
9:24 | And they brought euery man his present: vesselles of syluer, and vesselles of golde, rayment, harnesse spyces, horses and mules, and whatsoeuer myght be gotten, yeare by yeare. |
9:25 | And Salomon had foure thousande stalles for horses and charettes, & twelue thousande horsemen, whom he bestowed in the charet cyties, & some were with the kyng at Ierusalem. |
9:26 | And he raygned ouer all the kynges that were from Euphrates vnto the lande of the Philistines, and to the border of Egipt. |
9:27 | And the kynge made syluer in Ierusalem as plenteous as stones, and Cedar trees as plenteous, as the mulbery trees that growe in the valleyes. |
9:28 | And they brought vnto Salomon horses out of Egypt, & out of al landes. |
9:29 | The rest of the actes of kyng Salomon, fyrst and last, are they not written in the sayenges of Nathan the Prophete, and in the prophesye of Ahiah the Silonite, and in the visions of Iedo the sear of visions, agaynst Ieroboam the sonne of Nabat? |
9:30 | And Salomon raygned in Ierusalem vpon all Israel fourtye yeares. |
9:31 | And Salomon slepte wyth hys fathers, and they buryed hym in the cytie of Dauid his father, and Rehoboam his sonne raygned in his steade. |

The Great Bible 1539
The Great Bible of 1539 was the first authorized edition of the Bible in English, authorized by King Henry VIII of England to be read aloud in the church services of the Church of England. The Great Bible was prepared by Myles Coverdale, working under commission of Thomas, Lord Cromwell, Secretary to Henry VIII and Vicar General. In 1538, Cromwell directed the clergy to provide "one book of the bible of the largest volume in English, and the same set up in some convenient place within the said church that ye have care of, whereas your parishioners may most commodiously resort to the same and read it."