Textus Receptus Bibles
Matthew's Bible 1537
13:1 | And the Lorde spake vnto Moses & vnto Aaron saying: |
13:2 | when there appeareth a risyng in any mans flesh ether a scabbe or a glystring whyte: as though the plage of leprosye were in the skynne of hys fleshe, then let hym be brought vnto Aaron the Preaste or vnto one of hys sonnes the Preastes, |
13:3 | and let the Preast loke on the sore that is in the skynne of hys flesh. If the heyre in the soore be turned vnto white, & the sore also seme to be lower then the skynne of his fleshe, then it is surely a leprosye, & let the Preast loke on hym, & iudge hym vncleane. |
13:4 | If there be but a whyte plecke in the skynne of his flesh, and seme not to be lower then the other skynne nor the heyre therof is turned vnto whyte: then let the Preast shut him vp seuen daies. |
13:5 | And let the Preast loke vpon him the .vij. day: yf the sore seme to hym to abyde styl & to go no further in the skynne, then let the Preast shut hym vp yet .vij. dayes moo. |
13:6 | And let the Preast loke on him agayn the .vij. day. Then yf the soore be waxed blackesh, & is not growen abroode in the skynne, let the Preast make him cleane, for it is but a skyrf. And let hym wasshe his clothes, & then he is cleane. |
13:7 | But & yf the scabbe growe in the skynne after that he is sene of the Preast agayne. |
13:8 | If the Preast se that the scabbe be growen abrode in the skynne, let him make him vncleane: for it is surely a leprosye. |
13:9 | If the plage of leprosie be in a man, let him be brought vnto the Preast, |
13:10 | & let the Preaste se hym. If the rysyng appeare whyte in the skynne, & haue also made the heyre whyte, & there be rawe flesh in the sore also: |
13:11 | then it is an old leprosye in the skynne of his flesh. And the Preast shall iudge him vnclene, and shal not shutte hym vp for he is vncleane. |
13:12 | If a leprosye breake out in the skynne and couer all the skynne from the heed to the foote ouer all whersoeuer the Preast loketh, |
13:13 | then let the Preast loke vpon hym. If the leprosye haue couered al his fleshe, let hym iudge the dysease clene: for in as moche as he is altogether whyte he is therfore cleane. |
13:14 | But and yf there be rawe flesh on him when he is sene, then he shalbe vncleane. |
13:15 | Therfore when the Preast seeth the rawe flesh, let him iudge hym vnclene. For in as moche as hys fleshe is rawe, he is vnclene and it is surely a true leprosye. |
13:16 | But and yf the rawe flesh departe agayne & chaunge vnto whyte, then let hym come to the prest, |
13:17 | & let the Preast se hym: If the soore be chaunged vnto whyte, let the Preast iudge the dysease cleane, and then he is cleane. |
13:18 | When there is a byle in the skynne of any mans flesh and is healed |
13:19 | & after in the place of the byle there appeare a whyte rysing ether a shynyng whyte somwhat reddysh, let hym be sene of the Preast. |
13:20 | If when the Preast seyth hym it appeare lower than the other skynne & the heyre therof be chaunged vnto white, let the Preast iudge hym vncleane: for it is a very leprosye, that is broken out in the place of the byle. |
13:21 | But and yf when the Preast loketh on it there be no whyte heyres therin nether the scabbe lower then the other skynne and be somwhat blackesh, then the Preast shall shutt him aparte .vij. dayes. |
13:22 | If it sprede abrode in the meane ceason, then let the Preast iudge hym vncleane: for it is a leprosye. |
13:23 | But and yf the glystrynge whyte abyde styl in one place & go no further, then it is but the prynte of the byle, and the Preast shall iudge hym cleane. |
13:24 | When the skynne of any mans flesh is burnt with fyre that it be rawe & there appere in the burnyng a glistring whyte that is somwhat reddysh or altogether whyte, |
13:25 | let the Preast loke vpon it. If the heyre in that bryghtnesse be chaunged to whyte, and it also appeare lower then the other skynne, then it is a leprosye that is broken out of the place of the burning. And the Preast shal iudge him vncleane, for it is a leprosye. |
13:26 | But and yf (when the Preast loketh on it) he se that there is no whyte heyre in the bryghtenesse, & that it is no lower then the other skynne, & that it is also blackesh, then let the preast shut him vp .vij. dayes. |
13:27 | And yf (when the Preast loketh on him the .vij. day) it be growen abrode in the skynne, let hym iudge hym vncleane: for it is a leprosye. |
13:28 | But and yf that bryghtnesse abyde styl in one place & go no further in the skynne & be blackesh, then it is but a rysynge in the place of the burnynge, and the Preast shall make hym cleane: for it is but the prynte of the burnyng only. |
13:29 | When ether man or woman hath a breakyng out vpon the heed or the beerde, let the preast se it. |
13:30 | And yf it appeare lower than the other skynne, & ther be therin golden heyres & thyn, let the preast iudge hym vncleane, for it is a breakyng out of leprosye vpon the heed or berde. |
13:31 | If (when the Preast loketh on the breakynge out) he se that it is no lower then the other skynne & that there are blacke heyres therin, let hym shut hym vp .vij. dayes. |
13:32 | And let the preast loke on the dysease the .vij. day: & yf the breakyng out be gone no forther nether be any golden heyres therin nether the scabbe be lower then the other skynne, |
13:33 | then let him be shauen, but let hym not shaue the scabbe: & let the preast shut hym vp .vij. dayes moo. |
13:34 | And let the preast loke on the breakyng out the .vij. day agayn: If the breakynge out be gone no further in the skynne nor moore lower then the other skynne, then let the preast iudge hym cleane, and let hym wasshe hys clothes, & then he is cleane. |
13:35 | If the breakyng out growe in the skynne after that he is once iudged cleane, |
13:36 | let the Preast sea him. If it be growne abrode in dede in the skynne, let the preast seke no further for any golden heyres, for he is vncleane. |
13:37 | But and yf he se that the scabbe stande styll, & that there is blacke heyre growne vp therin, then the scabbe is healed and he is cleane: & the Preast shal iudge him cleane. |
13:38 | If there be found in the skynne of the flesh of man or woman a glysteryng whyte, |
13:39 | let the Preast se it. If there appeare in theyr flesh a glysteryng whyte somwhat blackesh then it is but frekels growen vp in the skinne: and he is cleane. |
13:40 | If a mans heyre fal of his heed, then he is heed baulde & cleane. |
13:41 | If his heyre fal before in his foreheed, then he is foreheedbald and cleane. |
13:42 | If there be in the bauld heed or bauld foreheed a reddish whyte scabbe, then there is leprosye spronge vp in hys baulde heed or baulde foreheede. |
13:43 | And let the preast se it: and yf the rysyng of the sore be reddysh whyte in his baulde heede or foreheed after the maner of a leprosie in the skynne of the flesh, |
13:44 | then he is a leper & vncleane: & the Preast shal iudge him vncleane, for the plage of his heed. |
13:45 | And the leper in whome the plage is, shall haue his clothes rent & his heede bare & hys mouth moffeld, & shalbe called vncleane. |
13:46 | And as long as the dysease lasteth vpon him, he shalbe vncleane: for he is vncleane, and shall therfore dwel alone, & euen without the host shal hys habitacion be. |
13:47 | When the plage of leprosye is in a cloth: whether it be lynen or wollen, |
13:48 | ye & whether it be in the warpe or woofe of the linen or of the wollen: ether in a skynne or any thing made of skynne, |
13:49 | yf the dysease be pale or somwhat reddysh in the cloth or skynne: whether it be in the warpe or woofe or any thynge that is made of skynne, then it is a very leprosye, & must be shewed vnto the Preast. |
13:50 | And when the Preast seyth the plage, let hym shut it vp .vij. dayes, |
13:51 | & let hym loke on the plage the .vij. day. If it be increased in the cloth: whether it be in the warpe or woofe or in a skynne or in any thynge that is made of skynne, then the plage is a freatyng leprosy, and it is vncleane: |
13:52 | & that cloth shalbe burnt, ether warp or woof, whether it be wollen or lynen or any thynge that is made of skynne where in the plage is, for it is a freating leprosy, & shalbe burnt in the fyre. |
13:53 | If the preast se that the plage hath freaten no further in the cloth: ether in the warpe or woofe or in whatsoeuer thynge of skynne it be, |
13:54 | then let the preast commaunde them to wash the thynge wherin the plage is, and let hym shut it vp .vij. dayes moo. |
13:55 | And let the preast loke on it agayne after that the plage is wasshed. If the plage haue not chaunged hys facion though it be spred no further abrode, it is yet vncleane. And se that ye burne it in the fyre, for it is freat inwarde: whether in parte or in altogether. |
13:56 | But & yf the preast se that it is somwhat blackysh after that it is washed, let him rent it out of the cloth, or out of the skynne or oute of the warpe or woofe. |
13:57 | But and yf it appeare any more in the cloth ether in the warpe or in the woofe or in anye thynge made of skynne, then it is a waxyng plage. And se that ye burne that wyth fyre, wherin the plage is. |
13:58 | Moreouer the cloth ether warpe or woofe or whatsoeuer thynge of skynne it be which thou hast wasshed and the plage be departed from it, shalbe wasshed once agayne: and then it is cleane. |
13:59 | Thys is the lawe of the plage of leprosye in a cloth whether it be wollen or linen: eyther whether it be in the warpe or woofe, or in any thynge made of skynnes, to iudge it cleane or vncleane. |

Matthew's Bible 1537
The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.