
Textus Receptus Bibles

The Great Bible 1539


21:1And then came the principall fathers of the Leuites vnto Eleazar the preaste, and vnto Iosua the sonne of Nun, and vnto the auncient fathers that were ouer the trybes of the children of Israel,
21:2& spake vnto them at Silo in the lande of Canaan, saying: the Lorde commaunded by Moses, to geue vs cyties to dwell in, with the suburbes therof, for oure catell.
21:3And the children of Israell gaue vnto the Leuites out of their enheritaunce at the bidding of the Lorde these cyties folowing wt their Suburbes.
21:4And the lotte cam out for the kynred of the Cahathites: and the children of Aaron the preaste, which were of the Leuites, had geuen them by lott, out of the trybe of Iuda, out of the trybe of Simeon, and out of the trybe of Beniamin: thirtene cyties.
21:5And the reast of the children of Cahath had by lotte, out of the kynredes of the trybe of Ephraim, out of the trybe of Dan, and out of the halfe trybe of Manasses: ten cyties.
21:6And the children of Gerson had by lotte out of the kynredes of the trybe of Isacar, and out of the trybe of Aser, out of the trybe of Nephthali & out of the other halfe trybe of Manasses in Basan: thirtene cyties.
21:7And the children of Merari by their kynredes, had out of the trybe of Ruben, and out of the trybe of Gad, and out of the trybe of Zabulon, twelue cyties:
21:8And the children of Israell gaue by lotte vnto the Leuites these cyties with their Suburbes, as the Lord commaunded by Moses.
21:9And they gaue out of the trybe of the children of Iuda, & out of the trybe of the children of Simeon, these cyties by name:
21:10which the children of Aaron being of the kynredes of the Cahathites, & of the children of Leui, obtayned: for theirs was the fyrst lotte.
21:11And they gaue them kariath Arbe of the father of Enack (which is Hebron) in the hyll contreye of Iuda, with the Suburbes of the same rounde about it.
21:12But the londe that pertayned to the cytie, and the villages therof, gaue they to Caleb the sonne ne of Iephune, to be his possession.
21:13And thus they gaue to the children of Aaron the preast, a cyte, to the which the slayer might flye: euen Hebron with her Suburbes: Libna with her Suburbes:
21:14& Iathir with her Suburbes, & Estimoa with her Suburbes:
21:15Holon wt her Suburbes, Dabir with her Suburbes:
21:16Ain with her Suburbes: Iutah with her Suburbes: Bethsames with her Suburbes: nyne cities out of those two trybes.
21:17And out of the trybe of Beniamin, they gaue Gibeon with her Suburbes: Gaba wt her Suburbes:
21:18Anatoth with her Suburbes: Almon with her Suburbes: foure cyties.
21:19All these cyties of the children of Aaron preastes, were thirtine cyties with theyr Suburbes.
21:20And the kynredes of the children of Cahath that were Leuites: that is to saye the other children of Cahath, had cities geuen them for their lotte, out of the trybe of Ephraim.
21:21For they gaue them the cytie that the slear might flye vnto: Sichem with her Suburbes, in mount Ephraim: and Gazer with her Suburbes,
21:22and Kabzaim with her Suburbes: & Bethhoron with her Suburbes: foure cyties.
21:23And out of the trybe of Dan: Eltheke wt her Suburbes: Gibthon with her Suburbes:
21:24and Aialon with her Suburbes, Gathremon with her Suburbes: foure cyties.
21:25And out of the halfe trybe of Manasses, Thanach with her suburbes: and Gathremon with her Suburbes: two cyties.
21:26All the cyties for the other kynredes of the children of Cahath, were ten with their Suburbes.
21:27And vnto the children of Gerson which were of the kynredes of the Leuites, they gaue out of the other halfe trybe of Manasses, the cytie of refuge for the slear: Golan in Basan with her Suburbes: & Beestherah with her Suburbes: two cyties.
21:28And out of the trybe of Isacar, kision with her Suburbes: and Daberah with her Suburbes:
21:29& Iarimoth with her Suburbes: Enganim with her Suburbes: foure cyties.
21:30And out of the trybe of Aser, Misael with her Suburbes: Abdon wt her Suburbes,
21:31Halakath with her Suburbes: & Rohob with her Suburbes: foure cyties.
21:32And out of the trybe of Nephthali, the cytie for the slear to flye vnto: kedes in Galile with her Suburbes: & Hamothdor with her Suburbes: & Carthan with her Suburbes: thre cities.
21:33All the cities of the Gersonites thorowe out their kynredes, were thirtene cyties with their Suburbes.
21:34And vnto the other kynredes of the children of Merari, the rest of the Leuites, they gaue out of the trybe of Zabulon: Iecnam with her Suburbes: & Carthah wyth her Suburbes:
21:35Damna with her Suburbes, & Nahalal with her Suburbes: foure cyties,
21:36And out of the trybe of Ruben, Bozor with her Suburbes: and Iahelah with her suburbes:
21:37kedmoth with her Suburbes, and Maphaath with her Suburbes: foure cyties.
21:38And out of the trybe of Gad, they gaue the cytie for the slear to flye vnto: Ramoth in Gilead with her Suburbes, and Mahanaim with her suburbes,
21:39Hesbon with her suburbes: & Iaser with her suburbes: foure cyties in all,
21:40so that all the cyties of the children of Merari thorow out their kynredes (which were the rest of the kynredes of the Leuites) were by their lot, twelue cyties.
21:41And all the cyties that the Leuites had among the possession of the children of Israel were .xlviii. with their suburbes.
21:42And these cyties laye euery one seuerally, hauyng their suburbes rounde aboute them thorow out all the sayde cyties.
21:43And the Lorde gaue vnto Israel all the lande which he sware to geue vnto their fathers. And they conquered it, and dwelt therin.
21:44And the Lorde gaue them rest rounde aboute, accordyng to all that he sware vnto their fathers: and there stode not a man of all their ennemyes before them. The Lorde also delyuered all theyr enemyes into their handes.
21:45There skaped nothing of all the good thynges, which the Lord had sayde vnto the house of Israell, But all came to passe.
The Great Bible 1539

The Great Bible 1539

The Great Bible of 1539 was the first authorized edition of the Bible in English, authorized by King Henry VIII of England to be read aloud in the church services of the Church of England. The Great Bible was prepared by Myles Coverdale, working under commission of Thomas, Lord Cromwell, Secretary to Henry VIII and Vicar General. In 1538, Cromwell directed the clergy to provide "one book of the bible of the largest volume in English, and the same set up in some convenient place within the said church that ye have care of, whereas your parishioners may most commodiously resort to the same and read it."