
Textus Receptus Bibles

The Great Bible 1539


2:1And it chaunced in those dayes: that ther went oute a commaundement from Augustus the Emperour, that all the world shulde be taxed.
2:2And thys taxinge was the fyrst, & executed when Syrenius was leftenaunt in Syria.
2:3And euery man went vnto his awne cytie to be taxed.
2:4And Ioseph also ascended from Galile, out of a cytie called Nazareth, into Iewry: vnto the cytie of Dauid, which is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and lynage of Dauid,
2:5to be taxed with Mary his spoused wyfe, which was with childe.
2:6And it fortuned that while they were there, her tyme was come that she shulde be deliuered.
2:7And she broughte forth her fyrst begotten sonne, & wrapped him in swadlinge clothes, and layde him in a maunger, because ther was no rowme for them in the ynne.
2:8And ther were in the same region shepherdes, watchynge and kepinge their flocke by night.
2:9And lo, the angell of the Lorde stode harde by them, and the brightnes of the Lorde shone rounde aboute them, & they were sore afrayed.
2:10And the angell sayde vnto them: Be not afrayed. For beholde, I bringe you tydinges of greate ioye, that shall come to all people:
2:11for vnto you is borne this daye in the cytie of Dauid, a saueoure which is Christ the Lord.
2:12And take this for a sygne: ye shall fynde the childe wrapped in swadlinge clothes, & layed in a manger.
2:13And streyght waye ther was with the angel a multitude of heauenly sowdyers, praysing God: & sayinge:
2:14Glory to God on hye, and peace on the erth, & vnto men a good wyll.
2:15And it fortuned, as sone as the angels were gone awaye from them into heauen, The shepherdes sayde one to another: let vs go now euen vnto Bethlehem, and se this thing that we heare saye is happened, which the Lorde hath shewed vnto vs.
2:16And they came wt hast, & founde Mary and Ioseph & the babe layde in a manger.
2:17And when they had sene it, they publisshed a brode the sayinge, which was tolde them of that chylde.
2:18And all they that hearde it, wondred at those thynges which were tolde them of the shepherdes.
2:19But Mary kepte all those saienges, and pondered them in her hert.
2:20And the shepherdes retourned, praysynge and laudinge God for all the thinges that they had herde and sene, euen as it was tolde vnto them.
2:21And when the eyght daye was come that the childe shulde be circuncised his name was called Iesus which was named of the Angell, before he was conceaued in the wombe.
2:22And when the tyme of their purificacion (after the lawe of Moses) was come, they brought him to Hierusalem, to present him to the Lorde
2:23(as it is wrytten in the lawe of the Lorde euery man chylde that fyrst openeth the matrix, shalbe called holy to the Lord)
2:24and to offer (as it is sayde in the lawe of the Lorde) a payre of turtle doues, or two yonge pigions.
2:25And beholde, ther was a man in Hierusalem whose name was Simeon. And the same man was iuste & godly, & loked for the consolacion of Israel, and the holy goost was in him.
2:26And an answer had he receaued of the holy goost that he shulde not se deeth, excepte he fyrst sawe the Lordes Christ.
2:27And he came by inspiracion into the temple. And when the father & mother brought in the chylde Iesus: to do for him after the custome of the lawe,
2:28then toke he him vp in his armes, & sayd:
2:29Lorde, now lettest thou thy seruaunt departe in peace, accordynge to thy promes.
2:30For myne eyes haue sene the saluacion:
2:31which thou hast prepared before the face of all people
2:32A lyght to lighten the gentyls, & the glory of thy people Israel.
2:33And his father & mother: meruylled at those thinges, whych were spoken of hym.
2:34And Simeon blessed them, and sayde vnto Mary his mother: beholde, this chyld is sett to be the fall and vprising agayne of many in Israel, & for a sygne which is spoken agaynst.
2:35And moreouer, the swearde shall pearce thy soule that the thoughtes of manyhertes maye be opened.
2:36And ther was a Prophetisse, one Anna, the daughter of Phanuel of the trybe of Aser: which was of a greate age, & had lyued with an husbande .vij. yeres from her virginite.
2:37And she had bene a wedowe aboute .iiij. scoore & .iiij. yere, which departed not from the temple, but serued God with fastinges and prayers nyght & daye.
2:38And she came forth that same houre, and praysed the Lorde, & spake of him, to all them that loked for redempcyon in Hierusalem.
2:39And whan they had perfourmed all thinges accordyng to the lawe of the Lorde, they returned into Galile, to their awne citie Nazareth.
2:40And the chylde grewe, and wexed stronge in sprete, & was fylled with wysdome, & the grace of God was vpon him.
2:41And his father & mother went to Hierusalem euery yere at the feaste of easter.
2:42And when he was .xij. yere olde, they went vp to Hierusalem after the custome of the feast daye.
2:43And when they had fulfylled the dayes: as they returned home, the chylde Iesus a bode styll in Ierusalem, & hys father & mother knewe not of it:
2:44but they supposyng him to haue bene in the company, came a dayes iorney & sought him amonge their kynsfolke & acquayntaunce.
2:45And when they founde him not, they went backe agayne to Hierusalem, and sought him.
2:46And it fortuned that after .iij. dayes, they founde him in the temple, syttynge in the middes of the doctours, hearyng them, & posynge them
2:47And all that hearde him, were astonnyed at his vnderstonding & answers.
2:48And when they sawe him, they marueyled. And his mother sayde vnto him: sonne, why hast thou thus dealt with vs? Beholde, thy father & I haue sought the, sorowenge.
2:49And he sayde vnto them: how is it that ye sought me? Wist ye not, that I must goo aboute my fathers busynes?
2:50And they vnderstode not that sayinge which he spake vnto them.
2:51And he went downe wt them, & came to Nazareth, & was obedient vnto them. But his mother kept all these sayenges together in her hert.
2:52And Iesus prospered in wysdome & age, and in fauoure, with God & men.
The Great Bible 1539

The Great Bible 1539

The Great Bible of 1539 was the first authorized edition of the Bible in English, authorized by King Henry VIII of England to be read aloud in the church services of the Church of England. The Great Bible was prepared by Myles Coverdale, working under commission of Thomas, Lord Cromwell, Secretary to Henry VIII and Vicar General. In 1538, Cromwell directed the clergy to provide "one book of the bible of the largest volume in English, and the same set up in some convenient place within the said church that ye have care of, whereas your parishioners may most commodiously resort to the same and read it."