
Textus Receptus Bibles

The Great Bible 1539


10:1And it fortuned, that when Adonizedec kyng of Ierusalem had heard how Iosua had taken Hai, & had destroyed it, and how that as he had done to Iericho and her kyng, euen so he had done to Hai and her kyng, and how the Inhabitoures of Gibeon had made peace wyth Israell, and were amonge them, they feared excedinglye,
10:2for Gibeon was a great cytie, as any cytie of the kyngdome, & was greater then Hai, and all the men therof were very myghtye.
10:3Wherfore Adonizedec kyng of Ierusalem sent vnto Hoham kyng of Hebron, and vnto Pirea kyng of Iarmuth, & vnto Iaphia kyng of Lachis, and vnto Debir kyng of Eglon, saying:
10:4Come vp vnto me, & healpe me, that we may smyte Gibeon: for they haue made peace with Iosua and wyth the children of Israell.
10:5Therfore the .v. kynges of the Amorites, the kyng of Ierusalem, the kyng of Hebron, the kyng of Iarmuth, the kyng of Lachis, the kyng of Eglon geathered them selues to geather, they withall their hostes, & beseged Gibeon, and made warre agaynst it.
10:6And the men of Gibeon sent vnto Iosua & to the hoste to Gilgal, sayinge: withdrawe not thy hande from thy seruauntes, come vp to vs, to saue vs, & to helpe vs: For al the kinges of the Amorites which dwell in the mountaynes are geathered togeather against vs.
10:7And so Iosua ascended from Gilgall, he and all the people of warre with him, & all the men of myghte,
10:8and the Lord sayde vnto Iosua, feare them not, for I haue delyuered them into thyne hande. Nether shal any of them stande agaynst the.
10:9Iosua therfore came vnto them sodenlye, and went vp from Gilgall all nyght.
10:10And the Lord troubled them before Israell, and slewe them with a great slaughter at Gibeon, and chased them a longe the waye that gothe vp to Bethoron, and smote them to Esaka & Makeda.
10:11And it fortuned, that as they fled from Israell, & were in the goyng doune to Bethoron, the Lorde cast downe great stones from heauen vpon them, vntyll Esaka. And there were mo deed with hayle stones, then they were, whom the chyldren of Israell slewe wyth the swerde.
10:12Then spake Iosua before the Lorde, in the daye when the Lorde delyuered the Amorites before the chyldren of Israell, and he sayde in the syght of Israell. Sonne stande thou still vpon Gibeon, and thou Mone, in Aialon.
10:13And the sonne abode, and the mone stode styll, vntyll the people aduenged them selues vpon their enemyes. Is not this written in the boke of the ryghtwes? The sonne (I saye) abode in the myddes of heauen and hasted not to goo doune by that space of a whole daye.
10:14And there was no daye lyke that, before it, or after it, that the Lorde heard the voyce of a man. For the Lorde fought for Israell.
10:15And Iosua returned and all Israel with hym, vnto the hoste to Gilgall:
10:16but the fyue kynges fledde, and were hyd in a caue at Makeda.
10:17And it was tolde Iosua of one saying, the fyue kynges are founde hid in a caue which is at Makeda.
10:18And Iosua sayd rowle great stones vpon the mouthe of the caue, and set men by it, for to kepe them.
10:19And stande ye not stylle, but folowe after youre enemyes, and smyte all the hindmost, And soffre them not to entre into theyr cyties, for the Lorde youre God hath delyuered them into youre hande.
10:20And it fortuned, when Iosua and the chyldren of Israell had made an ende of slaying them wyth an excedinge great slaughter tyll they were wasted, the rest that remayned of them, entred into walled cyties.
10:21And all the people returned to the hoste, to Iosua at Makeda in peace, neither dyd any man moue hys tong agaynst the chyldren of Israel.
10:22Then sayde Iosua: open the mouth of the caue, and bryng oute these .v. kynges vnto me oute of the caue.
10:23And they dyd so, and brought those fyue kynges vnto hym, oute of the caue, euen the kynge of Ierusalem, the kyng of Hebron, the kyng of Iarmuth, the kyng of Lachis, and the kynge of Eglon.
10:24And it fortuned, that when they brought oute those kynges vnto Iosua: Iosua called for all the men of Israell, and sayde vnto the chefe of the men of warre, which wente with hym: come nere, & put youre fete vpon the neckes of these kynges. And they cam neare: and put their fete vpon the neckes of them.
10:25And Iosua sayde vnto them: Ye shall not feare, ner be faynt harted. But be strong and plucke vp youre hertes, for thus shall the Lorde do to all youre enemyes agaynst whom ye fyght.
10:26And then Iosua smote them, and slewe them, & hanged them on fyue trees. And they hanged still vpon the trees vntill the euening.
10:27And at the going doune of the sonne it fortuned that Iosua gaue commaundement, and they toke them doune of the trees, and cast them into the caue, (where in they had bene hyd), & layed great stones on the caues mouthe, which remayne vnto this daye.
10:28And that same daye Iosua toke Makeda, and smote it wyth the edge of the swerde, and the kynge therof also destroyed he vtterly, wyth all the soules that were therin, and let nought remayne. And he dyd to the kynge of Makeda as he dyd to the kynge of Iericho.
10:29Then Iosua went from Makeda, and all Israell with hym vnto Libna, & fought against Libna.
10:30And the Lorde delyuered it and the kynge therof into the hand of Israell, and he smote it wyth the edge of the swerde, and all the soules that were therin. He let nought remayne in it, but dyd vnto the kyng therof as he dyd vnto the kynge of Iericho.
10:31And Iosua departed from Libna, and all Israell wyth hym, vnto Lachis, and beseged it, and assaulted it.
10:32And the Lord delyuered Lachis into the hande of Israell which toke it the seconde daye, and smote it with the edge of the swerde, & all the soules that were therin, doing accordyng to all, as he had done to the cite of Libna.
10:33Then Horam kynge of Geser came vp to helpe Lachis: And Iosua smote hym & his people, vntill naught remayned of hym.
10:34And from Lachis Iosua departed, vnto Eglon, and all Israell with hym, and they beseged it, and assaulted it,
10:35and toke it the same daye, and smote it with the edge of the swerde, and all the soules that were therin he vtterlye destroyed the same daye, according to all that he had done to Lachis.
10:36And Iosua departed vp from Eglon and all Israel with him, vnto Hebron. And they fought agaynst it,
10:37and whan they had taken it, they smote it with the edge of the swerde, and the kyng therof, and all the townes that pertayned to it, and all the soules that were therin, and he lefte nought remayning: but did according to all, as he had done to Eglon, and destroyed it vtterlye, and all the soules that were therin.
10:38And Iosua returned, and all Israell with him to Dabir, and fought agaynst it.
10:39And whan he had taken it, and the kyng therof, and all the townes that pertayned therto. they smote them with the edge of the swerde, and vtterlye destroyed all the soules that were therin, nether let he ought remayne. Euen as he dyd to Hebron, so he dyd to Dabir and the kyng therof, as he had done also to Libna and her kynge.
10:40Iosua therfore smote all the hill contreys, and the southe contreys, and the valeyes, and the hill sydes, & all their kynges, & lett nought remayne of them, but vtterly destroyed all that breathed, as the Lorde God of Israell commaunded.
10:41And Iosua smote them from Cades barne vnto Asah, and all the contrey of Gosan, euen vnto Gibeon.
10:42All those kynges and their lande dyd Iosua take at one tyme: because the Lorde God of Israell fought for Israell.
10:43And Iosua and all Israel returned, vnto the hoste that was in Gilgall.
The Great Bible 1539

The Great Bible 1539

The Great Bible of 1539 was the first authorized edition of the Bible in English, authorized by King Henry VIII of England to be read aloud in the church services of the Church of England. The Great Bible was prepared by Myles Coverdale, working under commission of Thomas, Lord Cromwell, Secretary to Henry VIII and Vicar General. In 1538, Cromwell directed the clergy to provide "one book of the bible of the largest volume in English, and the same set up in some convenient place within the said church that ye have care of, whereas your parishioners may most commodiously resort to the same and read it."