Textus Receptus Bibles
Matthew's Bible 1537
11:1 | And the Lorde spake vnto Moses and Aaron sayinge, |
11:2 | speake vnto the children of Israel and say, these are the beastes which shall eate amonge all the beastes that are on the earth: |
11:3 | whatsoeuer hathe hoofe and deuideth it into two clawes and chewe cudde amonge the beastes that shall ye eate. |
11:4 | Neuertheles, these shall ye not eate of them that chewe cud and haue hoofes. The camel for he cheweth cud but he deuyded not the hoofe into two clawes, therfore he shall be vncleane vnto you. |
11:5 | And the cony for he cheweth the cud but deuideth not the hoofe into two clawes, therefore he is vncleane to you. |
11:6 | And the hare, for he lykewyse cheweth the cud, but deuideth not the hoofe into .ij. clawes, he is therfore vnclene to you. |
11:7 | And the swyne, for thoughe he deuyde the hooffe into two clawes, yet he cheweth not the cudde, and therfore is vncleane to you. |
11:8 | Of theyr fleshe se that ye eate not, and theyr carkasses se that ye touche not, for they are vncleane to you. |
11:9 | These shal ye eate of al that are in the waters: whatsoeuer hath fynnes & skales in the waters, seas, & ryuers, that shal ye eat. |
11:10 | And all that haue not fynnes & skales in the seas & ryuers of al that moue and lyue in the waters shal ye abhorre. |
11:11 | Se that ye eate not of theyr flesh, and also that ye abhore theyr carkases: |
11:12 | for all that haue no fynnes nor scales in the waters, shalbe abhomination vnto you |
11:13 | These are the foules which ye shal abhorre, & whych shal not be eaten, for they are an abhomination. The egle, the goshauke, the cormoraunte, |
11:14 | the kyete, the vulture & al his kind |
11:15 | & all kynde of rauens, |
11:16 | the estriche, the nightcrowe, the cocow, the sparowhauke, & al the kynde: |
11:17 | the lytle oule, the storcke, the greate oule, |
11:18 | the backe, the pellicane, the pye, |
11:19 | the heron, the iay with the kynd, the lapwyng, and the swalowe. |
11:20 | And all foules that crepe & go vpon al foure shalbe an abhomination to you. |
11:21 | Yet these may ye eate of al the foules that moue and go vpon .iiij. fete: euen those that haue no knees aboue vpon theyr fete to lepe wyth al vpon the erth, |
11:22 | euen these of them ye maye eate: the arbe & al hys kynde: the Selaam with al hys kynde: the Hargol and all the kynde, the Hagab and all hys kynde. |
11:23 | All other foules that moue & haue .iiij. fete, shalbe abhominacion vnto you. |
11:24 | In soche ye shalbe vncleane, whosoeuer touche the carkesse of them shalbe vncleane vnto the euen, |
11:25 | & whosoeuer bereth the carkasse of them, shall washe his clothes, & so shalbe vncleane vntyll euen. |
11:26 | Among al maner beastes, that haue hoofes and deuide them not in to two clawes or that chewe not the cud, shalbe vncleane vnto you: & all that toucheth them shalbe vncleane. |
11:27 | And al that goeth vpon hys handes amonge al maner beastes that go on al foure fete are vncleane vnto you: & as many as touch their carkasses, shalbe vncleane vntyll the euen. |
11:28 | And he that beareth the carkasse of them, shall wasshe hys clothes & be vncleane vntyll the euen, for soche are vncleane vnto you. |
11:29 | And these are also vncleane to you among the thynges that crepe vpon the erth: the wesell, the mouse, the toode and all hys kynde, |
11:30 | the hedgehogge, stellio, the lizerte, the snayle and the molle: |
11:31 | these are vncleane to you amonge all that moue, and all that touche them when they be dead, shalbe vncleane vntyll the euen. |
11:32 | And what soeuer any of the dead carkasses of them fall vpon, shalbe vncleane: whatsoeuer vessell of wood it be, or rayment, or skynne, or bagge or what soeuer thing it be that any worke is wroughte with all. And they shalbe plunged in the water, & be vncleane vntill the euen, and then they shallbe cleane agayne. |
11:33 | All maner of erthen vessell wher in to any of them falleth is vncleane with all that there in is: & ye shall breake it. |
11:34 | All maner meate that is eaten, yf any soche water come vpon it, it shalbe vncleane. And al maner dryncke that is droncke in al maner soche vessels shalbe vncleane. |
11:35 | And whether it be ouen or kettel it shal be broken. For they are vncleaue and shalbe vncleane vnto you: |
11:36 | Neuerthelater, yet the fountaines & welles & pondes of water, shalbe cleane styll. But whosoeuer toucheth their carkesses, shal be vncleane. |
11:37 | If the dead carkasse of any soch fal vpon any seed vsed to sowe, it shall yet be cleane styll: |
11:38 | but & yf any water be poured vpon the seed and afterward the dead carkesse of them fal theron, then it shalbe vncleane vnto you. |
11:39 | If any beast of which ye may eate dye, he that toucheth the dead carkasse shalbe vncleane vntyl the euen. |
11:40 | And he that eateth of any soche dead carkasse, shall wasshe hys clothes & remayne vncleane vntyl the euen. And he also that beareth the carkesse of it, shall wasshe hys clothes, & be vncleane vntyl euen. |
11:41 | Al that scrauleth vpon the erth, is an abhominacion, and shall not be eaten. |
11:42 | And whatsoeuer goeth vpon the breast, and whatsoeuer goeth vpon .iiij. or moo fete amonge all that scrauleth vpon the erth, of that se ye eate not: for they are abhominable. |
11:43 | Make not youre soules abominable wyth nothyng that crepeth, nether make your soules vncleane wt them: that ye shuld be defyled therby. |
11:44 | For I am the Lord your god, be sanctifyed therfore that ye may be holy, for I am holy: & defyle not your soules with any maner thing that crepeth vpon the erth. |
11:45 | For I am the Lord that brought you out of the lande of Egypte to be youre God: be holy therfore, for I am holye. |
11:46 | This is the lawe of beest & foule & of al maner thyng that lyueth and moueth in the water & of all thynges that crepe vpon the erth, |
11:47 | that ye may put difference betwene vncleane & cleane, & betwene the beastes that are eaten and the beastes that are not eaten. |

Matthew's Bible 1537
The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.