Textus Receptus Bibles
Wessex Gospels c.1175
14:1 | Soðlice þa æfter twam dagen wæren eastren. & þa sohten þa heah-sacerdes & þa boceres hu hyo hine mid facne namen & of-slogen. |
14:2 | Þa cwæðen hy næs na on freols-daige þy læs þas folces ge-hlyd wurðe. |
14:3 | and þa se hælend wæs on bethania on symones huse anes hreofelen & þær sæt. Þa com an wif & hæfde hire sealfe-box deorewurðe nardes. & to-brokene sealf-boxe ofer his heafed aget. |
14:4 | Sume hit unwurdlice for-bæren. & be-tweoxe heom sylfen cwæðen. for hwi wæs þises sealfe for-spillednyss ge-worðen. |
14:5 | þeos sealfe mihte beon ge-seald to þrem hund panegen. & beon þearfen ge-seald & yrseden agen hy. |
14:6 | Þa quoth. se hælend. Læted hyo hwi synde ge hire grame. god werc hyo on me worhte. |
14:7 | Soðlice symble ge hæbbed þearfen mid eow. & þanne ge willeð ge magen heom tæle don. me ge symble næbbeð. |
14:8 | þeos sealde þt hyo hæfde. hyo com to smeriene minne lichame on berigenne. |
14:9 | Soðlice ich eow segge swa hwær swa þis godspell ge-boded byo on eallen midden-earde byð ge-boded þt hyo þis on his ge-minde dyde. |
14:10 | Ða iudas scarioth þt is wiðersace an of þam twelfen ferde to þam heah-sacerden þt he hine heom be-leawde. |
14:11 | Ða hyo þis ge-herden hyo fageneden & be-heton him feoh to syllene. & he smaigde hu he hine digelice sealde. |
14:12 | And þam formen daige azimorum. þa hyo eastren offredon. his leorning-cnihtes him saiden hwider wilt þu þt we faren. & ge-gærewian þe þt þu eastren æte. |
14:13 | Þa sende he twegen of his leorning-cnihten & sæden heom. Gað on þas cestre & ginc ägen yrnð sum man berende sume wæter-flaxan. Folgieð him. |
14:14 | & swa hwider swa he ingað segged þas huses hlaferde. Ure lareow sægð hwær is min gyst-hus & min ge-reord. hwær æte ic eastren mid minen leorning-cnihten. |
14:15 | And he inc ge-swuteleð micele halle ge-þefte. & ge-gerewiað us þare. |
14:16 | þa ferden his leorning-cnihtes & comen on þare cestre & funden hit eall swa he saigde. & ge-garewedon þa eastren. |
14:17 | Soðlice þa æfen com heom twelf mid him. |
14:18 | sittende. & etende sæde se hælend. Soðlice ic eow segge. þt eower an þe mid me æt ge-syld me. |
14:19 | þa ongunnen hio beo dreorige. & be-twuxe heom cwæðen. cwedst þu eom ic hit. |
14:20 | Ða sæde he heom. an of eow twelfen me sylð. Se þe his hand on disce mid me dypd. |
14:21 | Ænd witodlice mannes sune gað swa be hym awriten is. Wa þam men þurh þane þe mannes sune beoð ge-seald. betere hym wære þt se man akenned nære. |
14:22 | Heom þa ætende afeng se hælend hlaf. & hine bletsiende bræc. & sealde heom & þus cwæð. nymed þis is min lichame. |
14:23 | & onfeng calice & gode þances dyde. & sealde heom. & ealle heon ofdruncen. |
14:24 | Ða saide he heom þis is min blod þare nywe cyðnissan. þt beoð for manigen agoten. |
14:25 | Soðlice ic eow segge þt ic henen forð ne drince of þises win-geardes kynne. oððe þanne daig þanne ic hine neowe drince on godes rice. |
14:26 | Ænd ge-cweðenen lofe hyo ferdon on ele-bergene munt. |
14:27 | Þa quoth se hælend ealle ge beoð ge-untreowsede on þisse nihte. for þam þe hit awriten is. ic slea þanne heorde. & beoð þa scep to-dræfde. |
14:28 | Ac æfter þan þe ic arise ic cume be-foren eow. on galilea. |
14:29 | Þa saide petrus him. þeah þe ealle swician. ne swicige ic þe nä. |
14:30 | Ða cwæð se hælend. Soðlice ic þe segge. þt þu on þisen nihte ær coc twewe cræwe þreowe wið-sæcst min. |
14:31 | & he þæs þe mare spæc. & þah me ge-berige mid þe to sweltene. ne æt-sace ic þin. & swa hyo cwæðen ealle. |
14:32 | Ða comen hyo to anen tune þas nama wæs getsemani. & he cwæð to his leorning-cnihten. Sitteð her oð þt ic me ge-bidde. |
14:33 | & he nam þa mid him petrum & iacobum. & iohannem þa on-gan he forhtigen & sarigen. |
14:34 | & sæde heom. Vnrot is min sawle odðe deað ge-biddeð her & wakieð. |
14:35 | Ða he lithwon forð-stop. he astrehte hine ofer þa eorðan & ge-bæd. gyf hit beon mihte. þt he on þare tide fram him ge-wite. |
14:36 | & þa quoth. he. abba. þt is fader on ure ge-þeode alle þing þe sende mihtilice afyrre þisne calic fram me. ac na þt ic wille äc þt þu. |
14:37 | Ða com he & funde hyo slæpende. & cwæð to petre. Simon slæpst þu. ne mihtest þu ane tide wacien. |
14:38 | wacieð & ge-biddað þt ge on costnunge ne gan. witodlice se gast is geare. ac þt flæsc is untrum. |
14:39 | And eft he ge-bæd þa ylcen spæce. |
14:40 | & þa he hine eft agen be-wende. he funde hyo slæpende. heore eagen wæren ge-hefegede. & hyo nyston hwæt hyo him andswereden. |
14:41 | Þa com he ðriddan siðe. & sæde heom slæpeð nu & resteð ge-noh hit is. time is cumen nu is mannes sune ge-seald on synfulre hande. |
14:42 | arised uten gan. nu is ge-hende se þe me syld. |
14:43 | him þa þe gyt spræcende com iudas scarioth þt is wiðer-saca. an of þam twelfen. & mid him mycel manige. mid sweorden & mid sahlen. fram heah-sacerden & bokeren & ealdren. |
14:44 | Soðlice his læwa heom taken sealde & þus cwæð. Swa hwilcne swa ic kysse. se hit ys nymeð & lædeð hine wærlice. |
14:45 | & sone swa he com he ge-nehlacte hine to & cwæð. Lareow; & cyste hine. |
14:46 | & hyo heore hande on hine wurpen & namen hine. |
14:47 | Soðlice an of þam þe þær embe-uten stoden his sweord abræd. & slog þas sacerdes þeow. & his eare of acarf. |
14:48 | Ða cwæð se hælend heom and-sweriende. Swa swa to anen scæðan ge ferden mid sweorden & treowen me ge-fon. |
14:49 | þanne ic daig-hwamlice mid eow wæs on temple lærende & ge me namen. ac þt þa ge-write syen ge-fellde. |
14:50 | Ða for-leten his leorning cnihtes ealle hine & flugen. |
14:51 | Sum gungling him fylgde mid ane scytan be-wæfed nacod. & hy name hine. |
14:52 | þt wærpendre þare scete nacod he heom fram fleah. |
14:53 | & hy lædden þanne hælend to þam heah-sacerde ænd comen ealle þa sacerdes. ænd bokeres. & ealdres. to-gædere. |
14:54 | Petrus heom felgede ferren oð þas heah-sacerdes cæfertun. and he set mid þam þenum & wermden hine æt þam fyre. |
14:55 | Ða heah-sacerdas sohten & eall ge-þeaht. tale agen þanne hælend. þt hyo hine to deaðe sealden & hyo ne fundon. |
14:56 | Manege sæden lease cyðnyssen agen hine. & þa cyðnisse næren þas-lice. |
14:57 | Ða arise sume & saigden lease cydnysse agen hine & þus cwæðen. |
14:58 | Sodes we ge-hyrden hine seggen ic to-weorpe þis hand-worhte temple. & æfter þrem dagen ic oðer un-hand-worht ge-timbrige. |
14:59 | & heore cydnysse næs þas-gelic. |
14:60 | Ða aras sum heah-sacerd on heora midlene & acxode þanne hælend. Ne andswerest þu nan þing agen þt þas þe onweorped. |
14:61 | he swegede & naht ne andswerede. Eft hine axode se heah-sacerd. Ert þu crist. Þas ge-bletsedes godes sune. |
14:62 | Þa sæde se hælend ic eom. & ge ge-seoð mannes sune on swiðren healfe sitten. his maignes. & cumende mid heofenes ge-nipen. |
14:63 | Ða cwæð se heah-sacerd his reaf slytende. hwi wilnige we gyt cyðera. |
14:64 | ge ge-herden his bismer. hwæt þincð eow. Ða hyrden hyo ealle hine & cwæðen. þt he wære deaðes scyldig. |
14:65 | Ænd sume agunnen hym on spæten. & ofer-wreon his ansiene. & mid festen hine beaten. & him to cwæðen. Ared. & þa þenas hine mid handen beoten. |
14:66 | & þa petrus wæs on cæfertune þa com to him an þinen þas heah-sacerdes. |
14:67 | & þa hye ge-seah petrum wermende þa cwæð hy. Þu wære mid þam nazareiscen hælende. |
14:68 | Ða æt-soc he & cwæð. Ic nat ne ic kan hwæt þu saigst. & he eode þa of þam cæfertune & se coc creow. |
14:69 | Eft þa hine cneow oðer þinen. & hyo on-gan cweðen to þam þe þær abuten stoden. Soðlice þes is of þam. |
14:70 | & he eft æt-soc. Ænd eft þa embe litel þa þe eft stoden cwæðen to petre. Soðlice þu ert of þam galileisc þu ert. |
14:71 | Ða æt-gan he of-sacan. & swerien. soðes ne can ic þanne man þe ge seggeð. |
14:72 | & þa eft sone creow se coc. Ða ge-munde petrus þas hælendes word þe he him saide. ær se coc creowe twige. þrewe þu me æt-sæcst. þa on-gan he wepen. |

Wessex Gospels c.1175
The Wessex Gospels (also known as the West-Saxon Gospels) are a full translation of the four gospels of the Christian Bible into a West Saxon dialect of Old English. Designated Royal MS 1 A XIV, it is historically important.
- The Wessex Gospels are the oldest translations into English without the Latin.
- The gospels are written in the Old English West Anglo-Saxon dialect of Northumbria.
- Royal MS 1 A XIV is written on parchment and is also known as the Codex Evangeliorum Anglice.
- The title written at the top of the page, ‘Text[us] iv evangelior[um] anglice’, is reproduced in the 14th-century catalogue of the Benedictine Christ Church library, but at the Reformation this book was one of many acquired from religious houses by Thomas Cranmer, Archbishop of Canterbury from 1532 to 1534, whose name is written at the top of the page.
- Seven extant copies exist today. The earliest version dates from 990AD.
- Royal MS 1 A XIV was copied directly from MS 441 in the Bodleian library at Oxford. We know this as the same passages have been omitted from both. It has a transmission jump of 185 years.
- MS 441 (990AD) is extant and still resides in the Bodleian Library at Oxford University, England. It was given to the library by Baron Hatton in 1671. Paleographical evidence suggests a Canterbury origin. The earliest extant evidence of ownership is through Archbishop Matthew Parker (1504-75).
- MS Corp. Ch Coll Camb 140 (1000AD) is in Corpus Christi College Cambridge.
- Royal MS 1 A XIV (1175AD) is in the British Library and was presented to the British Museum by King George II in 1757 from the Old Royal Library.
- Royal MS 1 A XIV once belonged to the Prince of Wales: Henry Frederick, (1594-1612), eldest child of King James the First.
Why is this important?
- Desiderius Erasmus had access to these MSS before starting his translation of the Textus Receptus. In the five years prior to starting his translation work Erasmus was Professor of Divinity at Cambridge at a time when the university's benefactors owned these manuscripts.
- The King James Bible translators had access to these manuscripts. All the six KJV translation companies where housed at Oxford, Cambridge and Westminster and all had access to the Wessex Gospels.
- The codex contains the long ending in Mark chapter 16.
- The codex contains the Pericope Adulterae (John 7:53-8:11)