Textus Receptus Bibles
The Great Bible 1539
11:1 | And it fortuned as he was prayinge in a certayne place: when he ceased, one of his disciples sayde vnto hym: Lorde, teache vs to praye, as Iohn also taught hys disciples. |
11:2 | And he sayde vnto them: when ye praye, saye. O oure father which art in heauen, halowed be thy name. Thy kyngdome come. Thy will be fulfilled, euen in erth also as it is in heauen. |
11:3 | Oure dayly breed geue vs this daye. |
11:4 | And forgeue vs our synnes: For euen we forgeue euery man that treapaseth vs. And Leade vs not into temptacion But deliuer vs from euyll. |
11:5 | And he sayd vnto them: yf any of you shall haue a frend, & shall go to him at mydnight, and saye vnto him, frende: lende me thre loaues, |
11:6 | for a frende of myne is come out of the waye to me, and I haue nothynge to set before him, |
11:7 | and he within answere, and saye: trouble me not, the dore is now shut, and my chyldren are with me in the chamber, I cannot ryse and geue the. |
11:8 | I saye vnto you, though he wyll not arise and geue him, because he is his frende: yet because of his importunite he will rise, and geue him as many as he nedeth. |
11:9 | And I saye vnto you: aske, and it shalbe geuen you. Seke, and ye shall fynde: Knocke, and it shalbe opened vnto you. |
11:10 | For euery one that asketh, receaueth: and he that seketh, fyndeth: & to him that knocketh, shall it be opened. |
11:11 | Yf the sonne shall aske breed of eny of you that is a father, wyll he geue him a stone? Or yf he aske fishe, wyll he for fysshe geue him a serpent? |
11:12 | Or yf he aske an egge, will he offer him a scorpion? |
11:13 | Yf ye then beyng euyll, can geue good giftes vnto youre children, how moch moare shall your father of heauen geue the holy sprete to them, that desyre it of him? |
11:14 | And he was castinge out a deuyll, and the same was domme. And when he had cast out the deuill, the domme spake, & the people wondred. |
11:15 | But some of them sayde: he casteth out deuyls thorowe Beelzebub the chefe of the deuyls. |
11:16 | And other tempted him and requyred of him a signe from heauen. |
11:17 | But he knowing their thoughtes, sayd vnto them: Euery kyngdome deuided agaynst it selfe, is desolate: and one house doth fall vpon another. |
11:18 | Yf Satan also, be deuyded agaynst him selfe, how shall his kyngdome endure? Because ye saye, that I cast out deuyls thorow Beelzebub. |
11:19 | If I, by the helpe of Beelzebub cast out deuyls, by whose helpe do youre chyldren cast them out. Therfore shall they be your iudges. |
11:20 | But yf I, with the fynger of God cast out deuyls, no doute the kyngdome of God is come vpon you. |
11:21 | When a stronge man armed watcheth his house: the thinges that he possesseth are in peace. |
11:22 | But when a stronger then he commeth vpon him, and ouercommeth him, he taketh from him all his harnes (wherin he trusted) and deuideth his goodes. |
11:23 | He that is not with me, is against me. And he that gathereth not with me, scattereth abrode. |
11:24 | When the vnclene spryte is gone out of a man, he walketh through drie places, sekynge reest. And when he fyndeth none, he sayeth: I will returne agayne vnto my houses, whence I came out. |
11:25 | And when he commeth, he fyndeth it swept and garnisshed. |
11:26 | Then goeth he and taketh to him seuen other spretes worse then him selfe: and they enter in, & dwell there. And the ende of that man, is worse then the begynnynge. |
11:27 | And it fortuned that as he spake these thynges, a certayne woman of the company lyfte vp her voyce, and sayd vnto him. Happy is the wombe that bare the, and the pappes which gaue the sucke. |
11:28 | But he sayde: Yee, happy are they that heare the worde of God and kepe it. |
11:29 | When the people were gathered thicke together, he began to saye. This is an euyll nacion. they seke a sygne, and ther shall no sygne be geuen them, but the sygne of Ionas the prophet. |
11:30 | For as Ionas was a sygne to the Niniuytes, so shall also the sonne of man be to thys nacion. |
11:31 | The quene of the south shall ryse at the iudgement, with the men of this nacion, and condempne them: for she came from the vttemost partes of the erth, to heare the wisdome of Salomon. And beholde a greater then Salomon is here. |
11:32 | The men of Niniue shall ryse at the iudgement with this nacyon: and shall condempne them: for they were brought to repentaunce by the preachynge of Ionas. And beholde, a greater then Ionas is here. |
11:33 | No man lyghteth a candell, and putteth it in a preuy place, nether vnder a busshell: but on a candelstycke, that they which come in, maye se the light. |
11:34 | The lyght of the body is the eye. Therfore, when thyne eye is syngle, all thy body also shalbe full of lyght. But yf thyne eye be euill, thy body also shalbe full of darknes, |
11:35 | Take hede therfore, that the lyght which is in the, be not darcknes. |
11:36 | Yf all thy body therfore be cleare, hauynge no parte darcke: then shal it all be full of light, euen as when a candell doeth lyght the with bryghtnes. |
11:37 | And as he spake, a certayne Pharyse besought him, to dyne with him, and Iesus went in, and sate doune to meate. |
11:38 | When the Pharyse sawe it, he marueyled, that he had not fyrst wesshed before dyner. |
11:39 | And the Lorde sayde vnto him: Now do ye Pharises, make clene the out syde of the cup, and the platter: but youre inwarde parte is full of rauenynge and wyckednes. |
11:40 | Ye fooles, dyd not he (that made that which is without) make that which is within also? |
11:41 | Neuerthelesse, geue almose of that ye haue, and behold, all thinges are cleane vnto you. |
11:42 | But wo vnto you Pharises, for ye tythe mynt and rewe, and all manner erbes, and passe ouer iudgement and the loue of God. These ought ye to haue done, and yet not to leaue the other vndone. |
11:43 | Wo vnto you Pharises: for ye loue the vppermost seates in the sinagoges, and gretinges in the market. |
11:44 | Wo vnto you scrybes and Pharises, ye ypocrites, for ye are as graues which appeare not, and the men that walke ouer them, are not ware of them. |
11:45 | Then answered one of the lawears, and sayde vnto him: Master, thus saying thou puttest vs to rebuke also. |
11:46 | And he sayde: wo vnto you also ye lawers: for ye lade men with burthens which they be not not able to beare: and ye youre selues touche not the packes with one of youre fyngers. |
11:47 | Wo vnto you: ye buylde the sepulchres of the Prophetes, and youre fathers kylled them, |
11:48 | truly ye beare witnes, that ye alowe the dedes of youre fathers: for they kylled them, and ye buylde their sepulchres. |
11:49 | Therfore sayde the wisdome of God, I will send them Prophetes and Apostles and some of them they shall slaye and persecute: |
11:50 | that the bloude of all Prophetes (which is shed from the begynninge of the worlde) maye be required of this generacion, |
11:51 | from the bloude of Abell, vnto the bloud of Zachary, which perished betwene the aulter and the temple. Uerely I saye vnto you: it shalbe required of this nacion. |
11:52 | Wo vnto you lawears: for ye haue taken awaye the keye of knowledge, ye entred not in youre selues, and them that came in, ye forbad. |
11:53 | When he thus spake vnto them, the lawears and the Pharises began to wexe busye aboute him, and capciously to aske him many thinges, |
11:54 | layinge wayte for him, and sekynge to catche some thinge of his mouth, wherby they might accuse him. |

The Great Bible 1539
The Great Bible of 1539 was the first authorized edition of the Bible in English, authorized by King Henry VIII of England to be read aloud in the church services of the Church of England. The Great Bible was prepared by Myles Coverdale, working under commission of Thomas, Lord Cromwell, Secretary to Henry VIII and Vicar General. In 1538, Cromwell directed the clergy to provide "one book of the bible of the largest volume in English, and the same set up in some convenient place within the said church that ye have care of, whereas your parishioners may most commodiously resort to the same and read it."