Textus Receptus Bibles
The Great Bible 1539
15:1 | After these thynges were done, the worde of the Lorde came vnto Abram in a vysyon sayinge, Feare not Abram, I am thy defence, and thy rewarde shall be exceadynge great. |
15:2 | And Abram sayde: Lorde God what wilt thou geue me whan I go chyldlesse, and the chylde of the stewardship of my house is thys Eleazar of Damasco? |
15:3 | And Abram sayde: Se, to me hast thou geuen no seed: lo, a lad borne in my house is myne heyre. |
15:4 | And beholde, the worde of the Lorde came vnto hym sayinge: He shall not be thyne heyre, but one that shall come out of thyne awne body shalbe thyne heyre. |
15:5 | And he brought him out & sayde: loke vp vnto heauen, and tell the starres, yf thou be able to nombre them. And he sayde vnto him Euen so shall thy seed be. |
15:6 | And Abram beleued the Lorde, and that counted he to hym for ryghtewesnes. |
15:7 | And agayne he sayde vnto hym: I am the Lorde that brought the out of Ur of the Caldees to geue the thys lande, and that thou myghtest possesse it. |
15:8 | And he sayde: Lorde God, wherby shall I knowe that I shall possesse it? |
15:9 | He answered vnto hym: Take an heyffer of thre yere olde, and a she goate of thre yere olde, and a thre yere olde ram, a turtyll doue also and a yonge pigeon. |
15:10 | He toke therfore all these vnto him, & deuyded them in the myddes, and layde euery pece, one agaynst another. But the foules deuyded he not. |
15:11 | And whan the byrdes fell on the carcases, Abram droue them awaye. |
15:12 | And when the sunne was downe, ther fell a slomber vpon Abram. And loo, a darke and great feare fell vpon hym. |
15:13 | And he sayde vnto Abram: knowe thys of a suertye, that thy seed shalbe a straunger in a lande that perteyneth not vnto them. And shall serue them, & they shall entreate them euell .iiij. hundred yeares. |
15:14 | But the nacyon whom they shall serue, wyll I iudge. And afterwarde shall they come out with great substaunce. |
15:15 | And thou shalt goo vnto thy fathers in peace, and shalt be buryed in a good olde age: |
15:16 | But in the fourth generacyon they shall come hyther againe, for the wickednesse of the Amorites ys not yet full. |
15:17 | And it came to passe that whan the sonne went downe, there was a dark cloude: beholde, ther was a smoking furnesse, & a fyre brande goinge betwene the sayde peces. |
15:18 | In that same daye the Lorde made a couenaunte wt Abram sayinge: vnto thy seed haue I geuen thys lande, from the ryuer of Egypt, euen vnto the great ryuer the ryuer of Euphrates, |
15:19 | the kenytes, the kenyzites, and the Cadmonites, |
15:20 | the Hethites, and the Pherezites, and the gyauntes, |
15:21 | the Amorytes also, & the Canaanites, the Gergesytes and the Iebusytes. |

The Great Bible 1539
The Great Bible of 1539 was the first authorized edition of the Bible in English, authorized by King Henry VIII of England to be read aloud in the church services of the Church of England. The Great Bible was prepared by Myles Coverdale, working under commission of Thomas, Lord Cromwell, Secretary to Henry VIII and Vicar General. In 1538, Cromwell directed the clergy to provide "one book of the bible of the largest volume in English, and the same set up in some convenient place within the said church that ye have care of, whereas your parishioners may most commodiously resort to the same and read it."