Textus Receptus Bibles
The Great Bible 1539
21:1 | And the Lorde sayde vnto Moses: speake vnto the Preastes the sonnes of Aaron, and saye vnto them. Let none be defyled vpon a soule amonge hys people, |
21:2 | but vpon hys kynsman, that is nye vnto hym: vpon his father, & his mother, vpon sonne and daughter, and his brother, |
21:3 | and on his syster a mayde that is nye vnto him, whom no man hath knowen: vpon her shall he be defyled. |
21:4 | But he shall not be defyled vpon him that hath auctoryte amonge hys people, to polute him selfe for him. |
21:5 | Let them not make baldnesse vpon their heed, nor shaue of the lockes of their bearde, nor make any markes in their fleshe. |
21:6 | They shalbe holy vnto their God, and not polute the name of their God, for the sacrifyces of the Lorde which are as the bread of their God they do offer: therfore they shall be holy. |
21:7 | Let them not take a wyfe that is an aduoutresse, or polluted, nor put from her husbande: for suche a one is holy vnto his God. |
21:8 | Thou shalt sanctifye hym therfore, for he offereth vp the bread of thy God: he shall therfore be holy vnto the, for I the Lorde whyche sanctifye you am holy. |
21:9 | If a Preastes daughter fall to playe the whore, she poluteth her father: therfore must she be burnt with fyre. |
21:10 | He that is the hye Preaste amonge hys brethren, vpon whose heed the anoyntynge oyle was powred, and that consecrated hys hande to put on the vestimentes, shall not vncouer his heade, nor rent his clothes |
21:11 | nether goo to any deed body, nor make hym selfe vncleane on hys father or hys mother, |
21:12 | nether shall go out of the sanctuarye, ner polute the holy place of hys God, for the croune of the anoyntynge oyle of hys God, is vpon him. I am the Lord. |
21:13 | He shall take a mayde vnto hys wyfe: |
21:14 | but a wedowe, a deuorsed woman, or an harlot, shall he not mary: But shall take a mayde of hys awne people to wyfe. |
21:15 | Neyther shall he defyle hys seed amonge hys people: for I am the Lord which sanctifye him. |
21:16 | And the Lorde spake vnto Moses, sayinge: |
21:17 | speke vnto Aaron, and saye: Whosoeuer of thy seed in their generacions hath any deformyte, let hym not preace for to offer bread vnto his God |
21:18 | for whosoeuer hath any blemyshe, shall not come nere: as yf he be blynde or lame, or that hath a brused nose, or that hath any mysshapen membre, |
21:19 | or is broken foted, or broken handed, |
21:20 | or haue no heere on his eye browes, or haue a webbe or other blemishe in his eye, or be mawnge, or skaulde, or hath hys stones broken. |
21:21 | No man that hath a blemyshe, and is of the seed of Aaron the preaste, shall come nye to offer the sacrifyces of the Lorde. Whan he hath a deformyte, let him not preace to offer the bread of hys God. |
21:22 | Let him eate the bread of hys God: euen of the most holy and of the holy: |
21:23 | Onely let him not goo in vnto the vayle, nor come nye the alter, when he is deformed, that he polute not my sanctuary, for I am the Lorde that sanctifye them. |
21:24 | And Moses tolde it vnto Aaron and to hys sonnes, and vnto all the chyldren of Israel. |

The Great Bible 1539
The Great Bible of 1539 was the first authorized edition of the Bible in English, authorized by King Henry VIII of England to be read aloud in the church services of the Church of England. The Great Bible was prepared by Myles Coverdale, working under commission of Thomas, Lord Cromwell, Secretary to Henry VIII and Vicar General. In 1538, Cromwell directed the clergy to provide "one book of the bible of the largest volume in English, and the same set up in some convenient place within the said church that ye have care of, whereas your parishioners may most commodiously resort to the same and read it."