
Textus Receptus Bibles

The Great Bible 1539


31:1But he hearde the wordes of Labans sonnes sayenge: Iacob hath taken awaye all that was oure fathers, and of oure fathers goodes hath he gotten all thys honoure.
31:2And Iacob behelde the countenaunce of Laban, & beholde. it was not as yesterdaye and yeryesterdaye.
31:3And the Lorde sayde vnto Iacob: turne agayne in to the lande of thy fathers and to thy kynred, & I wyll be wyth the.
31:4Therfore Iacob sent and called Rahel and Lea to the felde vnto hys flocke,
31:5& sayde vnto them: I se youre fathers countenaunce that it is not towarde me as yesterdaye & yeryesterdaye. But the God of my father hath bene wyth me.
31:6And ye knowe howe that I haue serued youre father with all my myght.
31:7But youre father hath disceaued me, and chaunged my wages .x. tymes: but God suffred hym not to hurte me.
31:8When he sayde, the spotted shall be thy wages, than all the shepe bare spotted. And whan he sayde: the straked shall be thy rewarde, than bare all the shepe straked:
31:9thus hath God taken awaye youre fathers shepe, and geuen them me.
31:10But in rammynge tyme it happened, that I lyfted vp myne eyes & sawe in a dreame, & beholde the rammes leaped vpon the shepe that were straked, spotted & partye.
31:11And the angell of God spake vnto me in a dreame, saying: Iacob? And I answered: here am I.
31:12And he sayde: lyfte vp nowe thyne eyes & se all the rammes leapinge vpon the shepe that are straked, spotted & partye: for I haue sene all that Laban doth vnto the,
31:13I am the God of Bethel, where thou anoyntedst the stone, and where thou vowedst a vowe vnto me. Now therfore aryse & get the out of this countre, and returne vnto the lande wher thou wast borne.
31:14Than answered Rahel, and Lea, & sayde vnto hym haue we a porcion & inheritaunce in our fathers house?
31:15Doth not he count vs euen as straungers? for he hath solde vs, and hath euen eaten vp oure monye.
31:16But all the riches whych God hath taken from oure father, that is ours & oure childrens. And now what soeuer God hath sayde vnto the, that do.
31:17Than Iacob rose vp, & set his sonnes and wyues vp vpon camels,
31:18& caried awaye all hys flockes & all hys substaunce which he had procured, hys riches and possessions which he had gotten in Mesopotamia, for to go to Isahac hys father vnto the land of Canaan.
31:19But Laban was gone to shere hys shepe, & Rahel had stolen hyr fathers ymages.
31:20And Iacob stale awaye the herte of Laban the Syrian, in that he tolde hym not that he fled.
31:21So fled he & all that he had, and made hym selfe redy, & passed ouer the ryuer, & set hys face streyght toward the mount Gilead.
31:22Upon the thyrde day after, was it told Laban that Iacob fled.
31:23Than he toke his brethren with hym and folowed after him .vii. dayes iourney, & ouer toke hym at the mounte Gilead.
31:24And God came to Laban the Syrian in a dreame by night, & sayd vnto hym: take hede, that thou speake not to Iacob ought saue good.
31:25And Laban ouertoke Iacob: and Iacob had pitched hys tente in the mounte. And Laban with hys brethren pitched their tente also vpon the mounte Gilead:
31:26And Laban sayde, to Iacob: Why hast thou thys done to steale awaye my herte, and carye awaye my doughters as though they had bene taken captyue wyth the swerde?
31:27Wherfore wentest thou awaye secretely vnknowen to me, & didest not tell me, that I myght haue brought the on the waye wyth myrth, syngyng, tymrel & harpe,
31:28and hast not suffred me to kisse my chyldren and my daughters? Thou wast a sole now to do it,
31:29for I am able to do you euyll. But the God of your father spake vnto me yesterdaye, saying take hede that thou speake not to Iacob ought saue good.
31:30And now though thou wentest thy waye, because thou longest after thy fathers house, yet wherfore hast thou stolen my goddes?
31:31Iacob answered and sayde to Laban because I was afrayed, & thought that thou woldest haue taken awaye thy doughters from me.
31:32But whyth whome soeuer thou fyndest thy goddes, let hym dye, here before oure brethren. Seke that thyne is by me, & take it to the. But Iacob wyst not that Rahel had stolen them.
31:33Than went Laban into Iacobs tente, and into Leas tente, & into the .ii. maydens tentes: but founde them not: Than went he out of leas tente, and entred into Rahels tente.
31:34And Rahel had taken the ymages & put them in the camels strawe, & sate downe vpon them. And Laban serched all the tente: but founde them not.
31:35Than sayde she to hyr father: my lord, be not angry that I can not ryse vp before the for the custome of women is come vpon me. So searched he but founde not those ydols.
31:36And Iacob was wrooth, and chode with Laban. Iacob also answered & sayde to hym: what haue I trespaced or what haue I offended, that thou folowedest so after me?
31:37Thou hast searched all my stuffe, & what hast thou founde of all thy housholde stuffe? put it here before thy brethren & myne that they maye iudge betwyxte vs both.
31:38Beholde: Thys .xx. yere haue I bene wyth the, thy shepe & thy goates haue not bene baren, & the rammes of thy flocke haue I not eaten.
31:39Whatsoeuer was torne of beastes I brought it not vnto the, but made it good my selfe: of my hande dydest thou requyre it, euen as it that was stollen by daye or nyght.
31:40By daye the hete consumed me, and the frost by nyght, and my slepe departed fro myne eyes.
31:41Thus haue I bene .xx. yere in thy house, & serued the .xiiii. yeres for thy .ii. doughters, & .vi. yeres for thy shepe, and thou hast chaunged my rewarde .x. tymes.
31:42And excepte the God of my father, the God of Abraham & the feare of Isahac had bene wyth me: surely thou haddest sent me awaye now all emptie. But God behelde my trybulacyon, and the laboure of my handes, and rebuked the yesterdaye.
31:43Laban answered and sayde vnto Iacob: these daughters are my daughters, and these chyldren are my chyldren, and these shepe are my shepe, and all that thou seyst, is myne. And what can I do thys daye vnto these my daughters, or vnto theyr chyldren whych they haue borne?
31:44Now therfore come on & let vs make a bonde, I & thou, whych maye be a witnesse betwene the and me.
31:45Than toke Iacob a stone and set it vp an ende,
31:46& Iacob sayde vnto hys brethren: gather stones. And they toke stones, and made an heape, & they did eate there vpon the heape.
31:47And Laban called it Iegar Sahadutha, but Iacob called it Gilead.
31:48Than sayde Laban: thys heape is wytnesse betwene the & me thys daye: therfore is it called Gilead
31:49& Mizaph: For he sayd: The Lorde loke betwene me & the when we are departed one from another:
31:50If thou shalt vexe my daughters or shalt take other wyues beside my daughters. Here is no man with vs: beholde, God be witnesse betwixte the and me.
31:51And Laban sayde moreouer to Iacob: beholde, thys heape and thys marke whych I haue set there, betwixte me and the:
31:52thys heape be wytnesse and also thys marke that I will not come ouer thys heape to the, and thou shalt not come ouer thys heape and thys marke vnto me: to do any harme.
31:53The God of Abraham, the God of Nahor, & the God of theyr fathers be iudge betwyxte vs. And Iacob sware by the feare of hys father Isahac.
31:54Then Iacob dyd sacrifyce vpon the mounte, & called his brethren to eate breed. And they dyd eate breed & taryed all nyght in the hyll.
31:55And early in the mornynge Laban rose vp and kyssed kys children and hys daughters, and blessed them: and Laban departynge, went vnto hys place agayne.
The Great Bible 1539

The Great Bible 1539

The Great Bible of 1539 was the first authorized edition of the Bible in English, authorized by King Henry VIII of England to be read aloud in the church services of the Church of England. The Great Bible was prepared by Myles Coverdale, working under commission of Thomas, Lord Cromwell, Secretary to Henry VIII and Vicar General. In 1538, Cromwell directed the clergy to provide "one book of the bible of the largest volume in English, and the same set up in some convenient place within the said church that ye have care of, whereas your parishioners may most commodiously resort to the same and read it."