Textus Receptus Bibles
Matthew's Bible 1537
12:1 | In spiritual thinges brethren I would not haue you ignoraunt. |
12:2 | Ye knowe that ye were Gentyles, and wente your wayes vnto domme Idols, euen as you were led. |
12:3 | Wherfore I declare vnto you, that no man speakinge in the spirite of God, defieth Iesus. Also no man saye that Iesus is the Lorde: but by the holye ghoste. |
12:4 | There are diuersities of gyftes verelye, yet but one spirite. |
12:5 | And there are differences of administracions, & yet but one Lorde. |
12:6 | And there are diuerse maners of operations, and yet but one God, which worketh all thinges that are wrought, in all creatures. |
12:7 | The giftes of the spirite are geuen to euerie man to profite the congregation. |
12:8 | To one is geuen thorowe the spirite the vtteraunce of wysdome. To another is geuen the vtteraunce of knowledge by the same spirite. |
12:9 | To another is geuen fayth by the same spirite. To another the giftes of healinge, by the same spirite. |
12:10 | To another power to do miracles. To another prophecie. To another iudgement of spirites. To an other diuerse tounges. To another the interpretation of tounges. |
12:11 | And these all worketh euen the selfe same spyryte, deuydynge to euerye man seuerall gyftes, euen as he wyll. |
12:12 | For as the bodye is one, and hath manye membres, and all the membres of one bodye though they be many, yet are they but one bodye: euen so is Christ. |
12:13 | For in one spyryte are we al baptysed to make one body, whether we be Iewes or Gentiles, whether we be bounde or fre: and haue al drounke of one spirite. |
12:14 | For the body is not one member, but manye. |
12:15 | Yf the fote saye: I am not the hand, therfore I am not of the bodye: is he therfore not of the bodye? |
12:16 | And yf the eare saye, I am not the eye: therfore I am not of the bodye: is he therfore not of the bodie? |
12:17 | If al the bodye were an eye, where were then the eare? If all were hearinge? wher were the smellynge? |
12:18 | But nowe hath God disposed the membres euerye one of them in the bodye, at hys owne pleasure, |
12:19 | If they were al one member: where were the bodye? |
12:20 | Nowe are there manye membres, yet but one bodye. |
12:21 | And the eye can not saye vnto the hand: I haue no nede of the: nor the heade also to the fete. I haue no nede of you. |
12:22 | Yea rather a greate deale those members of the bodye, whyche seme to be moste feble, are moste necessarye. |
12:23 | And vpon those membres of the bodie, which we thinke leste honest, put we moste honestye on. And oure vngodlye parties haue most beauty on. |
12:24 | For our honeste members nede it not. But God hath so disposed the bodye, and hath geuen moste honoure to that parte whyche lacked, |
12:25 | lest there should be anye stryfe in the bodye: but that the membres shoulde indifferentlye care one for another. |
12:26 | And yf one member be had in honoure, all the membres be glad also. |
12:27 | Ye are the bodye of Christe, and membres one of another. |
12:28 | And God hath also ordeined in the congregation, fyrst the Apostles, secondarely prophetes, thyrdely teachers then them that do miracles: after that the giftes of healinge, helpers, gouernes, diuersitie of tounges. |
12:29 | Are all Apostles? Are all Prophetes? Are all teachers? Are all doers of miracles: |
12:30 | Haue al the gyftes of healinge? Do all speake with tounges? Do al interprete? |
12:31 | Couet after the beste gyftes. And yet shewe I vnto you a more excellente waye. |

Matthew's Bible 1537
The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.