Textus Receptus Bibles
Matthew's Bible 1537
4:1 | Let men thus wyse esteme vs, euen as the ministers of Christ, and disposers of the secretes of of God. |
4:2 | Furthermore it is requyred of the dysposers, that they be found faithfull. |
4:3 | Wyth me it is but a very smal thinge, that I shoulde be iudged of you, eyther of (mans daye). No I iudge not myne owne selfe. |
4:4 | I knowe nought by my selfe: yet am I not therby iustified. It is the Lorde that iudgeth me. |
4:5 | Therfore iudge nothinge before the tyme vntill the Lorde come, who wyll lyghten thinges, that are hyd in darckenes, and open the counsels of the hertes. And then shall euery man haue praise of God. |
4:6 | These thinges brethren I haue described in myne owne person and Apollos for youre sakes, that ye myght learne by vs, that no man counte of him selfe beionde that, which is aboue written: that one swell not against another for anye mans cause. |
4:7 | For who preferreth the? What haste thou, that thou hast not receyued? Yf thou haue receyued it ewhy reioyseste thou as thoughe thou haddeste not receiued it? |
4:8 | Now ye are ful: now ye are made rych: ye reigne as kinges without vs: and I would to God ye dyd reygne that we might reygne wyth you. |
4:9 | Me thinketh that God hath sente forth vs, which are Apostles for the lowest, of al as it were men appointed to death. For we are a gasyng stoke vnto the world, and to the aungels, and to men. |
4:10 | We are foles for Christes sake and ye are wise thorow Christe. We are weake, and ye are stronge. Ye are honorable, and we are despised. |
4:11 | Euen vnto this daye we honger and thyrst, and are naked, and are boffetted wyth fystes, and haue no certayne dwellinge place, |
4:12 | and labour workinge wyth oure handes. We are reuiled, & yet we blesse. We are persecuted and suffer it. |
4:13 | We are euyl spoken of and we pray. We are made as it were the filthines of the worlde, the ofscowring of all thynges, euen vnto this time. |
4:14 | I wryte not these thinges to shame you but as my beloued sonnes I warne you. |
4:15 | For thoughe ye haue ten thousand instructours in Christ: yet haue ye not many fathers. In Christe Iesu, I haue begotten you thorowe the Gospell. |
4:16 | Wherfore I desyre you to folowe me. |
4:17 | For this cause haue I sent vnto you Tymotheus, which is my deare sonne, and faithfull in the Lorde, whiche shall put you in remembraunce of my waies, whiche I haue in Christ euen as I teache euery wher in all congregations. |
4:18 | Some swell as though, I would come no more at you. |
4:19 | But I wil come to you shortly yf God wil: and will knowe not the wordes of them, which swel, but the power, |
4:20 | for the kyngdom of God is not in wordes, but in power. |
4:21 | What wyll ye? Shall I come vnto you with a rodde, or els in loue and in the spyryte of mekenes? |

Matthew's Bible 1537
The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.