Textus Receptus Bibles
Matthew's Bible 1537
7:1 | Thys Melchysedech, kynge of Salem (whiche beynge prieste of the moost hye God met Abraham, as he returned agayne from the slaughter of the kynges, & blessed him: |
7:2 | to whom also Abraham gaue tythes of all thynges) fyrste is by interpretacyon kynge of ryghtuousnes: after that he is kynge of Salem that is to saye, kynge of peace, |
7:3 | wythoute father, wythout mother, wythout kynne, & hath neyther begynnyng of hys tyme, neyther yet ende of hys lyfe: but is lykened vnto the sonne of God, and contynueth a prieste for euer. |
7:4 | Consyder what a man this was, vnto whom the patriarke Abraham gaue tythes of the spoyles. |
7:5 | And verely those chyldren of Leuy, which receyue the offyce of the priestes, haue a commaundemente to take accordynge to the lawe, tythes of the people, that is to say of theyr brethren, yea thoughe they spronge oute of the loynes of Abraham. |
7:6 | But he whose kynred is not counted amonge them, receyued tythes of Abraham, and blessed hym that had the promises. |
7:7 | And no man denyeth but that whiche is lesse, receyueth blessyng of that which is greater. |
7:8 | And here men that dye, receyue tythes. But there he receyueth tythes of whome it is wytnessed, that he lyueth. |
7:9 | And to say the trueth. Leuy hym selfe also whiche receyueth tythes, payed tythes in Abraham. |
7:10 | For he was yet in the loynes of hys father Abraham when Melchysedech mete hym. |
7:11 | Yf nowe therfore perfeccyon came by the priesthode of the Leuytes (for vnder that presthode the people receyueth the lawe) what nedeth furthermore that another prieste shoulde aryse after the ordre of Melchisedech, and not after the ordre of Aaron? |
7:12 | Nowe no doubte, yf the priesthode be translated, then of necessitye must the lawe be translated also. |
7:13 | For of whome these thynges are spoken pertayneth vnto another trybe, of whiche neuer man serued at the aulter. |
7:14 | For it is euident, that oure Lorde sprong of the trybe of Iuda, of whiche trybe spake Moyses nothyng concernynge priesthode. |
7:15 | And it is yet a more euydent thynge, yf after the similitude, of Melchisedech, there arise an other prieste: |
7:16 | which is not made after the lawe of the carnall commaundement: but after the power of the endelesse lyfe. |
7:17 | (For he testifyeth thou arte a prieste for euer, after the ordre of Melchysedech). |
7:18 | Then the commaundement that wente before, is dysanulled, because of her weakenes and vnprofytablenes. |
7:19 | For the lawe made nothynge perfecte: but was an introduccion of a better hope, by which hope we drawe nye vnto God. |
7:20 | And for thys cause it is a better hope, that it was not promysed without an oth |
7:21 | (those pryestes were made wythout an othe, but thys prieste wyth an othe, by hym that layed vnto hym. The Lorde sware, and wyl not repente: Thou arte a prieste for euer after the order of Melchisedech) |
7:22 | And for the cause was Iesus a stablisher of a better testament. |
7:23 | And amonge them many were made priestes, because they were not suffered to endure by the reason of death. |
7:24 | But thys man, because he endureth euer hath an euerlastyng priestehode. |
7:25 | Wherfor he is able also euer to saue them that come vnto God by hym, seyng he euer lyueth, to make intercessyon for vs. |
7:26 | Suche an hye Prieste it became vs to haue which is holy, harmlesse, vndefyled, separate from synners, and made hyer then heauen. |
7:27 | Whiche nedeth not dayelye (as yonder hye priestes) to offer vp sacrifyce, fyrste for hys own synnes, and then for the peoples synnes. For that dyd he at once for all, when he offered vp hym selfe. |
7:28 | For the lawe maketh men priestes, which haue infyrmytye: but the worde of the othe that came sence the lawe, maketh the sonne pryeste, whiche is perfecte for euermore. |

Matthew's Bible 1537
The Matthew Bible, also known as Matthew's Version, was first published in 1537 by John Rogers, under the pseudonym "Thomas Matthew". It combined the New Testament of William Tyndale, and as much of the Old Testament as he had been able to translate before being captured and put to death, with the translations of Myles Coverdale as to the balance of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha, except the Apocryphal Prayer of Manasses. It is thus a vital link in the main sequence of English Bible translations.