
Textus Receptus Bibles

Matthew's Bible 1537


25:1And the Lorde spake vnto Moses in mount Sinai, sayinge:
25:2speake vnto the children of Israel & saye vnto them. When ye be come into the Lande whyche I gyue you, let the Land rest a Sabbothe vnto the Lorde.
25:3Syxe yeres thou shalt sowe thy felde, and syxe yere thou shalt cut thy vynes & gather in thy frutes.
25:4But the seuenth yeare shall be a Sabothe of rest vnto the lande. The Lordes Saboth it shalbe, and thou shalt neuer sowe thy feylde nor cut thy vynes.
25:5The corne that groweth by it selfe thou shalt not repe, nether gather the grapes that growe wythout thy dressynge: but it shall be a Saboth of rest vnto the lande.
25:6Neuerthelesse the Saboth of the Lande shall be meate for you: euen for the and thy seruaunte and for thy mayd and for thy hyred seruaunte and for the straunger that dwelleth with the:
25:7and for thy cattell and for the beastes that are in thy Lande, shall all the encrease thereof be meate.
25:8Then numbre seuen wekes of yeres, that is, seuen tymes seuen yere: and the space of the seuen wekes of yeres, wil be vnto the .xlix. yere.
25:9And then thou shalt make an horne blowe: euen in the tenth daye of the seuenth moneth, which is the day of atonemente.
25:10And then shal ye make the horne blowe, euen thoroweoute all youre Lande. And ye shall halowe the fyftyeth yere, & proclayme libertye thorowoute the Lande vnto all the inhabyters therof. It shall be a yere of iubelie to you & ye shal returne: euerye man vnto hys possession and euerye man vnto hys kynred agayne.
25:11A yere of iubilye shall that fyftieth yere be vnto you. Ye shall not sowe neyther repe the corne that groweth by it selfe, nor gather the grapes that growe wythout thy labour.
25:12For it is a yere of Iubely and shalbe holy vnto you, howebeit, yet ye shall eate of the encrease of the fyelde.
25:13And in this yere of iubelye ye shall returne, euery man vnto his possession agayne.
25:14When thou sellest ought vnto thy neyghboure or byest of thy neyghbours hande, ye shall not oppresse one another:
25:15but according to the numbre of yeres after the iubilye yere thou shalt bye of thy neyghbour, and accordynge to the numbre of frute yeres, he shall sell vnto the.
25:16Accordyng vnto the multitude of yeres, thou shalt encrease the pryce thereof and accordyng to the fewnes of yeres, thou shalte mynyshe the pryce: for the numbre of fruyte he shall sell vnto the.
25:17And se that no man oppresse his neyghboure, but feare thy God. For I am the Lord your God.
25:18Wherfore do after myne ordinaunces and kepe my lawes and do theym, that ye maye dwell in the land and in safety.
25:19And the land shal giue hyr frute, and ye shall eate your fyll & dwell therin in safety.
25:20If ye shall saye, what shal we eate the seuenth yere in as much as we shall not sowe nor gather in our encrease.
25:21I wyll sende my blessyng vpon you in the syxte yeare,
25:22and it shall brynge forthe fruite for thre yeres: & ye shall sowe the eyghte yeare and eate of olde frute vntyll the .ix. yere, and euen vntyll hyr frutes come, ye shal eat of old store.
25:23Wherfore the Land shall not be solde for euer, bycause that the land is myne, & ye but straungers and soiourners wyth me:
25:24and ye shall thorowout all the land of your possession let the land go home fre agayne.
25:25When thy brother is waxed poore and hath solde away of hys possession, if anye of hys kyn come to redeme it, he shal bye out that whych his brother sold.
25:26And though he haue no man to redeme it for hym, yet if hys hand can get suffitiente to bye it out agayne,
25:27then let hym counte howe longe it hathe be solde, and deliuer the reste vnto hym to whome he solde it, & so he shall returne vnto hys possession agayne.
25:28But and if hys hand can not get sufficient to restore it to hym agayne, then that whyche is solde shall remayne in the hande of hym that hath bought it, vntyll the iubelye, and in the yeare of Iubilye it shall come oute, & he shal returne vnto hys possession agayne.
25:29If a man sell a dwellyng house in a walled citye, he maye bye it oute agayne anye tyme within a whole yere after it is sold: and that shal be the space in whyche he may redeme it againe.
25:30But & if it be not bought oute againe within the space of a full yere, then the house in the walled city shal be stablyshed for euer vnto hym that boughte it and to hys successoures after hym and shall not go out in the yere of iubelye.
25:31But the houses in vyllages which haue no walles rounde aboute theim shalbe counted lyke vnto the feyldes of the countrey, and may be bought out agayne at any season, and shall go out fre in the yeare of iubelye.
25:32Notwythstandynge the cities of the Leuytes and the housses in the cytyes of theyr possessions the Leuytes maye redeme at all ceasons.
25:33And if a man purchase ought of the Leuites: whether it be house or city that they possesse the bargayne shal go out in the yere of iubelye for the houses of the cityes of the Leuites, are theyr possessions amonge the children of Israel.
25:34But the fyldes that lye round about theyr cityes, shall not be boughte: for they are theyr possessions for euer.
25:35If thy brother be waxed pore and fallen in decay with the, receiue him as a straunger or a soiourner, & let him lyue by th
25:36And thou shalt take none vsurye of hym, nor yet vantage. But shalt feare thy God, that thy brother maye lyue wt the.
25:37Thou shalt not lend him thy money vpon vserye, nor lende hym of thy foode to haue aduantage bi it:
25:38for I am the Lorde youre God whyche broughte you out of the Lande of Egypte, to gyue you the land of Canaan & to be your God.
25:39If thy brother that dwelleth by the waxe poore and sell hym selfe vnto the, thou shalt not let him labour as a bond seruante doeth:
25:40but as an hyred seruaunte and as a soiourner he shal be with the, and shal serue the vnto the yere of iubelye,
25:41& then shall he departe from the: both he and his chyldren wyth him, and shall returne vnto hys owne kynred againe, & vnto the possessions of his fathers:
25:42for they are my seruauntes which I brought out of the Land of Egypt, and shall not be solde as bondemen.
25:43Se therefore that thou raygne not ouer hym cruelly, but feare thy God.
25:44If thou wylte haue bondeseruauntes & maydens, thou shalt bye them of the Heathen that are round about you,
25:45& of the chyldren of the straungers that ar soiourners among you, & of their generation that are with you whyche they begate in your Lande.
25:46And ye shall possesse them & gyue them vnto youre chyldren after you, to possesse them foreuer: and they shal be your bondmen. But ouer your brethren the children of Israel, ye shal not raygne one ouer another cruelly.
25:47When a straunger and a soiourner waxeth ryche by the and thy brother that dwelleth by him waxeth pore, & sel hym selfe vnto the straunger that dwelleth by the or to any of the straungers kynne:
25:48after that he is solde he may be redemed agayne: one of hys brethren may bye hym oute:
25:49whether it be hys vncle or his vncles sonne, or any that is nye of kyn vnto him of hys kynred: either if his hand can get so much he may be losed.
25:50And he shall reken with hym that bought hym, from the yere that he was solde in vnto the yere of iubelye, and the pryce of hys bying shall be accordyng to the numbre of yeres, & he shalbe wyth hym as an hyred seruaunt.
25:51If there be yet many yeres behynde, accordyng vnto them he shall gyue agayne for hys deliueraunce of the money that he was solde for.
25:52If ther remayne but few yeres vnto the yere of Iubely, he shal so counte with him & accordyng vnto his yeres giue him again for his redemption,
25:53& shalbe with him yere by yere as an hyred seruaunte & the other shall not raygne cruellye ouer hym in thy syghte.
25:54If he be not boughte fre in the meane tyme, then he shal go out in the yere of iubely and his chyldren with him:
25:55for the children of Israel are my seruauntes whyche I broughte out of the land of Egypt.
Matthew's Bible 1537

Matthew's Bible 1537

The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.