Textus Receptus Bibles
The Great Bible 1539
17:1 | Abram was nynetye yere olde & .ix. & the Lorde apeared to Abram & sayde vnto hym: I am the almyghtie God: walke before me and be thou perfecte. |
17:2 | And I will make my bonde betwene me and the, and will multiplye the excedingly. |
17:3 | And Abram fell on hys face. And God talked with him sayinge: |
17:4 | Beholde, I am, and my testament is with the, & thou shalt be a father of many nacyons. |
17:5 | Neyther shall thy name any more be called Abram, but thy name shalbe Abraham: for a father of many nacyons haue I made the, |
17:6 | I will make the to growe excedyngly, and will make nacions of the: ye & kynges shall sprynge out of the. |
17:7 | Moreouer I will make my bonde betwene me and the, and thy seed after the in theyr generacyons, by an euerlastynge testament, that I maye be God vnto the and to thy seed after the. |
17:8 | And I wyll geue vnto the and to thy seed after the, the lande where in thou art a straunger: Euen all the lande of Canaan, for an euerlastynge possessyon, and wyll be their God. |
17:9 | And God sayde agayne vnto Abraham: Se thou also kepe my testamente therfore both thou and thy seed after the in their generacyons. |
17:10 | This is my testamente which ye shall kepe betwene me & you & thy seed after the. Euery manchylde amonge you shalbe circumcysed. |
17:11 | ye shall circumcyse the fleshe of your foreskyne, and it shall be a token of the bonde betwyxte me and you. |
17:12 | And euery manchylde of .viij. dayes olde shall be circumcysed amonge you, & suche as be in youre generacyons, and borne at home and he that is boughte wyth money of any straunger whych is not of thy seed. He that is borne in thy house, & he also that is bought wyth money, must nedes be circumcysed. |
17:13 | And my testament shall be in youre fleshe, for an euerlastinge bonde. |
17:14 | And the vncircumcysed manchylde, in whose fleshe the forskynne is not circumcysed, that soule shall peryshe, from his people: because he hath broken my testament. |
17:15 | And God sayde vnto Abraham: Sarai thy wyfe shalt thou not call Sarai: but Sara shall her name be. |
17:16 | And I will blesse her & haue geuen the a sonne of her, & wyll blesse her: people also, ye and kynges of people shall sprynge of her. |
17:17 | But Abraham fell vpon his face and laughed, and sayde in hys harte: shall a chylde be borne vnto him that is an hundred yere olde, and shall Sara that is nynetie yere olde, bere? |
17:18 | And Abraham sayde vnto God: O that Ismael myghte lyue in thy syghte. |
17:19 | Unto whom God sayde: Sara thy wyfe shall bere the a sonne in dede, & thou shalt call his name Isahac. And I wyll make my bonde with him, for an euerlastynge bonde and with his seed after him. |
17:20 | And as concernynge Ismael also, I haue herde the: for I haue blessed him, & wyll make him to encrease, & will multiplye him excedyngly. Twelue princes shal he begette, & I will make a great nacyon of him. |
17:21 | But my bonde will I make with Isahac, which Sara shall bere vnto the: euen this tyme twelue moneth. |
17:22 | And he left of talkynge with hym, & departed vp from Abraham. |
17:23 | Abraham toke Ismael his sonne and all suche as were borne in his house, and all that was bought wt money as many as were men chyldren which were amonge the men of Abrahams house, & circumcysed the flesshe of their foreskynne, euen in that selfe same daye, as God had sayde vnto him. |
17:24 | Abraham also him selfe was nynetye yere olde & nyne, when the fleshe of his floreskynne was circumcysed. |
17:25 | Ismaell his sonne was .xiij. yere olde when he was circumcysed in the fleshe of his foreskynne. |
17:26 | The selfe same daye was Abraham circumcysed, and Ismaell hys sonne. |
17:27 | And all the men of hys house, borne in his house or bought with money (of straungers) were circumcysed with him. |

The Great Bible 1539
The Great Bible of 1539 was the first authorized edition of the Bible in English, authorized by King Henry VIII of England to be read aloud in the church services of the Church of England. The Great Bible was prepared by Myles Coverdale, working under commission of Thomas, Lord Cromwell, Secretary to Henry VIII and Vicar General. In 1538, Cromwell directed the clergy to provide "one book of the bible of the largest volume in English, and the same set up in some convenient place within the said church that ye have care of, whereas your parishioners may most commodiously resort to the same and read it."