
Textus Receptus Bibles

Bishops Bible 1568


37:1When Hezekia hearde that, he rent his clothes, and put on sackcloth, and went into the temple of the Lorde
37:2But he sent Eliakim the chiefe ouer the householde, Sobna the scribe, with the eldest priestes clothed in sacke, vnto the prophete Esai the sonne of Amos
37:3And they sayde vnto hym, Thus saith Hezekia: This is the day of trouble, of plague, and of blasphemie: for the children are come to the place of birth, but there is no power to bryng them foorth
37:4The Lorde thy God no doubt hath well considered the wordes of Rabsakeh, whom his lorde king of the Assyrians hath sent to defie and blaspheme the lyuyng God, with such wordes as the Lorde thy God hath hearde ryght well: and therfore lyft vp thy prayer for the remnaunt that yet are left
37:5So the seruauntes of the kyng Hezekia came to Esai
37:6And Esai gaue them this aunswere: Say thus vnto your lorde, Thus saith the Lord: Be not afraide of the wordes that thou hast hearde, wherwith the kyng of the Assyrians seruauntes haue blasphemed me
37:7Beholde, I wyll rayse vp a wynde agaynst him, & he shall heare a rumour, and he shall go agayne into his countrey, there wyll I destroy hym with the sworde in his owne lande
37:8Nowe when Rabsakeh returned, he founde the kyng of Assyria laying siege to Libnas: for he had vnderstandyng that he was departed from Lachis
37:9And there came a rumour that Tharakas kyng of Ethiopia was come foorth to warre agaynst hym: and when the king of Assyria hearde that, he sent other messengers to kyng Hezekia with this commaundement
37:10Say thus to Hezekia kyng of Iuda: Let not thy God deceaue thee, in whom thou hopest, and sayest, Hierusalem shall not be geuen into the handes of the kyng of Assyria
37:11For lo, thou knowest well howe the kynges of Assyria haue handled all the landes that they haue subuerted: and hopest thou to escape
37:12Were the people of the gentiles whom my progenitours conquered, deliuered at any tyme through their gods? As namely Gosan, Haran, Rezeph, and the children of Eden, which were at Thalassar
37:13Where is the king of Hemath, and the king of Arphad, and the king of the citie Sepharuaim, Ena, and Aua
37:14Nowe when Hezekia had receaued the letter of the messengers, and read it, he went vp into the house of the Lorde, and opened the letter before the Lorde
37:15And Hezekia prayed vnto the Lorde [on this maner.
37:16O Lorde of hoastes, thou God of Israel, which dwellest vpon Cherubim, thou art the God that only is God of all the kingdomes of the world, for thou only hast created heauen and earth
37:17Encline thine eare Lorde and consider, open thine eyes Lorde and see, and ponder all the wordes of Sennacherib, which hath sent his embassage to blaspheme the lyuyng God
37:18It is true O Lorde that the kynges of Assyria haue conquered all kyngdomes and landes
37:19And cast their gods in the fire: for those were no gods, but the workes of mens handes, of wood or stone, therfore haue they destroyed them
37:20Nowe therfore deliuer vs O Lord our God from the handes of Sennacherib, that all the kyngdomes of the earth may knowe that thou only art the Lorde
37:21Then Esai the sonne of Amos sent vnto Hezekia, saying, Thus saith the Lorde God of Israel: Wheras thou hast made thy prayer vnto me as touching Sennacherib the king of Assyria
37:22This is the aunswere that the Lorde hath geuen concernyng hym: Dispised art thou and mocked O daughter Sion, he hath shaken his head at thee O daughter of Hierusalem
37:23But thou Sennacherib, whom hast thou defied and blasphemed? Agaynst whom hast thou lifted vp thy voyce, and exalted thy proude lokes? euen agaynst the holy one of Israel
37:24Thou with thy seruauntes hast blasphemed the Lorde, and thus holdest thou of thy selfe: I wyll couer the hye mountaynes and sydes of Libanus with my horsemen, and there wyll I cut downe the hye Cedar trees, and the fayrest Firre trees: I wyll vp in the heyght of it, and into the chiefest of his tymber woods
37:25If there be no water, I wyll graue and drynke: and as for waters of defence, I wyll drye them vp with the feete of myne hoast
37:26Yea, hast thou not hearde what I haue taken in hande and brought to passe of olde tyme? That same wyll I do nowe also, and waste, destroy, and bryng strong cities vnto heapes of stones
37:27For their inhabitours shalbe like lame men brought in feare and confounded: they shalbe lyke grasse and greene hearbes in the fielde, lyke the hay vpon house toppes, that wythereth before it be growen vp
37:28I knowe thy wayes, thy going foorth, and thy commyng home, yea and thy madnesse agaynst me
37:29Therfore thy furiousnesse agaynst me, and thy pride is come before me, I wyll put my ryng in thy nose, and my bridle bit in the iawes of thee, and turne thee about euen the same way thou camest
37:30I wyll geue thee also this token O Hezekia this yere shalt thou eate such as groweth of it selfe, and the seconde yere that which spryngeth agayne of the same, & in the thirde yere ye shall sowe and reape, yea ye shall plant vineyardes, and enioy the fruites therof
37:31And such of the house of Iuda as are escaped shall come together, and the remnaunt shall take roote beneath, and bryng foorth fruite aboue
37:32For the escaped shall go out of Hierusalem, and the remnaunt from the mount Sion: and this shall the zeale of the Lorde of hoastes bryng to passe
37:33Therfore thus saith the Lorde concernyng the kyng of the Assyrians: He shall not come into this citie, and shall shoote no arrowe into it, there shall no shielde hurt it, neither shall they cast ditches about it
37:34The same way he came he shall returne, and not come at this citie, saith the Lorde
37:35And I wyll kepe and saue this citie saith he for myne owne and for my seruaunt Dauids sake
37:36Thus the angell of the Lorde went foorth, and slue of the Assyrians hoaste an hundred fourescore and fiue thousande: and when men arose vp early in the mornyng, beholde they were slayne, and all lay full of dead bodyes
37:37So Sennacherib the kyng of the Assyrians brake vp & dwelt at Niniue
37:38Afterwarde it chaunced as he prayed in the temple of Nesroch his God, that Adramalech and Sarazer his owne sonnes slue hym with the sworde, and fled into the lande of Armenia: and Asarhaddon his sonne raigned in his steede
Bishops Bible 1568

Bishops Bible 1568

The Bishops' Bible was produced under the authority of the established Church of England in 1568. It was substantially revised in 1572, and the 1602 edition was prescribed as the base text for the King James Bible completed in 1611. The thorough Calvinism of the Geneva Bible offended the Church of England, to which almost all of its bishops subscribed. They associated Calvinism with Presbyterianism, which sought to replace government of the church by bishops with government by lay elders. However, they were aware that the Great Bible of 1539 , which was the only version then legally authorized for use in Anglican worship, was severely deficient, in that much of the Old Testament and Apocrypha was translated from the Latin Vulgate, rather than from the original Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek. In an attempt to replace the objectionable Geneva translation, they circulated one of their own, which became known as the Bishops' Bible.