
Textus Receptus Bibles

Matthew's Bible 1537


3:1And I coulde not speake vnto you brethren as vnto spiritual, but as vnto carnal, euen as it were to babes in Christ:
3:2I gaue you milke to drinke, & not meat. For ye then were not stronge, no neyther yet are. For ye are yet carnall.
3:3As longe verelye as there is amonge you enuiynge, stryfe and dissencion: are ye not carnall, and walke after the maner of men?
3:4As long as one sayeth, I holde of Paul, and another I am of Apollo, are ye not carnall?
3:5What is Paule? What thinge is Apollo? Dulye ministres are they, by whom ye beleued, euen as the Lorde gaue euerye man grace.
3:6I haue planted, Apollo watred: but God gaue the increase.
3:7So then neyther is he that planteth anye thinge neyther he that watreth: but God that gaue the increase.
3:8He that planteth and he that wathereth, are neither better then the other. Euerye man yet shall receyue hys rewarde accordynge to hys laboure.
3:9We are Goddes labourer, ye are Goddes husbandrye ye are Goddes buyldinge.
3:10According to the grace of God geuen vnto me, as a wyse buylder haue I layde the foundation. And another buylte theron. But let euery man take hede how he buildeth vpon.
3:11For other foundation can no man laie, then that whiche is layde, whiche is Iesus Christ.
3:12Yf any man buylde on this foundacion, golde, syluer, precyous stones timber, haye or stobble:
3:13euerye mans worke shall appeare. For the daye shal declare it, & it shalbe shewed in fyre. And the fyre shall trye euery mannes worke, what it is.
3:14Yf any mannes worke that he hath buylt vpon, byde: he shall receiue a rewarde.
3:15If any mannes worke burne, he shall suffer losse: but he shalbe safe him selfe: neuerthelesse yet as it were thorow fyre.
3:16Are ye not ware that ye are the temple of God, and how that the spyryte of God dwelleth in you?
3:17Yf anye man defyle the temple of God him shall God destroy. For the temple of God is holy, whyche temple ye are.
3:18Let no man deceyue hym selfe. Yf anye man seme, wyse amonge you, let hym be a fole in thys worlde that he maye be wyse.
3:19For the wysdome of this worlde is folyshnes wyth God. For it is wrytten: he compaseth the wyse in theyr craftynes.
3:20And agayne, God knoweth the thoughtes of the wyse that they be vayne.
3:21Therfore let no man reioice in men. For all thinges are youres
3:22whether it be Paule, other Apollo, other Cephas: whether it be the world, other lyfe, other deathe, whether they be present thynges or thinges to come: all are youres,
3:23and ye are Christes & Christ is Gods.
Matthew's Bible 1537

Matthew's Bible 1537

The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.