Textus Receptus Bibles
Coverdale Bible 1535
7:1 | But the children of Israel had comytted a sinne in the thinge yt was damned: for Achan the sonne of Charmi the sonne of Sabdi the sonne of Serah, of ye trybe of Iuda, toke some of it yt was daned. Then was the wrath of the LORDE fearce ouer the children of Israel. |
7:2 | Now whan Iosua sent out men from Iericho vnto Hai, which lyeth besyde Bethaue on ye eastsyde of Bethel, he sayde vnto the: Go vp, and spye the londe. And whan they had gone vp, and spyed out Hai, |
7:3 | they came agayne to Iosua, and sayde vnto him: Let not all the people go vp, but vpon a two or thre thousande, that they maye go vp and smyte Hai, lest all the people weerye them selues there, for they are but fewe. |
7:4 | So there wente vp, of the people vpon a thre thousande men, and they fled before the men of Hai, |
7:5 | and they of Hai smote vpon a syxe and thyrtie men of them, and chaced them from the porte vnto Sebarim, and smote them downe the waye. Then was the hert of the people discoraged, and became like water. |
7:6 | As for Iosua he rente his clothes, and fell vpon his face vnto the earth before the Arke of the LORDE, vntill the eueninge, with the Elders of Israel, and cast dust vpon their heades. |
7:7 | And Iosua sayde: Oh LORDE LORDE, wherfore hast thou broughte this people ouer Iordane, to delyuer vs in to the handes of the Amorites to destroye vs? O that we had taried beionde Iordane, as we begane. |
7:8 | Oh my LORDE, what shal I saye, whyle Israel turneth his backe vpon his enemies? |
7:9 | Wha the Cananites heare of this, they shal compasse vs rounde aboute, yee and rote out oure names from of the earth. What wylt thou do then vnto thy greate name? |
7:10 | Then sayde the LORDE vnto Iosua: Stode vp, why lyest thou so vpon thy face? |
7:11 | Israel hath offended, and trasgressed ouer my couenaunt, which I commaunded the. They haue taken also of the thinge that was damned, and haue stollen, and dyssembled, and layed it amonge their ornamentes. |
7:12 | The children of Israel are not able to stonde before their aduersaries, but must turne their backes vpon their enemies: for they are a cursed. I wyll no more be with you from hece forth yf ye put not out the damned from amonge you. |
7:13 | Stonde vp, and sanctifie the people, and saye: Sanctifie yor selues agaynst tomorow for thus sayeth the LORDE God of Israel: There is a damned thinge in the O Israel, therfore canst thou not stonde before thine enemies, tyll ye put awaye the damned from amonge you. |
7:14 | And ye shall ryse vp early, one trybe after another: and loke which trybe so euer the LORDE taketh, the same shall come forth, one kynred after another: and loke which kynred the LORDE taketh, the same shall come forth, one house after another. And loke what house the LORDE taketh, the same shal come forth, one housholder after another. |
7:15 | And who so euer is founde in ye curse, the same shalbe burnt in the fyre with all that he hath: because he hath gone beyonde the couenaunt of the LORDE, and committed folye in Israel. |
7:16 | Then Iosua gat him vp by tymes in the mornynge, and brought forth Israel, one trybe after another, and ye trybe of Iuda was taken. |
7:17 | And whan he had brought forth the kynreds in Iuda, ye kinred of the Serahites was taken. And whan he had brought forth the kynred of the Serahites, one housholde after another, Sabdi was taken. |
7:18 | And wha he had brought forth his house, one housholder after another, Achan the sonne of Charmi ye sonne of Sabdi the sonne of Serah of the trybe of Iuda, was taken. |
7:19 | And Iosua sayde vnto Achan: My sonne, geue the glory vnto the LORDE the God of Israel, and geue him the prayse, and tell me, what thou hast done, and hide nothinge fro me. |
7:20 | Then answered Achan vnto Iosua, and sayde: Verely I haue synned agaynst ye LORDE God of Israel, thus & thus haue I done: |
7:21 | I sawe amoge ye spoiles a costly Babilonish garment, and two hudreth Sycles of syluer and a tunge of golde, worth fiftye Sycles in weight, vnto the which I had a lust, and toke it: and beholde, it is hyd in the grounde in my tente, and the syluer vnder it. |
7:22 | Then Iosua sent messaungers thither, which ranne to the tente, and beholde, it was hyd in his tente, and the siluer vnder it. |
7:23 | And they toke it out of the tente, and broughte it vnto Iosua, and to all the children of Israel and poured it before the LORDE. |
7:24 | Then Iosua and all Israel with him, toke Achan the sonne of Serah with the siluer, the garment and golde tunge, his sonnes and doughters, his oxen and asses, and shepe, and all that he had broughte they in to ye valley of Achor. |
7:25 | And Iosua sayde: For so moch as thou hast troubled vs, the LORDE trouble the this daye. And all Israel stoned him, and burned him with fyre with all that he had. |
7:26 | And whan they had stoned him, they made ouer him a greate heape of stones, which remayneth vnto this daye. (So the LORDE turned from the rigorousnes of his wrath.) Therfore is the same place called ye valley of Achor vnto this daye. |

Coverdale Bible 1535
The Coverdale Bible, compiled by Myles Coverdale and published in 1535, was the first complete English translation of the Bible to contain both the Old and New Testament and translated from the original Hebrew and Greek. The later editions (folio and quarto) published in 1539 were the first complete Bibles printed in England. The 1539 folio edition carried the royal license and was, therefore, the first officially approved Bible translation in English.
Tyndale never had the satisfaction of completing his English Bible; but during his imprisonment, he may have learned that a complete translation, based largely upon his own, had actually been produced. The credit for this achievement, the first complete printed English Bible, is due to Miles Coverdale (1488-1569), afterward bishop of Exeter (1551-1553).
The details of its production are obscure. Coverdale met Tyndale in Hamburg, Germany in 1529, and is said to have assisted him in the translation of the Pentateuch. His own work was done under the patronage of Oliver Cromwell, who was anxious for the publication of an English Bible; and it was no doubt forwarded by the action of Convocation, which, under Archbishop Cranmer's leading, had petitioned in 1534 for the undertaking of such a work.
Coverdale's Bible was probably printed by Froschover in Zurich, Switzerland and was published at the end of 1535, with a dedication to Henry VIII. By this time, the conditions were more favorable to a Protestant Bible than they had been in 1525. Henry had finally broken with the Pope and had committed himself to the principle of an English Bible. Coverdale's work was accordingly tolerated by authority, and when the second edition of it appeared in 1537 (printed by an English printer, Nycolson of Southwark), it bore on its title-page the words, "Set forth with the King's most gracious license." In licensing Coverdale's translation, King Henry probably did not know how far he was sanctioning the work of Tyndale, which he had previously condemned.
In the New Testament, in particular, Tyndale's version is the basis of Coverdale's, and to a somewhat less extent this is also the case in the Pentateuch and Jonah; but Coverdale revised the work of his predecessor with the help of the Zurich German Bible of Zwingli and others (1524-1529), a Latin version by Pagninus, the Vulgate, and Luther. In his preface, he explicitly disclaims originality as a translator, and there is no sign that he made any noticeable use of the Greek and Hebrew; but he used the available Latin, German, and English versions with judgment. In the parts of the Old Testament which Tyndale had not published he appears to have translated mainly from the Zurich Bible. [Coverdale's Bible of 1535 was reprinted by Bagster, 1838.]
In one respect Coverdale's Bible was groundbreaking, namely, in the arrangement of the books of the. It is to Tyndale's example, no doubt, that the action of Coverdale is due. His Bible is divided into six parts -- (1) Pentateuch; (2) Joshua -- Esther; (3) Job -- "Solomon's Balettes" (i.e. Canticles); (4) Prophets; (5) "Apocrypha, the books and treatises which among the fathers of old are not reckoned to be of like authority with the other books of the Bible, neither are they found in the canon of the Hebrew"; (6) the New Testament. This represents the view generally taken by the Reformers, both in Germany and in England, and so far as concerns the English Bible, Coverdale's example was decisive.