
Textus Receptus Bibles

The Great Bible 1539


13:1And the Lorde spake vnto Moses and Aaron sayinge:
13:2when there appeareth a rysynge in any mans fleshe, ether a scabbe, or a glystrynge whyte: and the plage of leprosye be in the skynne of hys fleshe, he shall be brought vnto Aaron the Preaste, or vnto one of hys sonnes the Preastes:
13:3and the Preaste shall loke on the sore in the skynne of hys fleshe. And whan the heere in the sore is turned vnto whyte, and the sore also seme to be lower then the skynne of his flesh, it wyll be a plage of leprosye, and the Preaste shall loke on hym, and iudge hym vnclene.
13:4If there be but a whyte plecke in the skynne of hys flesh, and seme not to be lower then the skynne, nor the heere therof is turned vnto whyte, the Preaste shall shut him vp seuen dayes.
13:5And the Preaste shall loke vpon hym agayne the seuenth daye: And yf the plage seme to him to abyde still, & the plage growe not in the skynne the Preast shall shutt him vp yet .vij. dayes moo.
13:6And the Preast shall loke on hym agayne the .vij. daye. Then yf the plage be darcker, & not growen in the skynne, the Preast shall iudge hym clene, for it is but a skyrf. And he shall washe his clothes, & be clene,
13:7But & yf the scabbe growe in the skynne after that he is sene of the Preast, & iudged clene, he shalbe sene of the prest agayne.
13:8If the preast se that the scabbe be growen abrode in the skynne, the prest shall make hym vnclene: for it is a leprosye.
13:9When the plage of leprosye is in a man he shall be brought vnto the Preast,
13:10and the Preast shall se hym. And yf the rysynge be white in the skynne, and haue made the heare whyte, and there be rawe fleshe in the sor
13:11it wylbe an olde leprosye in the skynne of his flesh. And the Preast shall make hym vnclene, and shall not shutte hym vp seynge he is vnclene.
13:12If a leprosye breake out abrode in the skynne, & couer all the skynne, from hys heed to hys foote, whersouer the Preast loketh,
13:13and the Preast loke vpon him. And yf the leprosye haue couered all hys flesh, he shall iudge the plage to be clene because it is all turned into whytnesse, & he shalbe cleane.
13:14But and yf ther be rawe fleshe on him when he is sene, he shalbe vncleane.
13:15And the Preast shall se the rawe flesh, and declare him to be vnclene. For the rawe flesh is vnclene seynge it is a leprosye.
13:16Or yf the rawe flesh departe agayne & chaunge vnto whyte, he shall come to the preste,
13:17and the preast shall se him & beholde: If the soore be chaunged vnto whyte the Preast shall iudge the plage cleane & he shalbe cleane:
13:18The flesh also in whose skinne there is a byle & is healed,
13:19& in the place of the byle there appeare a whyte rysynge, ether a shynynge whyte & som what reddish, it shall be sene of the Preast.
13:20And yf when the Preast seyth hym, it appeare lower than the skynne, & the heare therof be chaunged vnto whyte, the Preast shall iudge hym vncleane: for it is a plage of leprosye, broken out of the byle.
13:21But & yf the Preast loke on it and there be no whyte heares therin, & yf it be not lower then the skynne, but be darcker, the Preast shall shutt hym vp .vij. dayes.
13:22And yf it sprede abrode in the flesh, the prest shall make hym vncleane, seynge it is the plage.
13:23But and yf the spot stonde styll, & growe not, it is the prynte of an hote byle, and therfore the prest shall declare hym to be cleane.
13:24Yf there be any flesh, in whose skynne there is a hote burnynge, and the flesh that burneth haue a whyte spott, som what reddysh or whyte,
13:25the prest shall loke vpon it. And yf the heare in that bryght spot be chaunged to whyte, and it appeare lower then the skynne, it is a leprosye broken out of the burnynge. And therfore the Preaste shall iudge hym vncleane, seynge it is the plage of leprosye.
13:26But yf the preast loke on it & there be no whyte heare in the bryghte spott, and be no lower then the other skynne, but be darcker, the preast shall shut him vp seuen dayes.
13:27And the preast shall loke on hym the seuenth daye: And yf it be growen abroad in the skynne, the preast shall iudge hym vncleane, seynge it is the plage of leprosye.
13:28And yf the spot stonde styll in it, & growe not in the skynne, but is darcke, it is a rysynge of the burnynge, & the Preast shall therfore declare hym cleane, seynge it is the prynte of the burnynge.
13:29Yf man or woman hath a sore vpon the heed or the beard, the preast shall se it.
13:30And yf it appeare lower than the skynne, & ther be in it a yalowe heare: & thynne the Preast shall iudge him vncleane, seynge that the same fretynge is a token of leprosye vpon the heed or berde.
13:31And yf the preast loke on the sore of the prynt, and it seme not lower then the skynne, and that the heare is not blacke, the Preast shall shut vp the frettynge sore seuen dayes.
13:32And in the seuenth daye the preste shall loke on the sore: and yf the sore be not growen, and there be in it no yalowe hayre, and the sore seme not lower then the skynne,
13:33he shalbe shauen: but the place of the sore shall he not shaue, & the prest shall shut vp the sore seuen dayes moo.
13:34And in the seuenth daye the preste shall loke on the sore: And if the sore be not growen in the skynne, ner seme lower then the other skynne, the preste shall clense hym, & he shall washe hys clothes, and be clene.
13:35But yf the sore growe in the fleshe after hys clensynge,
13:36the preste shall loke on hym. And yf the sore be growne in the skynne, the preste shall not seke for yelowe heare, for he is vnclene.
13:37But if he se the prynte stonde styll, and that there is blacke heare growne vp therin, the sore is healed, and he shalbe cleane, and the prest shall declare hym to be cleane.
13:38Yf there be whyte spottes in the skynne of the fleshe of man or woman,
13:39the preast shall loke vpon it. And yf the spottes in the skynne of theyr fleshe be som what darcke & whyte wythall, it is a frekell growynge in the fleshe: Therfore is he cleane.
13:40And the man (whose heade is destitute of heare, wherby he is made balde) is cleane.
13:41And he that hath hys heare out in his foreheede, is foreheed balde and cleane.
13:42If there be in the baulde heed or baulde foreheed a whyte reddysh sore scabbe, there is leprosye spronge vp in hys baulde heed or baulde foreheede.
13:43And the preast shall loke vpon him, and yf the rysynge of the sore be whyte reddysh in hys baulde heed or balde foreheed after the maner of a leprosye which is in the skynne of the fleshe,
13:44then he is a leperous man and vncleane. And the Preaste shall make hym vncleane, for the plage therof is in hys heed.
13:45The leper in whome the plage is, shall haue hys clothes rent, and hys heed bare and shall put a couerynge vpon hys lyppe, and shalbe called vnclene and defyled.
13:46And as longe as the dysease lasteth vpon hym, he shalbe defyled and vncleane: he shall dwell alone, euen wythout the host shall hys habitacyon be.
13:47The cloth that the plage of leprosye is in, whether it be lynen or wollen,
13:48whether it be in the warpe or woofe of lynen or of wollen: ether in a skynne or any thynge made of skynne,
13:49yf the dysease be pale or som what reddysh in the cloth or skynne: whether it be in the warpe or woofe or any thynge that is made of skynne, then it is a plage of leprosye, and shall be shewed vnto the preaste.
13:50The preaste therfore shall se the plage, and shut it vp seuen dayes,
13:51and loke on the plage the seuenth daye. Whych yf it be increased in the cloth (whether it be in the warpe or woofe, or in a skynne) or in any thynge that is made of skynne it is the leprosy of a fretinge sore: it is vncleane:
13:52& that cloth shalbe burnt, ether warpe or woofe whether it be wollen or lynnen, or any thynge that is made of skynne, where in the plage is, for it is a frettynge leprosye, it shalbe burnt in the fyre.
13:53If the Preaste se that the plage is not growen in the cloth: ether in the warpe or woofe or in whatsoeuer thynge of skynne it be,
13:54the preast shall commaunde them to wasshe the thynge wherin the plage is, and he shall shut it vp seuen dayes moo.
13:55And the preaste shall loke on the plage agayne, after that it is washed. And yf the plage haue not chaunged hys coloure, and is sprede no further abrode, it is vncleane. Thou shall burne it in the fyre, for it is freat in warde: in parte or in all together.
13:56And yf the Preaste se that the plage is darcker after that it is wasshed, he shall rent it out of the cloth, or out of the skynne, or out of the warpe or out of the woofe.
13:57And yf it appeare any moare in the cloth (ether in the warpe or in the woofe or in any thynge made of skynne) it is a waxinge plage. Thou shalt burne the plage that is in it.
13:58Moreouer the cloth, ether warpe or woofe or whatsoeuer thynge of skynne it be whych thou hast wasshed, yf the plage be departed there from, it shalbe wasshed once agayne: and then shall it be cleane.
13:59Thys is the lawe of the plage of leprosye in a cloth whether it be wollen or lynnen: eyther in the warpe or woofe, or in any thynge of skynnes, to make it cleane or vncleane.
The Great Bible 1539

The Great Bible 1539

The Great Bible of 1539 was the first authorized edition of the Bible in English, authorized by King Henry VIII of England to be read aloud in the church services of the Church of England. The Great Bible was prepared by Myles Coverdale, working under commission of Thomas, Lord Cromwell, Secretary to Henry VIII and Vicar General. In 1538, Cromwell directed the clergy to provide "one book of the bible of the largest volume in English, and the same set up in some convenient place within the said church that ye have care of, whereas your parishioners may most commodiously resort to the same and read it."