Textus Receptus Bibles
Matthew's Bible 1537
9:1 | And the .viij. day Moses called Aaron and his sonnes, and the elders of Israel, |
9:2 | and said vnto Aaron, take a calfe for a synne offeryng, and a Ramme for a burntoffering: both without blemish, & bring them before the Lord. |
9:3 | And vnto the children of Israel he spake saying: take ye an he gote for a synne offering, & a calfe & a lambe both two of a yere olde, & wythout blemysh for a burnt sacrifice, |
9:4 | & an oxe & a ram for a peaceofferinges to offer before the lord, & a meatoffering mingled with oile, for to day the Lord wyll appeare vnto you. |
9:5 | And they broughte that which Moses commaunded to the tabernacle of witnes, & al the people came & stode before the Lorde. |
9:6 | And Moses said, thys is the thyng whych the Lord commaunded that ye should do, and then the glory of the Lord shal appeare vnto you. |
9:7 | And Moses said vnto Aaron: go vnto the alter & offer thy synne offeryng, & make an atonemente for the and for the people: and then offer the offeryng of the people, and reconcyle theym also, as the Lord commaunded Moses. |
9:8 | And Aaron went vnto the aulter, & slewe the calfe that was his sinne offring. |
9:9 | And the sonnes of Aaron broughte the bloude vnto hym, & he dypt hys fingers in the bloud and put it vpon the hornes of the alter, & poured the bloud vnto the bottome of the alter. |
9:10 | And the fatte & the two kydneys wyth the kall of the lyuer of the synneofferyng, he burnt vpon the aulter as the Lorde commaunded Moses: |
9:11 | but the fleshe & the hyde, he burnte with fyre wythout the hoste. |
9:12 | Afterwarde he slewe the burntoffering, & Aarons sonnes brought the bloud vnto hym, and he sprinkeled it rounde about vpon the aulter. |
9:13 | And they brought the burntofferyng vnto hym in peces & the head also, and he burnte it vpon the aulter, |
9:14 | & dyd washe the inwardes and the legges, & burnt them also vpon the burntoffering in the alter. |
9:15 | And then he brought the peoples offering & toke the goote that was the peoples synne offering, & slewe it & offered it for a sinne offering: as he dyd she fyrst. |
9:16 | And then brought the burnt offeryng, & offered it as the maner was, |
9:17 | & brought the meat offering & filled his hand therof, & burnt it vpon the alter, besyde the burnt sacrifice in the morninge. |
9:18 | Then he slewe the oxe & the ram that were the peoples peaceofferynges, & Aarons sonnes brought the bloud vnto hym, & he sprynkled it vpon the alter round aboute, |
9:19 | and toke the fatt of the oxe & of the ram: the rompe & the fatt that couereth the inwardes and the kidneyes & the cal of the liuer: |
9:20 | & put them vpon the breastes & burnt it vpon the alter: |
9:21 | but the breastes & the ryght shoulders Aaron waued before the Lord, as the Lorde commaunded Moses. |
9:22 | And Aaron lyft vp hys hand ouer the people & blessed them, and came down from offering of syn offeringes, burntofferings, & peace offerynges. |
9:23 | Then Moses & Aaron went into the tabernacle of wytnes and came out agayne and blessed the people, and the glory of the Lord appered vnto al the people. |
9:24 | And there came a fyre out from before the Lord, & consumed vpon the alter the burntofferyng and the fatt. And all the people sawe it, and showted, and fell on theyr faces. |

Matthew's Bible 1537
The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.