
Textus Receptus Bibles

Matthew's Bible 1537


11:1Fayth is a sure confydence of thynges which are hoped for, & a certayntye of thynges which are not sene.
11:2By it the elders were wel reported of.
11:3Thorow faythe we vnderstande that the worlde was ordeyned by the worde of God: and that thinges whiche are sene, were made of thynges whiche are not sene.
11:4By fayth Abel offred vnto God a more plentuous sacrifyce then Cayn: by whiche he obtayned wytnes that he was ryghtuous, God testifiynge of his gyftes: by which also he beynge dead, yet speaketh.
11:5By fayth was Enoch translated that he shoulde not se death, neyther was he founde: for God had taken hym away. Before he was taken awaye, he was reported, of, that he had pleased God:
11:6but wythout fayth it is vnpossybleto please hym. For he that cometh to God muste beleue that God is, and that he is a rewarder of them that seke hym.
11:7By faythe Noe honoured God, after that he was warned of thynges whiche were not sene, and prepared the arcke to the sauynge of hys housholde, thorow the whiche arcke, he condemned the worlde, and became heyre of the rightuousnes that commeth by faythe.
11:8By fayth Abraham, when he was called obeyed, to go out into a place, which he shoulde afterward receyue to inherytaunce, and he wente oute not knowynge whyther he should go.
11:9By fayth he remoued into the lande that was promysed hym, as into a straunge countreye, and dwelte in tabernacles: and so dyd Isaac and Iacob, heyres wyth hym of the same promes.
11:10For he loked for a cytie hauing a foundacyon, whose buylder and maker is God.
11:11Thorow fayth Sara also receyued strength to be with chyld, and was delyuered of a child when she was past age, because she iudged hym faythfull which had promysed.
11:12And therfore spronge thereof one (& of one whiche was as good as deade) so manye in multitude, as the starres of the skye, and as the sande of the sea shore whiche is innumerable.
11:13And they all dyed in fayth, and receyued not the promyses: but sawe them a farre of, & beleued them; and saluted them: and confessed that they were straungers and pylgrems on the earthe.
11:14They that saye suche thynges, declare that they seke a countreye.
11:15Also yf they had bene myndefull of that countreye from whence they came oute, they had leasure to haue returned agayne.
11:16But nowe they desyre a better, that is to saye an heauenlye. Wherfor God is not ashamed of them euen to be called theyr God: for he hath prepared for them a cytye.
11:17In fayth Abraham offered vp Isaac, when he was tempted, and he offered hym beynge hys onelye begotten sonne, whiche had receyued the promyses,
11:18of whom it was sayde, in Isaac shal thy sede be called,
11:19for he considered that God was able to rayse it vp agayne from death. Wherfore receyued he hym, for an ensample.
11:20In faith Isaac blessed Iacob and Esau concernynge thynges to come.
11:21By fayth Iacob when he was a diynge, blessed both the sonnes of Ioseph, and bowed hym self towarde the top of hys cepter.
11:22By fayth Ioseph when he dyed, remembred the departynge of the chyldren of Israel, and gaue commaundemente of hys bones.
11:23By faith Moses when he was borne, was hyd thre monethes of hys father and mother, because they sawe he was a proper chyld, neyther feared they the kynges commaundement.
11:24By fayth Moyses when he was great, refused to be called the sonne of Pharaos doughter,
11:25and those rather to suffer aduersitie wyth the people of God, then to enioy the pleasures of synne for a season,
11:26and estemed the rebuke of Christe greater ryches then the treasure of Egypte. For he had respect vnto the reward.
11:27By fayth he forsoke Egypte, and feared not the fearcenes of the kynge. For he endured euen as he had sene hym whiche is inuysyble.
11:28Thorowe fayth he ordeyned the Easter Lambe and the effusyon of bloud, lest he that destroyed the fyrst borne shoulde touche them.
11:29By fayth they passed thorowe the redde sea, as by drye lande, whiche when the Egypcyans had assayed to do, they were drouned.
11:30By fayth the walles of Hierico fel doune after they were compassed about seuen dayes.
11:31By faythe the harlot Raab peryshed not wyth the vnbeleuers, when she had receyued the spyes to lodgynge peaceably.
11:32And what shall I more saye? the tyme woulde be to short for me to tell of Gedeon, of Baroch, and of Sampson, and of Iephtae: also of Dauid and Samuel, and of the Prophetes:
11:33which thorowe fayth subdued kingdomes wrought ryghtuousnes, obtayned the promyses, stopped the mouthes of Lyons,
11:34quenched the vyolence of fyre, escaped the edge of the swearde, of weake were made stronge, waxed valyaunte in fyght, turned to flyghte the armyes of the alientes.
11:35And the women receyued theyr dead raysed to lyfe agayne. Other were racked, and woulde not be delyuered, that they myghte receyue a better resurreccyon.
11:36Other tasted of mockynges and scourgynges, moreouer of bondes and prysonmente,
11:37were stoned, were hewen a sounder, were tempted, were slayne wyth swerdes, walked vp and doune in shepes skynnes, in gotes skynnes, in nede, trybulacyon, and vexacyon,
11:38whiche the world was not worthy of, they wandred in wyldernes, in mountaines, in dennes and caues of the earth
11:39And these all thorowe fayth obtayned good report, and receyued not the promys,
11:40God prouydynge a better thynge for vs, that they wythoute vs shoulde not be made perfecte.
Matthew's Bible 1537

Matthew's Bible 1537

The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.