Textus Receptus Bibles
Matthew's Bible 1537
10:1 | For the lawe whyche hath but the shadowe of good thinges to come, and not the thynges in theyr owne fashyon can neuer wyth the sacrifyces whych they offer yere by yere continuallly, make the commers thereunto perfect. |
10:2 | For woulde not then those sacryfyces haue ceased to haue bene offered, because that the offerers once pourged shoulde haue had no more consciences of synnes? |
10:3 | Neuertheles in those sacryfyces is ther mencyon made of synnes euery yeare. |
10:4 | For it is vnpossyble that the bloude of oxen and of gotes shoulde take awaye synnes. |
10:5 | Wherfore, when he commeth into the world he sayth: Sacrifyce and offerynge thou wouldest not haue: but a body hast thou ordeyned me. |
10:6 | In sacryfyces and synne offerynges thou hast not luste. |
10:7 | Then I saide: Lo I come, in the cheyfest in the boke it is wrytten of me, that I should do thy wil, o God. |
10:8 | Aboue when he had sayd sacryfyce and offerynge, and burnte sacrifices and synne offerynges thou wouldest not haue, neither hast alowed (whyche yet are offered by the lawe) |
10:9 | and then sayd, Lo I come to do thy wyll, O God: he taketh awaye the fyrste to stablysshe the latter. |
10:10 | By the whiche wyll we are sanctyfyed, by the offerynge of the bodye of Ieu Christ once for all. |
10:11 | And euery priest is redy daylie mynistring and ofte tymes offereth one maner of offerynge whyche can neuer take awaye synnes. |
10:12 | But thys man after he had offered one sacryfyce for synnes, satte hym downe for euer on the right hande of God, |
10:13 | and from henceforth taryeth tyl hys foes be made hys fote stole. |
10:14 | For wyth one offeryng hath he made perfecte for euer, them that are sanctyfyed. |
10:15 | And the holy ghost also beareth vs record of thys, euen when he told before: |
10:16 | Thys is the testamente that I wyl make to them: after those dayes sayth the Lorde. I wyll put my lawes in theyr hertes and in theyr mynde I wyll wryte them |
10:17 | and theyr synnes and iniquities wyll I remember no more. |
10:18 | And where remyssyon of these thynges is, there is no more offerynge for synne. |
10:19 | Seynge brethren that, by the meanes of the bloude of Iesu, we may be bold to enter into that holy place, |
10:20 | by the newe and lyuynge waye, whych he hath prepared for vs, thorow the vayle, that is to say hys flesh. |
10:21 | And seynge also that we haue an hye pryest which is ruler ouer the house of God |
10:22 | let vs draw nye wyth a true herte in a full fayth, sprynkeled in our hertes from an euyl conscyence, and washed in our bodyes wyth pure water, |
10:23 | and let vs kepe the professyon of our hope, wythout wauerynge (for he is faithful that promysed) |
10:24 | and let vs consyder one another to prouoke vnto loue, and to good workes: |
10:25 | and let vs not forsake the feloshyppe that we haue among our selues, as the maner of some is: but let vs exhort one another and that so muche the more, because ye se that the day draweth nye. |
10:26 | For yf we synne wyllyngly after that we haue receyued the knowledge of the trueth, ther remayneth no more sacryfyce for synnes, |
10:27 | but a fearful lokynge for iudgement, and vyolente fyre, whyche shal deuoure the aduersaryes. |
10:28 | He that despyseth Moyses lawe, dyeth wythout mercye vnder two or thre wytnesses |
10:29 | Of howe muche sorer punyshement suppose ye shal he be counted worthy, whych treadeth vnder fote the sonne of God: and counted the bloud of the testament as an vnholy thynge wherwyth he was sanctyfyed, and doth dishonour to the spyryte of grace. |
10:30 | For we knowe hym that hath sayde: vengeaunce belongeth vnto me. I wyll recompence sayth the lorde. And agayne: the lord shall iudge hys people. |
10:31 | It is a fearfull thynge to falle into the handes of the lyuynge God. |
10:32 | Cal to remembraunce the dayes that are passed in the whyche after ye had receyued lyght ye endured a great fyght in aduersities |
10:33 | partely whyle all men wondred and gased at you for the shame and trybulacyon that was done vnto you, and partly, whyle ye became companyons of them whyche so passed theyr tyme. |
10:34 | For ye suffered also wyth my bondes, and toke in worth the spoyllyng of your gootes, & that wyth gladnes, knowynge in youre selues howe that ye had in heauen a better & an endurynge substaunce. |
10:35 | Caste not awaye therfore youre confidence whiche hath great reward to recompence. |
10:36 | For ye haue nede of pacyence, that after ye haue done the wyll of God, ye myght receyue the promes. |
10:37 | For yet a very lyttel whyle, and he that shall come wyll come, and wyll not tarye. |
10:38 | But the iuste shall lyue by fayth. And yf he wythdrawe hym selfe my soule shal haue no pleasure in him. |
10:39 | We are not whych wythdrawe our selues vnto dampnacyon, but partayne to faith, to the winnynge of the soule. |

Matthew's Bible 1537
The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.