
Textus Receptus Bibles

Matthew's Bible 1537


10:1Brethren I would not that ye should be ignoraunte of this, howe that oure fathers were all vnder a cloude, and al passed thorowe the sea,
10:2and were all baptysed vnder Moyses, in the cloude, and in the sea:
10:3and dyd al eate of one spyrytual meate,
10:4and dyd al drincke of one maner of spyrytual drincke. And they drancke of that spyrytuall rocke that folowed them, which rocke was Christe.
10:5But in manie of them had God no delite. For they were ouerthrowen in the wyldernes.
10:6These are ensamples to vs that we should not luste after euyll thinges, as they lusted.
10:7Neyther be ye worshippers of Images as were some of them accordynge at it is written: The people sate doune to eate and drynke, and rose vp agayne to playe.
10:8Neyther let vs committe fornicacion as some of them committed fornycacyon, and were destroied in one day .xxiij. thousand.
10:9Neither let vs tempte Christe as some of them tempted, and were destroyed of serpentes.
10:10Neyther murmure ye as some of them murmured, and were destroyed of the destroyer.
10:11Al these thinges happened vnto them for ensamples, and were written to put vs in remembraunce, whom the endes of the world are come vpon.
10:12Wherfore let him that thynketh he standeth, take hede leste he fall.
10:13There hath none other temptacion taken you, but suche as foloweth the nature of man. But God is faythful whiche shall not suffre you to be tempted aboue your strength: but shall in the middest of the temptacion make a waye to escape out.
10:14Wherfore my deare beloued, fle from worshipping of Idols.
10:15I speake as vnto them, whiche haue dyscrecion, iudge ye what I saye.
10:16Is not the cuppe of blessinge whiche we blesse, partaking of that bloude of Christe?
10:17is not the breade which we breake, partakinge of the bodye of Christ? because that we (thoughe we be manye) yet are one bodye in as muche as we all are partakers of one breade.
10:18Beholde Israell whiche walketh carnally. Are not they which eate of the sacrifyce, partakers of the aultre?
10:19What saye I then? that the Image is any thinge? or that it whiche is offered to Images is anye thinge?
10:20Naye, but I saye, that these thinges, whiche the Gentyles offer, they offer to deuyls, and not to God. And I woulde not that ye should haue felloushippe wt the deuyls.
10:21Ye can not drinke of the cuppe of the Lorde: and of the cuppe of the deuils. Ye can not be partakers of the Lordes table, and of the table of the deuils.
10:22Either shall we prouoke the Lorde? Or are we stronger then he? All thinges are laufull vnto me, but all thinges are not expedient.
10:23All thinges are lauful to me, but all thinges edifye not.
10:24Let no man seke his owne profyte: but let euerye man seke anothers wealth.
10:25Whatsoeuer is solde in the market, that eate and axe no questions for consciens sake.
10:26For the earth is the Lordes, and all that therin is.
10:27Yf anye of them whiche beleue not, byd you to a feste, & yf ye be disposed to go, whatsoeuer is set before you, eate, axing no question for conscience sake.
10:28But and yf anye man saye vnto you: this is dedicate vnto Idols, eate not of it for his sake that sheweth it, and for hurtyng of conscience (The earth is the Lordes, & al that therin is)
10:29Conscience I saye, not thine but the conscience of that other. For why should my libertie be iudged of another mannes conscience?
10:30For yf I take my parte wyth thankes: why am I euil spoken of for the thinge, wherfore I geue thankes.
10:31Whether therfore ye eate or drynke, or whatsoeuer ye do, do al to the praise of God.
10:32See that ye geue occasion of euil, neither to the Iewes, nor yet to the Gentiles, neither to the congregation of God:
10:33euen as I please al men in al thinges, not sekinge myne owne profite, but the profit of manye, that they myghte be saued.
Matthew's Bible 1537

Matthew's Bible 1537

The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.