Textus Receptus Bibles
The Great Bible 1539
19:1 | And Iehosaphat the kynge of Iuda came home agayne in peace to Ierusalem. |
19:2 | And Iehu the sonne of Hanam the sear went out to mete hym, and sayde to kynge Iehosaphat: Woldest thou helpe the vngodly, and loue them that hate the Lorde? Therfore is wrath come downe vpon the, from before the Lorde. |
19:3 | Neuertheles, there are some good actes founde in the, in that thou hast hewen downe the groues out of the lande, and hast prepared thyne herte to seke God. |
19:4 | And so Iehosaphat dwelt at Ierusalem: & turned & went out to the people from Beerseba to mount Ephraim, & brought them again vnto the Lord God of their fathers. |
19:5 | And he set iudges in the lande thorowout all the strong cityes of Iuda, citye by citye: |
19:6 | & sayde to the iudges: take hede what ye do, for ye execute not the iudgmentes of man, but of God, which is wt you in the iudgement. |
19:7 | Wherfore nowe, let the feare of the Lorde be vpon you, and take hede, & be doyng the thynge that pleaseth hym. For ther is no vnryghtewesnes wt the Lord oure God: that he shulde haue any respecte of persones, or take rewardes. |
19:8 | Moreouer, in Ierusalem dyd Iehosaphat set of the leuites, and of the prestes and of the auncient fathers ouer Israel, in the iudgement & cause of the Lord. And they returned agayne to Ierusalem. |
19:9 | And he charged them saying: Thus shall ye do in the feare of the Lorde, wt the trueth & a pure herte: |
19:10 | What cause soeuer come to you of your brethren that dwell in their cyties, betwene bloud & bloud, betwene law and commaundment, betwene statutes & ordynaunces, ye shall warne them, that they trespace not agaynst the Lorde, & so wrath come vpon you & on youre brethren. Thus do, & ye shall not offende. |
19:11 | And behold, Amaria the hye prest is amonge you in all matters of the Lord, & Zebadia the sonne of Ismael, a ruler of the house of Iuda, he is ouer soch busynesses as concerne the kyng: there be offycers of the leuites also before you. Take courage to you therfore, and be doynge manfully: and the Lorde shalbe with soche as be good. |

The Great Bible 1539
The Great Bible of 1539 was the first authorized edition of the Bible in English, authorized by King Henry VIII of England to be read aloud in the church services of the Church of England. The Great Bible was prepared by Myles Coverdale, working under commission of Thomas, Lord Cromwell, Secretary to Henry VIII and Vicar General. In 1538, Cromwell directed the clergy to provide "one book of the bible of the largest volume in English, and the same set up in some convenient place within the said church that ye have care of, whereas your parishioners may most commodiously resort to the same and read it."